Pinch the recorder, cold night's eyes, filled with a cold.

After that, the cold night continued to hold several meetings, and it was not until early in the morning that I had time to go home.

An shengxia also understood that he was busy with his work, so he didn't ask much.

It was the first time I realized that I had drunk in the cold night, and then I went home.

"How did you drink?" An shengxia asked unexpectedly.

"If you don't like it, I can pay attention to it next time." Cold night pressed eyebrow, very tired appearance.

"I just think that drinking is bad for your health. Next time, you can let others block the wine for you, or directly say that your stomach is bad. As long as you say it yourself, no one will embarrass you, or is it too happy to make a lot of money?" An shengxia asked unexpectedly.

"To me, making money is just a number." Cold night chuckles and hugs an shengxia again. "An shengxia, as long as you are willing to live with me, I am still very good to you. Your future life will become carefree. Isn't that good?"

"Good, good." An shengxia is just a cold night. This is nonsense.

"You're really drunk. Take a bath. I'll make you a wake-up soup now." Anshengxia pushes the cold night into the bathroom.

Cold night is also clever, know their own bath, and then wash clean, go to bed to lie down.

When Ansheng xiaduan wakes up, he falls asleep in the cold night.

"Such a big man, still like a child..." an shengxia always thinks that cold night is really different from Quan Yao.

Wake up the next day, cold night only feel headache to crack, as if to burst.

"Did I drink too much last night?" Cold night continues to ask, "what did I say?"

"It's OK. After you take a bath, you fall asleep." Anshengxia shakes her head calmly.

"Just, nothing?" I tried several times in the cold night.

"I don't remember, because later, you fell asleep." An Sheng Xia asked unexpectedly, "what do you want to say to me?"

"It's not..." cold night shook his head, "just rarely such a gaffe, don't remember, what happened."

"Your wine is OK, and you're not drunk." An shengxia is very satisfied with this.

"Oh, that's good." Cold night or as usual, get up to go to work.

"Anshengxia, if I said anything last night, don't worry about it."

Cold night seems to mind very much, after he was drunk, what he said.

"You really didn't say anything..." an Sheng Xia picked eyebrows, "really."

"Is it?" Cold night did not continue to ask, but carrying a briefcase, then turned and went out.

"Do you really drink because of your work, or because of something unhappy? I don't think you are the kind of person who will drink because of your unhappy work. You are a very progressive person." An shengxia spoke suddenly.

"Anshengxia, do you really know me so well?" An shengxia can't answer the cold night.

She doesn't understand this man at all.

"In fact, it's normal for men to drink. No matter how powerful a man is, he will have trouble, so you don't need to worry." Miaomiao reminded, "however, I hope that he can completely open his heart to you and share the unhappy things with you."

"He's not like that." An shengxia shakes his head. "He likes to hide things."

"That's his personal privacy, maybe because of his work or his interpersonal relationship." Miaomiao analyzed it carefully.

"I really saw him drunk for the first time, he said. I don't remember what he said to me last night!" Anshengxia is really depressed.

"You don't need to worry. If you really want to know, it's better to ask directly. Don't try!" Miaomiao said calmly, "because this is what happened between Bo Yehan and me. We don't need to test or suspect at all. We just go to ask him directly. I believe what he says. Over the past two years, we have been in harmony."

"Well, I'll ask."

So anshengxia found a free time to find the cold night.

"Miss an, you're here again. It's a coincidence that the president went out for a meeting just now." The secretary was also surprised. "Miss an, when you come next time, you can say hello in advance, so you won't miss it."

"I forgot." Because she was in a hurry, an shengxia forgot to call lengye in advance. Only then did she realize that she was the busiest when she was not busy.

"Is there something bothering him recently?" An shengxia's question.

"The president is very busy every day. In addition to work, he is just a workaholic. Besides, he has nothing to worry about. After all, sitting in this position is a person." Secretary Jane replied, "moreover, the president's private life is absolutely clean. Apart from miss an, there are no women who have ever been to the company or the office. In private, I don't know how many women are envious of you."

"I'm just lucky." An shengxia sits on the chair of the big class on a cold night and turns it twice. Suddenly, he finds that the drawer at hand seems to be locked.

"Oh, this drawer is usually the place where the president puts his personal belongings. The password is his fingerprint." The Secretary reminded me immediately.

"Thank you." An shengxia doesn't look for his personal belongings easily. He just glances at them and takes his eyes back.

"It seems that he won't come for the time being." AXA Xiasuo went to the French window and looked out of the window calmly.

"Miss an, your figure is really good..." the Secretary praised vigorously.

"Well, it's not as good as a young girl." An shengxia still has self-knowledge.

"In fact, this plump type, I think more beautiful, otherwise, the president will not like ah!" The Secretary's mouth is really sweet.

An shengxia couldn't bear it, so she left first.

Almost at the same time, the cold night arrived at the office.

But anshengxia has left.

"Miss an came just now. She seems to be interested in your drawer, but it's locked. She left without looking at it."

Secretary reminds below, cold night suddenly presses brow heart, "why not call me?"

"It's miss an who says she doesn't want to disturb your work." The Secretary reported it in time.

"Do you forget who your boss is?" Cold night words, scared that Secretary no longer dare to make a sound.

"Well, it's none of your business..." cold night calmly waved his hand, but also worried that an shengxia would find out his secret.

But maybe, it's not bad to go on with secrets.

After all, life is so long, choose a person, really lonely

Lengye reaches out and rubs the drawer, finally takes out the recording pen, breaks it, and throws it into the garbage can, just as if nothing happened, nothing heard

Just think that an shengxia didn't mean to cheat him with his pregnancy

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