An shengxia doesn't know why. The closer the marriage is, the more uncertain she will be

I'm not sure if lengye will marry herself.

Marriage has long been a hot topic.

If anything goes wrong, an shengxia's face is really ugly.

"Midsummer, don't worry. Dreams and reality come in opposite directions. If dreams are bad, reality is perfect." Miaomiao tried to persuade him.

"But in fact, it's not entirely a dream, but some bad things that happened before. I went through it again in my mind..." an Sheng Xia's eyes straightened.

"Midsummer, there's something wrong with your face. What do you think of?" Miao Miao's uneasy question.

"Even two years ago, when he went to the airport, I followed him, but I still couldn't persuade him to stay. All the time, in the end, he had an accident..." Anson didn't dare tell lengye about these words last night.

"I think you are too nervous, plus, close to the wedding, will miss less power, will think so." Miaomiao patiently explained, "but those things have passed, and they have already passed. In the future, you will have a new life. Besides, don't you feel happy with lengshao?"

"That's what I said..." an shengxia finally showed her face. "I dreamt last night that maybe I was saying goodbye to the past."

"I think so, because I heard that when a person dreams about the past, he is actually ready to forget the past." Miaomiao said excitedly, "an shengxia, congratulations on finally getting out of the shadow of the past. In the future, your future will be less cold and less cold."

Miaomiao constantly emphasizes the cold night.

An shengxia nodded, "yes, this man is my future home. It must have been him, the one who helped me select carefully, and then sent it to me. "

Seeing anshengxia regain self-confidence, Miaomiao is finally at ease.


"I don't think these shares alone can completely restrain Xiuhe. As you know, he has developed well in China these years..."

Facing the man's analysis, lengye sneered, "it can only be said that Quan's development in recent years is still too slow, not fast enough, otherwise, Xiuhe will not lose to me."

"Leng Shao, I just want to remind you that you need to keep an eye on everything. Now everyone knows that you are aiming at Quan's family, so you have made many enemies. Fortunately, Xiuhe is usually ruthless, so there are more people who want to fight against him. These people are watching the fire from afar for the time being, and it is estimated that they will easily cooperate with you." Bo Yehan continued, "cold night, I don't know what you are going to do. I have to remind you whether you are aiming at Quan Shi or Xiuhe. In fact, at the moment, you and Xiuhe have just reached a balance. If you keep such a balance all the time, you can eat Quan Shi naturally without your initiative."

Frankly speaking, Bo Yehan appreciates the management mode of cold night more.

But after all, it was not long before cold night returned to China. It was not easy to deal with Xiuhe.

"I don't have so much time to play with Xiuhe. Besides, I can save a lot of time." Cold night is to take a breath and eat Quan.

"I didn't expect you to have such a big appetite. I had a friend who was very similar to you." Thin night cold but shake head again, "no, you are more bold than him."

"You mean Quan Yao?" Cold night quality asks a way.

"Well, that's him." Bo Yehan nodded and said irritably, "if he hadn't left directly in those years, maybe there would have been no plane accident. You should have heard that it was because of a plane accident..."

"Do you all think it was just an accident?" Cold night cruel way, "international flights, it seems that there are few accidents, I also heard that it is man-made."

"At first, I also felt that Xiuhe must have done something, but later I found that it wasn't him. Even if he wanted to get the company, he wouldn't do anything to himself."

When everyone suspected Xiuhe, there was no evidence. In addition, after Xiuhe, he had the same abnormal reaction. Even Xiuhe went abroad to confirm Quan Yao's body

Bo Yehan couldn't help shaking his head and said sarcastically, "because people are such complex things. They want to surpass the impossible, and they want to see each other, and they always appreciate their own victory. At that time, Xiuhe just took the company from the power less hand. According to his personality, he couldn't wait for the power less to survive, and he was eager to see his success. What's more, people like competition, Xiuhe, a competitive personality, will not hope that there will be an equal competitor in the world. "

"This is just a statement. Did you investigate later?" Cold night questions.

"Well, I went to investigate with an shengxia and a group of friends, but the result, of course, had nothing to do with Xiuhe, but an shengxia was very suspicious of Xiuhe. In recent years, the relationship between an shengxia and Xiuhe was very poor. Frankly speaking, an shengxia didn't give Xiuhe face, but Xiuhe was very tolerant of an shengxia, maybe because of guilt, after all, Xiuhe also made use of an shengxia... "

Maybe an shengxia was also used

Bo Yehan shrugged his shoulders and said, "as for whether Xiuhe and an shengxia are so easy to use, I just listen to people. Plus my own analysis, maybe an shengxia was not as bad as I thought."

"However, it's meaningless to say anything. After all, Quan Shaoren is gone..." even at this moment, Bo Yehan can recall that when the plane accident happened, he also went to claim the body. At that time, the body could only vaguely see Quan Shao's personal belongings. As for the body itself, it was beyond recognition.

After all, it's a big plane accident. It's lucky to find the incomplete body.

But with the help of those personal items and DNA identification, it is enough to confirm that it is Quan Yao.

So no one doubts Quan Yao's death

What a man who is as like as two peas in power is nobody dare to doubt.

"So to a large extent, the plane accident is man-made." Lengye even confirmed that the plane accident was planned by Xiuhe.

As for an shengxia's role in the accident, it's hard to know for the time being.

But at that time, an shengxia did go to the airport and even wanted to let him stay

If an shengxia knew something at that time, but refused to say it

The cold night immediately pinches the back of the hand

An shengxia, I once trusted you so much

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