"If you really want to congratulate me, even if you come empty handed, I won't say anything, but if you deliberately make trouble, even if you give me more benefits, I won't take the initiative to show kindness..." an shengxia looks up and down at Lin Anyi.

Today, Lin Anyi is wearing a white dress. At first glance, she thought it was the simplest wedding dress.

The most surprising thing for an shengxia is that Lin Anyi's clothes today are deliberate, if not intentional.

"I thought you didn't like white before, but today, you're dressed like a new man..." said axeng Xiafu.

"After all, today is your wedding, and I don't want everyone's eyes on you. After all, I'm just a divorced woman. If I dress up, maybe I can attract men's eyes..." Lin Anyi explains cleverly.

"Don't worry, my sister won't come today, but I don't know if other people will come." Lin Anyi sneered, "originally, she was ready to come, but was stopped by my father. He felt that a woman's eyes were swollen, even if it appeared, it was just a disgrace. An shengxia, you just won temporarily, but you must not be too happy. I don't think you can go on with lengye for a long time. After all, you don't know his secrets."

"If he has a secret, it's normal. He's an old man. Of course, he will have experience. I'll wait for him slowly. One day, I'm willing to take the initiative to tell me..." an shengxia has a lot of patience. After all, his life is really long.

"Well, anshengxia, you have indeed changed and become more mature." Lin Anyi couldn't stop nodding.

"Don't say that as if we've known each other for a long time." An shengxia shakes her head mockingly.

"Do you think we know each other?" Lin Anyi asked.

"Of course I don't know. You are from the Lin family and Xiuhe's ex-wife..." an shengxia whispered.

"I and Xiuhe, it's a past tense..." Lin Anyi doesn't seem to like it. She talks about it with Xiuhe.

"Today, there are many guests outside. Leng Shao gives you a lot of face, but do you think you can really get married today?" Lin Anyi asked.

But it attracted an shengxia's attention.

"It seems that Mr. Lin has arrived..." Ann has guessed.

"Well, after all, he is the adoptive father of cold night, and my father will be there naturally." Lin Anyi nodded, admitting.

This wedding is really inspiring, even father Lin was unexpectedly present.

The cold night's face didn't look unexpected.

"Cold night, since it's your wedding, my elder should show up, do you think?" Although father Lin came uninvited, he was full of momentum.

"Of course, I was ready for my adoptive father." Prepare for the cold night.

"If you're willing to bow down, you're my son-in-law now." Father Lin took a deep look at the cold night.

"I can only say that fate is really hard to say. If I can't be a son-in-law, I'm not lucky." Cold night constantly reduces their sense of existence.

"You can talk." After staring at the cold night for a long time, father Lin was willing to take the seat.

"By the way, you don't know my daughter is still at home. Last night, Ruiya cut her wrist. If I didn't suddenly find out what the child is like now, even so, you still want to get married, don't you?" Lin Fu's tone can't help aggravating a few points.

"Marriage, of course, can't be taken out as a joke. Since I have a wedding today, it will go on." Cold night attitude is firm, even if hear Lin Ruiya cut wrist suicide for him, also have no the slightest feeling.

"It seems that you won't care if my daughter dies." Father Lin's face was dark.

"Life, is to have their own, if they do not cherish their own body, then others advise, there is no way." On a cold night, the tone is natural.

"Do you think you can really get married today?" Father Lin spoke suddenly.

The cold night was silent.

"Mr. Lin, since you are here to attend the wedding today, we are very happy. But if you are here to make trouble, I'm afraid it's not so easy to get away." The cold night stands in front of the cold night.

"Bo Shao, I don't want to fight against you..." father Lin was surprised that lengye had a group of brothers in China. It was said that they were all friends of Quan Yao's, but they accepted to help lengye so easily, probably because of the similar face and an shengxia.

"Everyone wants to be nice, but if you do it at the wedding, I'm afraid everyone's faces don't look so good." The division night Jue hands embraces an arm, ridiculous hint way.

Shen Jiang is to pick eyebrow, estimate want to really high see division night Jue a few words.

At the moment, Si yejue doesn't stay outside, but helps lengye

This is different from the original personality of Si yejue.

"You can help..." Shen Jiang lowered his voice.

"I'm not the kind of person who doesn't think it's too big to watch the excitement..." Si yejue sighed, "Shen Jiang, I hope you can see my good in the future. Besides, what's the matter with father Lin really doesn't do me much good. There is cooperation between lengshao and me."

Shen Jiang picked his eyebrows when he stopped.

In such a short period of time, the cold night has been settled. These brothers are really resourceful!

"Cold night, it seems that you have learned almost all the ways of doing business in China..." knowing how to find a helper instead of working alone, father Lin's appreciation of cold night is increasing bit by bit.

Lin's father even more hoped that cold night could take over his class.

Only the company to cold night, the daughter also to cold night, father Lin this can rest assured closed his eyes.

But unfortunately, cold night just didn't know his good intentions.

"Cold night, I ask you now, do you want to go with me..." of course, father Lin doesn't want to go back empty handed, so he simply makes it clear.

Immediately the scene fried pot.

No one thought that father Lin's purpose was to take away the cold night.

Everyone thought that father Lin was just trying to embarrass lengye.

"Adoptive father, I thank you for your appreciation, but since this is my wedding, I will not leave easily." Cold night is very attentive to this wedding.

Lin's father doesn't get angry but laughs. He just raises his feet and approaches the cold night. Then he raises his resourceful eyes and looks at the cold night calmly.

Cold night's eyes are very pale. It seems that he has made up his mind to develop in China.

With a slight smile, father Lin lowered his voice again, "cold night, I'll use an shengxia's life, in exchange for you to go with me now..."

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