"Anshengxia, why are you calling me all the time?"

When the cold night questions the exit, the five flavors are mixed in AXA's heart.

Too many words turn into silence in the end.

An shengxia spoke several times, but he couldn't make a sound.

Finally, an shengxia just cleverly lowered his eyes and stared at his vamp, "didn't you say before that you can get a license to get married first, and then compensate me for the wedding. In fact, after consideration, I think it's not impossible to get a license first. I've found out my account book, so have you brought it?"

"Why did you suddenly change your mind? Didn't you want to get a license from me before?" Cold night is an accident, an shengxia's sudden change.

"Because women are fickle. I thought it was bad to get married yesterday. Maybe today, I think it's better to get married. It's better than one person. Moreover, we almost got married. It shows that it's quite suitable for each other. It's just because there was a little accident at the wedding. I think that's the test between us." An shengxia said firmly, "I agree to get married, but it's you... What do you think?"

"If you think it's OK, you can get married, but it's still night, I'm afraid it's going to be day." I don't know why, cold night is to feel, an shengxia seems very anxious, that straightforward eyes, even send out straight green light!

"Anshengxia, are you worried?" Cold night suddenly questioned.

"You're kidding. I'm very reserved. Besides, you promised to get married. How could I be worried? If it's so late, don't go back and live in my house. Anyway, you've lived for a long time..." an shengxia pointed to the door, "come in."

"By the way, do you want to have supper?" As soon as Ansheng Xia came in, he asked hotly.

"I've been socializing just now and I've eaten a little, so I'm not hungry now." Cold night pick eyebrow, "how, you want to eat?"? Let me do it for you? "

"No, actually I'm very virtuous. I can cook now, and you should all like it." Because an shengxia studied according to the taste of cold night.

"Are you virtuous? I didn't see it before. I was cooking all the time... "I said to myself subconsciously in the cold night.

"That's before marriage. I don't think it's OK for you to show it, but after marriage, I can cook for you." An shengxia constantly quibbles for himself.

"Come on, it's easy for women to grow old when cooking. I'll do it." Cold night feel, at the moment with an shengxia chat, even talk nonsense, feel very relaxed. This has never been. At least, this is the first time in two years that I have no pressure to fight with AXA.

"Do you think I'm getting old now?" An shengxia touches her face hard.

"No, you'll never see your age when you're 18. It's probably because you gave birth early. Plus, you're born with good skin." The cold night praised an shengxia all over the world.

"Are you satisfied with my appearance?" An shengxia is now struggling with the cold night is amnesia, or simply remember her.

"If you're not satisfied, you won't want to marry you..." Leng Ye pressed her eyebrows. "After all, you'll have to see it for a lifetime. If you're reluctant, you'll still be tired of it."

"By the way, did you go abroad to see Lin Ruiya just to meet her, or did you take care of her in person?" An shengxia asked unhappily, "my God is your fiancee. Should I have the right to question you?"

"But you won't ask these things before..." lengye just thinks that an shengxia's attitude is changing very deliberately.

"That was before, but now I just want to know that you left the wedding and went to see Lin Ruiya. I feel that it hurt my self-esteem..." an shengxia's irritable cold hum.

Cold night this just open mouth, "nothing, just met a side, see her live in the hospital, someone take care of, also no other injury, I went to the headquarters to talk about business."

"Why don't you explain these things to me?" An shengxia put his arms in his arms. "Do you think it's unnecessary or lazy?"

"Can I say I'm waiting for you to ask? But you didn't ask. I thought you knew that. " Cold night indifferent mouth, "but now you ask, I'm a little happy, explain, anshengxia you began to care about me."

"I care about it." Anshengxia hinted.

"That's not enough..." cold night chuckled, then shook his head.

An shengxia can't understand the look of cold night.

On the next day, Ansheng got up early in the morning and had to drag the cold night to get the license.

"Don't make trouble. If you go now, they haven't come to work yet." It's cold night. I didn't expect that an shengxia got up so early. It's only six o'clock.

"If I go late, I think people are queuing up. What if I can't?" An shengxia's question.

"Today is not a good day, there will not be so many people queuing up..." cold night is also drunk.

"Are you in such a hurry to get the certificate?" An shengxia examines the casual man, and then reaches out his hand to hold his eyebrows, "say, do you have any dissatisfaction with me, you can directly say it, I can change it."

"You don't need to change anything. If you do, it's not you." Cold night hugs an shengxia, "you really think clearly, want to get a license with me?"

"Of course." Anshengxia nods deeply.

After a while, a secretary came and left with an shengxia and lengye's Hukou.

But half an hour later, the hot red book was sent to an shengxia.

"Anshengxia, are you satisfied with this now?" Cold night uses the fastest way to let an shengxia get what she wants most

marriage certificate!

Hold down the eyebrow, an shengxia always feels like a dream.

But seeing her marriage certificate and her cooperation with lengye was a burst of joy.

"This picture..."

An shengxia is very confused.

When was the photo taken?

"It's the same, but I think it's very realistic. Are you satisfied?" Cold night indifferent question.

"Quite satisfied." Anshengxia nodded happily.

"By the way, let's pay together and invite everyone to dinner. Otherwise, I always feel that no one knows about marriage." An shengxia said so, cold night suddenly opened sharp eyes, "well, I have the opportunity to hold a press conference today, to introduce you to the public."

An shengxia is certainly satisfied with this.

With this press conference, she is the wife of President Leng.

"Anshengxia, from today on, you are my cold wife..."

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