An Sheng Xia is looking forward to the moment when she puts on her wedding dress

"Anshengxia, are you going to get married?" Miao Miao asked uncertainly.

"Well, it will." Anshengxia nods deeply.

She also wanted to get married.

Whether it's age or the people you meet, it's an shengxia's final arrangement.

If you miss this time, an shengxia doesn't know

I'm still looking forward to the wedding.

Ten days later.

"I thought I was old and didn't look forward to it. Unexpectedly, I was very happy." When an shengxia walked into the wedding dress shop, she began to be excited.

"Of course, this is the most beautiful moment in a woman's life, so we can't be careless." Suddenly he thought of something in the past, but Miaomiao was unwilling to stamp his feet. "When I got married for the first time before, don't be too miserable. The bridegroom didn't show up, because I was married to love..."

"Later, Bo Shao was very good to you. I think it doesn't matter how the process is. As long as it's the right person and the person you want, it's OK." An shengxia patted Miaomiao on the shoulder. "I don't know how many people envy you. You have got all the sincerity of Bo Yehan. Do you know how rare it is? So, don't feel dissatisfied all the time. It's the lack of human heart that makes the snake swallow the elephant. "

"I've suffered a lot, so in midsummer, I'm really not much luckier than you. I've been running away for so many years, waiting for so many years..." Miaomiao thinks about it now, and she's afraid, but fortunately, she's got Bo Yehan's heart, and it's not a loss.

"But your home is the best." An Sheng Xia said with a smile, envious, "better than all of us, so Miao Miao, your life is very good."

"Midsummer, when you say that, you don't pay less attention to coldness?" Miao Miao asked curiously, "by the way, when will lengshao come?"

"I didn't tell him to try my wedding dress today, because I wanted to show him my first time at the wedding." An shengxia picks her eyebrows with pride.

"You're like a little girl. You have to let him see you in your wedding dress for the first time." Miaomiao hinted, "midsummer, you may like him more than you think."

"Maybe. It's just as well." An shengxia shrugged, "anyway, he is not bad for me, feelings are mutual, it is because he is good for me, so I will also pay attention."

"I heard you went to try on your wedding dress today." At night, the cold night finally put down the work in hand and questioned tentatively.

"Well..." an shengxia nodded vaguely, "how can you work so late, the study is not your bedroom."

"Why don't you call me?" Cold night questions.

"I see you are busy at work, and I hope you will see me in my wedding dress for the first time." An shengxia blurts out.

"That is to say, I can only see it at the wedding?" The man is curious, "can't even see the picture?"

"Well, of course, otherwise there will be no mystery, so cold night, you said that if you want to marry me, you must marry me. I even ordered my wedding dress. Was I pregnant before? I made a mistake, but this wedding, really don't make a mistake..." otherwise, she would hate him.

"Are you really scheming, or are you worried that I won't marry you?" The cold night taps an shengxia's sleeping face.

"I won't worry. I know you will marry me. I still have this self-confidence. Since you can give up the daughter like Lin Ruiya, I think there must be something good in me, which is the reason why you are willing to choose me." An shengxia is very proud.

"You are confident." Cold night is just a smile.

"Not self-confidence, because I believe every word you say to me, cold night, you will marry me, right?" An shengxia gradually opens her confused eyes, seems to wake up from sleep, staring at the man's deep eyes.

"Anshengxia, I will marry you." Calm eyes, no waves, but cold night said this, it seems that a less excited.

But anshengxia didn't think much about it.

"As long as you are willing to marry me and be nice to me, I will give you a daughter." An shengxia said and fell asleep.

Men are staring at an shengxia's quiet sleeping face, thinking.


"I heard that you're not really pregnant, an shengxia. You've really taken great pains to get a cold night. No wonder my sister is not your opponent." Lin Anyi tried to hold back and didn't pour coffee on an shengxia.

"I'm more surprised than anyone, and I didn't mean to, but I don't think I need to explain it to you." The only thing an shengxia needs to explain is the cold night.

"Such a big thing can be wrong, an shengxia, you even mean to say that you didn't mean it..." Lin Anyi shook her head. "I really don't believe it. I'm also a woman, so I know that you're just worried that lengye won't marry you. Do you want to get married so much?"

"Although I can understand your mood, I despise your behavior..." after a few seconds, Lin Anyi didn't give an shengxia a chance to speak, so she continued, "an shengxia, how long do you think such a marriage can last?"

"It's not something you should worry about." Since Lin Anyi doesn't believe it, an shengxia is too lazy to explain it.

"So now you are admitting that you are deliberately deceiving the cold night?" Lin Anyi is pressing forward step by step.

"Even if it is, so what, do you have half a cent to do with it?" An shengxia is also annoyed by being asked, so he can't stop.

"What you want is that I really admit it. Lin Anyi, it's boring for you to ask me like this." An shengxia shakes his head laughably.

"I just feel unworthy for my sister. She loves cold night so much, but what she gets. Sure enough, the world still needs a little routine. Otherwise, I don't know how to die." Lin Anyi looks at an shengxia again as if he is looking at a terrible monster.

"That's not what I said. I didn't use any routine. I believe that any two people need fate to get together." "Maybe I'm luckier," he explained

"Anshengxia, I hope you can hold the wedding successfully. This time, don't let anything go wrong, because I've inquired about it before. It seems that you always can't get along with the wedding... Do you think this time, can it go smoothly?" Lin Anyi's funny question.

"You investigate me..." an shengxia is not surprised. She just thinks that Lin Anyi's tone and eyes are very similar to someone she used to know.

But how could it be?

That man has been gone for a long time

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