What is not born?

An shengxia is also speechless!

She is so healthy!

How could it not be born?

"My body is really healthy..."

Having a baby is a woman's most glorious mission. An shengxia feels despised and uncomfortable!

"Well, of course I know. I went to the hospital together before, but it's not good for your health to give you too much pressure..." lengye explained.

He just meant, let it be.

Shen Jiang is pregnant!

An shengxia is estimated to be only the envy of the poor!

"Your speed blinds me. It's clear that I'm the first one who wants to get pregnant..." an shengxia looks down at Shen Jiang's belly, which is still flat.

"I didn't expect that, but my stomach was uncomfortable. When I went to the hospital, the doctor told me that I was pregnant..." Shen Jiang rubbed his eyebrows. "Who knew pregnancy would be so simple."

"Before that, you and Si Shao..."

"It's a measure, so I haven't been pregnant for two years..." Shen Jiang sighed, "it's OK. In the future, I won't be alone."

"Isn't he nice to you?" An Sheng Xia picks eyebrows, "so you really don't need to be so pessimistic."

"It's said that women can't make a man good to you, because it's easy for a man to change his mind. Now he's still so good to me, but it's because I'm open-minded, and he thinks I'm not safe enough, so he always cares." Shen Jiang snorted coldly, "if I fall in love with him again, it's the end of our relationship."

"I haven't seen you for a few days, but you've become an emotional counselor." An shengxia just thought it was funny, "in fact, you've had a good time in the past two years. It's almost as good. Don't let that man run one day."

"I'm really not afraid of losing. After all, I always feel that I can have it all the time..." Shen Jiang suddenly said, "by the way, you must know that lengshao can't believe everything. After all, when a man throws money for a woman, it's estimated that he won't be too pure."

"I know it, and I know it." Anshengxia nods deeply.

"At first, the most rigid time when I quarreled with Si yejue was that there was a girl student beside him. Even if he didn't do anything, it made me feel embarrassed. He seemed to be telling everyone that there was no common topic between me and him. Even I couldn't talk as well as a girl student. It couldn't relieve my boredom." Some of the past, Shen Jiang will always remember, so as not to let himself completely lost.

"In my mind now, it's all the injuries he did to me. I have to remember all the time to keep my head clear." Shen Jiang is the most cruel to himself.

"No wonder these years, you can be so calm, you simply refused this man into your heart, but after having children, you still like this?" An shengxia frowned and said, "Shen Jiang, I think you still have to give yourself a chance, even if you will fail, but if you look back, you at least tried."

"I tried too many times and took the initiative, so now I have no more passion." Shen Jiang explained with a smile, "maybe I'm really old now."

"You are still young..." an shengxia said with a smile, "we are still young, and we can find true love. Really, you believe me."

"An shengxia, if I were facing a person with memory, I would not be so desperate..."

Shen Jiang's every word, extremely determined, but also full of loss.

An shengxia realized that what Shen Jiang was afraid of was not who he would fall in love with, but that he would fall in love with someone who forgot the past.

In this way, nothing is certain.

"I know that you are pregnant. Why don't you tell me such important news first?" Although the heart is not happy, but the division night Baron is still perfect to cover up“ Don't you already know? " Shen Jiang asked jokingly.

"But it's different. As the father of the child, I should know the news at the first moment, not be told." Si yejue is very concerned about this.

Shen Jiang only felt that when a man did it, there was nothing wrong with a woman, so he stopped making a sound.

Si yejue also saw that Shen Jiang was still pregnant. Instead of talking nonsense, he sat by Shen Jiang's side and asked, "do you feel sick now? I heard that after pregnancy, women will be very uncomfortable

"It's just the beginning, so there's nothing uncomfortable about it." Shen Jiang is frank.

"What would you like to eat..." at this moment, Si yejue would like to put the best things in the world on Shen Jiang's hand.

"There's nothing special I want to eat. Oh, by the way, I want to eat chestnuts across from the hospital now."

Shen Jiang also just casually mention, the division night Jue then change clothes to go out.

"Where are you going?" Shen Jiang frowned, "it's so late."

"Food for you." The words of Si yejue made Shen Jiang laugh, "it's so late. Even if you really rush there, people will close the stall."

"I'll find a way."

Specifically, I don't know what method Si yejue thought, but he really bought a pile of hot chestnuts.

"Don't you rush into someone's house and let them do it yourself?" Shen Jiang asked uneasily while eating.

"..." is really said, Si yejue dry cough several times.

"I didn't know before that you are such a bandit. Don't do that next time, it will affect others' rest..." Shen Jiang didn't know what expression to give, but felt very sweet when eating chestnuts.

Si yejue bowed his head, peeled the chestnuts and did not speak.

"Are you listening to me?" Shen Jiang asked inexplicably.

"I heard all of them, but I don't want to starve our children..." Si yejue snorted coldly, "I can change what children want to eat."

"Oh, you are for the children..." Shen Jiang nodded, not disappointed, but fully realized.

"For you, too." Si yejue is afraid that Shen Jiang will misunderstand.

"You don't need a special explanation..." Shen Jiang Du's mouth, living together for so long, what kind of person Si yejue is, Shen Jiang's heart is very clear.

"I'm afraid you won't be happy. Although I care about the child, I also care about you..." it's not easy for Si yejue to say these sour words.

Shen Jiang gradually widens his eyes. If time stays at this moment, it seems good!

However, time will still go silently, and then change all this

"Si yejue, do you think we will last long?"


"If one day, you will find your memory..."

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