"Who do you listen to about this? It's probably Li Ruoxi. She's very well-informed. She already knows who it is before I've been assigned to the cast... But it's normal. If I'm replaced, I'll inevitably feel unbalanced."

Cold night has been avoiding the new man, secretly pointed out that Li Ruoxi is making trouble.

"It seems that it's true. Cold night, don't you dare to tell me the truth now?" "I remember one time when you drank too much, did you go out to socialize, and then helped the new man arrange such a good opportunity? Cold night, you really went to great pains. Only you know whether you really want to make money or refuse to give me face."

"Anshengxia, your face is really valuable." Cold night stretched out her hand and rubbed an shengxia's cheek, "isn't it?"

"I really don't know..." confused shook his head, an shengxia whole person fell into confusion.

After that, an shengxia turns around and leaves.

But a woman's slender wrist is pressed by a man.

"Anshengxia, you can finish your words at one time, even if it's a fight, don't put it on the next day." Cold night only like to solve problems at one time, it is estimated that men are like this, like efficiency.

"But I'm not in the mood now." Now that it's confirmed that Li Ruoxi's words are true, an shengxia just feels irritable and doesn't think it's worth seeing more cold nights.

"Anshengxia, when you came to see me this time, you didn't figure out how to discuss with me?" Cold night suddenly questioned.

"No..." an shengxia sneered, "I just came here to make sure of it. Now that I've made sure, it's nothing."

"What do you want me to do?" Cold night questions.

"I dare not." An shengxia shakes his head. "You are a businessman. You want to make money. I can't change any of your decisions."

"Do you want the part, too?" Cold night is the point.

"Since it's a character I don't want, I won't come back." An Sheng Xia laughingly said, "do you think I'll be back now?"

"Don't you want to, or now, you won't be so angry." Cold night simply pull away the arm.

"You're wrong. If I really want to, I'll just say it." But an shengxia also knows that it doesn't make sense to temporarily let lengye give up this opportunity and give it to Li Ruoxi. After all, Li Ruoxi is a man of Xiuhe. An shengxia said that he would not interfere in lengye's work, which is a fact.

Just can't accept, cold night for a new person, deliberately step on Li Ruoxi, also for this money.

"You have a lot of money. Of course, you can do whatever you want, and I can't say anything." An shengxia sighed, "it's your decision at work. I respect it."

After that, an shengxia opens the door and turns to go out.

After returning to the company, an shengxia was depressed.

"It seems that it's true. At first, I thought it was a mistake. It was the director who told me." Li Ruoxi pressed her eyebrows and said, "but don't be angry. This is the job."

"You see it now." An Sheng Xia said unexpectedly, "in the morning, aren't you very angry?"

"It's no use getting angry. It's just making yourself unhappy." Li Ruoxi has been open, "I am alone, there is no way to change anything, the boss can not fight."

"I had a fight with him, but I'm sorry. It's his decision at work. I won't interfere." An shengxia explained, "Ruoxi, you still have a chance in the future."

"Well, although I have lost face, I still want to be proud. It's estimated that a reporter will burst out..." Li Ruoxi sighed, "I'm not a small person. I'm not happy with reporters' scribbling."

"Try to get a better role." An shengxia can only be so encouraged.

"Anshengxia, don't say that. I never believe in the chicken soup." Li Ruoxi dragged his chin, "I should be more beautiful than that new man."

"Well, you are the most beautiful in the world." An shengxia nodded.

Originally, an shengxia made an appointment with Li Ruoxi to drink.

But thinking of having children at home, an shengxia still gives up.

"Also, you are not like me after all. You are still a person for the time being. You should also consider your own children..." Li Ruoxi did not embarrass an shengxia. "An shengxia, you remember to owe me a meal."

"At any time." An shengxia gets home early.

The house was empty.

My son is still at school and didn't come back in the cold night.

An shengxia simply turns on the TV, eating snacks while watching the most lively variety show, but can laugh happily.

I'm old. I've seen some things for a long time. I don't feel sad for a little thing.

Even if it's sad, it's just a temporary thing.

But after that, it will be heartless.

An shengxia also admires himself for his strong endurance.

"Mommy, why do you eat this junk food..." Xiaobai and Dabai finish school together.

"Eat out today." Anshengxia doesn't want to cook at all.

"Mommy, don't you always say that there's a lot of oil and water in the restaurant outside?" Xiao Bai, hum.

"We can make an exception today, and we don't eat out often." An shengxia takes the key of the car and takes her two sons out for dinner.

"But what about uncle?" Xiaobai asked curiously.

"A man of his age will not starve himself." When an shengxia drives, he looks calm.

"Did you fight?" Xiaobai asked tactfully.

Anshengxia is also convinced, really worthy of her son, "how do you see it?"

"Mommy, you're obviously escaping. You won't even eat with your uncle." Xiaobai was lying on the window, "you're a cold war."

"You think too much." An Sheng Xia shakes his head, "I just want to go out to eat."

But after that, an shengxia was obviously not used to the food outside.

Maybe it's a cold night meal.

"It's not as good as uncle." Xiaobai and Dabai think the same way.

"I think it's delicious." Anshengxia is a dead duck.

But he was in a trance. He was used to that man

Habit is a terrible word.

When I came home on a cold night, I found the cold living room empty.

It is said that an shengxia left work early

Even two children are not here.

Cold night is not a fool, immediately know that they are out.

Even know, an shengxia is intentional, deliberately do not want to see him.

It's the same at night

Cold night sitting on the sofa, constantly rubbing eyebrows.

Then he raised his thin lip, grasped the car key, stood up straight, and went straight out

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