Lengye also knows that an shengxia is extremely concerned about Qiqi's illness.

You can't stay at night, can you?

"Anshengxia, I'll send you to the hospital tomorrow morning, eh?" Lengyeyi holds an shengxia's shoulder and questions tentatively.

An shengxia nodded, but turned his head and looked at Han Enya, "I'll wait for Xiuhe to come and accompany you, then I'll go home with him."

"In fact, it doesn't matter. I can handle it by myself for the time being. Go back first." Han Enya nodded cleverly.

An shengxia is not at ease. Han Enya is a pregnant woman, but she has to take care of Qiqi

After a while, Xiuhe finally arrived.

Just Xiuhe's first moment, but his eyes are projected on the cold night.

The dim light in the ward sets off the deep facial features of the cold night to an unreal level.

Rao Shi Xiuhe knew that he was not Quan Yao, but a cold night, but still had a moment of trance.

Xiuhe came near the cold night.

Almost at the same time, cold night also raised his indifferent eyes, staring straight at Xiuhe, even without a trace of expression on his face.

"He's here to pick me up." Sensing the strange atmosphere between the two men, an shengxia can't help reminding Xiuhe.

"It's hard for you today, an shengxia." Xiuhe took his eyes back from the cold night, but looked at an shengxia, "you go back to rest first, I think you are tired today."

"In fact, it's OK. The main reason is that Qiqi refuses to wake up all the time. I'm tired." An Sheng Xia sighs.

"Next, I'll keep watch of Qiqi. If Qiqi wakes up, I'll inform you immediately. So, you can go home with lengshao at ease. After all, people come to pick you up in person." Xiuhe patted an shengxia on the shoulder, which was a comfort.

An shengxia is willing to go back with the cold night.

"I'm very close to the child Qiqi. I grew up with Qiqi." On the way back, an shengxia explained carefully.

"Yes, I have."

"When the child saw his own mother, he fell into a coma. What do you think is the reason?" An shengxia asked curiously.

"Anshengxia, I'm not a doctor, and I don't know everything..." lengye shakes her head and says, "I don't know exactly why."

"I thought you knew everything." An shengxia looks distressed.

"I'm not an immortal..." cold night sneered.

"Maybe in my mind, you know everything." An Sheng Xia stretched out her hand to touch her chin. She didn't even know the cold night. The reason for her coma is that it's really hard to do.

Later, Bo Yehan also joined the disease discussion group.

After discussion with other doctors, Bo Yehan didn't know the real cause of the coma.

"It's not like poisoning or illness. On the contrary, it's like a deep coma. If you can wake up by yourself, it's probably nothing..." Han Enya can't accept Bo Yehan's statement.

"Doctor Bo, do you mean we can only wait for the children to wake up quietly?" Han Enya hysterical way, "my home seven seven seven is sick, several days did not wake up, you said, the child is not sick now?"

"From the examination results, it's true. Now many diseases can't be detected, but the child has signs of life, and all the examination results are normal." Bo Yehan's patient explanation.

"Is this child playing a prank?" Miao Miao asked subconsciously.

"No way." An shengxia shook her head before Han Enya and said, "Qiqi is very obedient. It's impossible to do this kind of thing and make the elders sad."

"Miss Han, do you always have a good relationship with Qiqi?" Miaomiao continues to ask.

"I always take care of Qiqi as my own daughter. I get along well all these years..." Han Enya is even too lazy to explain.

"Their relationship is really good..." an shengxia nodded.

"Then I really don't know why. This child is not likely to be unconscious because he wants to get the attention of his elders. He should be stimulated by some kind of outside world..." not only Miaomiao knows, but everyone knows that the stimulation comes from Lin Anyi.

"This Lin Anyi is hiding himself and refuses to appear." Miaomiao did not expect that there were such irresponsible mothers in the world.

"It's because there's really no emotion. Lin Anyi just gave birth to Qiqi, but she doesn't care. Qiqi always follows Xiuhe." An shengxia explained.

"Since she put it forward by herself, she should take the initiative to see the child. She should not treat the child so coldly. She will come out and pay it back sooner or later. When she gets old, she will know how to regret it." Miaomiao pressed his eyebrows and said, "if it were me, I would not be able to ignore my children."

Finally, three days later, 77 woke up completely.

But with no trouble, just lying quietly in the hospital bed, looks, really not like a patient.

"Seven seven, you wake up at last!" Han Enya is so excited that she hugs Qiqi in her arms!

Qiqi has been unwilling to speak!

"77, are you hungry now? I prepared some noodles for you. It's still hot. Can you eat it while it's hot?" Han Enya coaxed patiently.

Qiqi nodded and ate all the noodles.

But not long after, seven seven seven sleepy, subconsciously lying in bed, asleep!

"Don't you think it's strange?" Staring at every move of 77, an shengxia suddenly questions.

"Where?" Han Enya asked.

"Since waking up, Qiqi has been unwilling to speak..." an shengxia frowned.

At first, I just doubted something.

But later he decided that Qiqi would not speak.

"Seven seven, why don't you talk?" When Qiqi wakes up again, an shengxia asks tentatively.

Qiqi shakes his head and looks scared. Then he hides in Han Enya's arms.

"Seven seven are not afraid, not afraid..." Han Enya patted seven seven on the back, "it doesn't matter, if you don't like to talk, then don't talk, wait for you happy, want to talk, talk again."

Han Enya dotes on Qiqi very much. It is estimated that it gives Qiqi enough sense of security, and then Qiqi calms down.

Seeing this scene, an shengxia only felt that her eyes were stabbed fiercely

In order to make 77 recover as soon as possible, an shengxia even brings Xiaobai and Dabai to the ward.

"Seven seven younger sister, seven seven younger sister..." Xiaobai is very warm, constantly holding seven's little hand.

It's funny to see seven seven.

This is the first time that Qiqi woke up laughing

But suddenly, someone came in, and Qiqi turned pale with fright

Aware of the abnormality of Qiqi, an shengxia follows Qiqi's sight

It's Lin Anyi!

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