Although it's just a simple license and a simple dinner, an shengxia is really satisfied.

In the car.

"I always feel that today's anshengxia is a bit strange. It seems that she has changed a person. In the past, she would not be like this. It seems that she has gone back and become an ignorant child." Miao Miao is very puzzled, and then looked to thin night cold, "do you have such a feeling?"

"Maybe you're too sensitive. After all, when you get married, women will change a lot. No one can be completely rational. An shengxia has moved her true feelings, but it's OK. As long as she is true to the cold night, she will live a very sweet life in the future." Bo Yehan laughs, "it shows that time and new love can really make people forget everything in the past. An shengxia clearly knows that cold night is her present and future, but it is also a smart choice."

"But a woman will not easily forget the past, not to mention an shengxia, a person with such a long love." Miaomiao holds her arms in her arms. She always feels that something is wrong.

"You'd better not think about it. Seeing an shengxia come out of the past, you should be happy for her." Thin night cold hint way.

"I'm really happy, but at the same time, I don't think she should be so quick..." Miaomiao drags her chin. "You don't know. A few days ago, anshengxia was not sure whether she married lengshao. Besides, anshengxia was not angry when lengshao left the wedding, but now she is so happy. Is that ok?"

"You don't need to worry too much, I don't think an shengxia is forced..." otherwise, an shengxia can't laugh!

"I can only say that when I feel in place, I feel happy together, so I get married." Thin night cold careful analysis way.

"You really don't know about women..." Miaomiao held down her painful head. "In fact, women are not so fickle, and they are not so easily moved. A lot of performance comes from accumulating over time."

"She was moved by lengshao." Thin night cold pick eyebrow, "perhaps in private, people cold less said a lot of words, an shengxia was moved, also married."

"I guess so. That's the only reason." Miaomiao tooted, "today I see that an shengxia always helps lengshao to talk. I think she is very unpromising."

"Only in this way can a woman's wedding last long, because men also need to be loved..." Bo Yehan reached out and held Miaomiao's earlobe, "in fact, I also need such love."

"We're rich old wives." Miao's face suddenly turned red.

"Even if you are familiar with it, you need your love..." Bo Yehan is deliberately coquettish.

Miaomiao also has no way to take this man, so he turns his head and kisses the man's side face gently.

"Not enough... Let's go home." If a man's words are too suggestive, Miaomiao wants to pretend that he can't understand them.

It's a thrilling night.

In a big double bed.

"Today, you know how to fight for face for me. Why are you so nice to me all of a sudden? Even if someone says something to me, you will feel unhappy. I didn't know before that you are such a short guard woman." Cold night looked down to the woman under the body, casually hook up thin lips.

"Of course, we are husband and wife now, so we should treat you better. Besides, it's not easy for two people to get together. I hope we can cherish each other." An shengxia put his hands around the neck of the cold night, "in the future, will you treat me well?"

"Of course, I'm a man, so it's right to love my wife, just like this now..." lengye deliberately let out heat in an shengxia's ear.

"You know, I don't mean this..." sure enough, men have a virtue, and an shengxia is helpless.

"But the most direct way for a man is like this. You should get used to it..." cold night starts to talk again.

An shengxia was so excited that he soon fell into it and couldn't extricate himself

"In the future, I will be very good to you..." before sleeping, an shengxia promised in the man's ear.

Cold night but suddenly sink eyes, stunned!

early morning.

The cool wind came in through the window, and the sun was all over the floor.

An shengxia stealthily gets up and sneaks into the kitchen to prepare a decent breakfast.

Can Ansheng summer just got up, almost at the same time, the man will calmly open his eyes.

Seeing an shengxia cooking, the man hugged her from behind. "It's really hard for you last night. You can still get up so early to cook. It seems that I don't work hard enough. An shengxia, in fact, you can go to sleep for a while. Just give it to me after cooking."

"I'm a wife after all." An shengxia also wants to do something for him.

"Didn't you say he was cooking before?" Cold night is the initiative to mention Quan Yao.

An shengxia always feels strange

He should have not recovered his memory, so he would compare himself with Quan Yao.

An Sheng Xia picks eyebrows, "I feel that I can't always manage to eat or do, and pay for each other..."

"That's very kind of you." Cold night this just let go, let an shengxia personally cook.

After a while, anshengxia brings a simple breakfast to the table.

Not only in the cold night waiting, even two little guys, also excited to sit at the table.

"Then, my brother and I will change our language in the future." Xiaobai looks at the cold night, how to see all feel happy, since it is the man selected by mommy, it must be right.

As long as it's like Daddy.

It's killing two birds with one stone.

"Yes, you'll call me daddy later." Not uncle. The mood of the cold night also seems to have some excitement.

"But do you want to show it?" Xiao Bai hums coldly.

"This one?" Fortunately, the red envelope was ready in the cold night.

Xiaobai and Dabai each share one.

"Are you betraying me?" An shengxia has no idea. She doesn't know if her son loves money so much. Is it her gene?

"Now, can you change your tongue?" Cold night indifferent question.

"Daddy..." Xiaobai and Dabai shout together.

The difference is that Xiaobai is more willing.

Dabai hesitated.

The problem is that Dabai can't help it. It's hard to ride a tiger.

An shengxia is already a legal Mrs. Leng, and Dabai can only accept this reality.

"Dabai, do you seem to have any dissatisfaction with me?" Cold night simply put forward.

"It's OK. After all, I've seen people's hearts for a long time. Do you really care about my mom? Time can give the answer."

Dabai said, but still nodded cleverly, "Daddy, welcome to this home."

Looking back, Dabai thought again and said carefully, "since you have entered this family, Xiaobai and I have made the same promise to your father. When you are old, Xiaobai and I will help you to provide for the aged, so you can rest assured."

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