His thoughts gradually became chaotic. Si yejue just pressed the woman's slender waist, as if to crush it

early morning.

Cool wind, blowing through the window, extremely cool.

Shen Jiang just felt that his whole body had been severely crushed by heavy machinery, and he had no strength.

The side head then sees, the man handsome facial features.

It turns out that people are superficial, and so are women. At first, Shen Jiang was confused by such a charming appearance.

After recognizing the reality, eager to get off the ship, but it is not easy.

The man suddenly forgot the past

Shen Jiang was unprepared at first, but now she seems calm. No one knows how turbulent her heart is.

"Go on sleeping for a while. It was hard for you last night." In a daze, Si yejue has Shen Jiang's neck.

"You should get up. You didn't go to work last night. Now, you should go to the company." Shen Jiang pushed.

"It doesn't matter. I rarely let myself indulge. Besides, I can't finish my work. I also want to be lazy occasionally." At the moment, Si yejue is more like a big boy.

"No, you get up quickly. If you go to the company late, you will be talked about." Shen Jiang continued to remind.

"I said, it doesn't matter, Shen Jiang. Do you just want to drive me away? Or do you feel that you can't face me now? I've figured out what happened last night. I just don't want to say it easily. If you have an idea for me, you can say it directly, but there's no need to give me that kind of food. I was really lost at that time and worried about hurting you. "

The division night Jue is full of deep meaning of smile, eyeground, is all Ying bright ray of light.

"You put me..." Shen Jiang just wanted to play the role of innocent.

"Forget it, I know you won't admit it." Si yejue shook his head, "but I know it in my heart."

"You don't know anything..." Shen Jiang snorted coldly. She just wanted to have a child, so she calculated the best time. In so many cases, it's strange not to be pregnant!

But Shen Jiang didn't expect to be so tired!

Shen Jiang can't help rubbing his old waist and looking at Si yejue's eyes, he also becomes not so friendly.

"As a man, you want to work and earn money, or you mean to be lazy."

"Well, because I'm infatuated with women's gentleness, I don't want to go to the company at all. Those people on the board of directors want to talk about it. Anyway, they can't find my handle. Over the years, it's obvious to all that how I run the company. It makes sense to explain my discomfort later. Besides, I'm really tired, Shen Jiang, Don't you think you should make me some tonic at night? " The man sneered.

"I don't want to cook today. Make it yourself." Shen Jiang is also tired. At last, he is too tired to compete with him.

Si yejue was not willing to continue bickering. After a rest, he cooked a delicate breakfast and took it to the bedside to watch Shen Jiang eat it.

It's strange that an shengxia has not only not continued to gain weight, but also lost some weight.

"I'm not enough to nourish you. Why did you lose so much weight all of a sudden?" The unexpected frown of the cold night.

"You see, you give me food, I'm not down, what's the matter..." an shengxia gritted her finger uneasily, "why don't I go to the hospital for an examination?"

"I'll get a doctor to come home." The cold night wants to make an shengxia cruel. It's impossible to take a step.

"If it goes on like this, I'm sure it will be useless. I'll go to the hospital myself." Ansheng Xia has to go to the hospital by herself, but she still can't resist the strength of cold night. Cold night decides to drive and take her to the hospital in person.

"An Sheng Xia." Thin night cold hands pocket, "I was the first time to see, pregnant women can be thin, you are not secretly lose weight?"

Hearing these two words of weight loss, the cold night suddenly sank her eyes, "an shengxia, don't you think you should explain it to me?"

"Really not!" An shengxia tried to explain, "I eat everything, but I don't know why I get thinner..."

"You don't have to worry about eating too much. It's all for the sake of your children. If you get fat now, your children will be healthy later. When you give birth, you won't suffer too much." Thin night cold still advise a way.

An shengxia is crazy. She really doesn't lose weight secretly, but she doesn't believe in thin night and cold night.

"No matter whether you get fat or not, I don't dislike it, so be good, you don't need to lose weight." Cold night pinches an shengxia's face, "here, it's better to be a little fatter."

"Deceiving." An shengxia blurts out subconsciously that there are few chubby beauties.

"I'm serious." Cold night pressed eyebrows, "anshengxia, you have to be obedient."

"I've been educated as your employee again." An shengxia sighs constantly. Maybe it's the habit of being a leader in a cold night. At this moment, it's like giving orders.

"Why don't you say that I regard you as a disobedient child?" Cold night funny asked.

"Where am I not obedient?" Ansheng summer is really hard to say!

Losing weight at the time of pregnancy is not what an shengxia wants!

"An shengxia, do you have any dissatisfaction with me, or do you feel aggrieved that you have children before you get married? Do you want a wedding?" Cold night pressed an shengxia's shoulder, "then wait for you, smoothly gave birth to a child, there will be a wedding."

It's like a wedding is for children.

An shengxia didn't feel it before, but at the moment, she is deeply aware that she doesn't seem to understand the real intention of this man's heart.

"You're having a wedding because of your children?" An shengxia is cold.

"Of course not." Cold night turns to a way, "is to give you a wedding, so there is a wedding, not because of the children, an shengxia, you don't think much."

How can an shengxia not think much?

"You pregnant women just think about it." Cold night is also helpless.

"Maybe." An shengxia grabs her hair and hears that pregnancy will lead to baldness. She really hopes that her hairline can be perfectly preserved.

This is the sorrow of older mothers!

"Miss ANN, it's your turn now." The nurse came with a smile.

Anshengxia nodded and followed the nurse to the examination room.


The results of the inspection down, but let an shengxia surprised!

"How is that possible?" An shengxia held the report in disbelief, "doctor, have you made a mistake?"

"I've been a doctor for so many years, it's impossible to make a mistake. No matter which hospital you go to now, I dare say what you get is this result..."

The doctor's tone was calm.

AXA felt very uneasy when she was in Chardon

When an shengxia came to the door heavily, he was in a trance.

"Anshengxia, what's the matter with you“

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