"You think too much, he is really good to me, and I also have my own judgment, whether he is Quan Yao, only I know the best..." calm face did not show any trace, an shengxia said jokingly, "some people are born wrong, just like cold night with Xiuhe, as for the market competition, I don't think it is aimed at..."

"He originally planned to return to China for development. I think it's normal to use Quan's family to open a window, which can be regarded as a shortcut. It can only be said that his eating appearance is not very good and his appetite is too big, but you can't say that he is Quan Yao just because of this..."

Anson took two deep breaths, then continued, "I hope more than anyone that he is, but he is not."

Only an shengxia knows that the identity of lengye must not be exposed.

Once exposed, it will only make Xiuhe more crazy.

This can be regarded as a way for anshengxia to protect the cold night.

Now, we can't let outsiders know the truth.

"I just expressed my reasonable doubt, but I didn't expect that you would be so excited to explain, an shengxia. Don't you think your reaction is too big?" Chutian is still suspicious.

"You don't think I can be excited about something about him?" An Sheng Xia feels funny, "if he is Quan Yao, I will be more excited."“ You know, I'm really not reconciled. If I lose to Quan Yao, I'll be fine. But I finally lose to a man you've known for such a short time, an shengxia. I'm really worried about you. " If not too worried, Chutian would not suddenly turn around and find an shengxia.

"I hope your worry is superfluous. He's very kind to me now. I've been very happy since I got married. Moreover, you know, my son is very clever and sensible, and he gets along well with him..." what an shengxia presents is a model of incomparable happiness after marriage.

It seems that Chutian has no reason to interfere in an shengxia's life.

"I really hope that your happiness is given by me..." but in reality, it gives him the loudest slap in the face. Chutian suppresses his breathing.

"I'm lucky to meet you, but we didn't get together in the end." An shengxia is very grateful for all that Chu Tian has done for her, but she is only grateful. She never goes to Chu Tian to seek comfort in a painful moment, because she knows that to do that, she just takes a person as an outlet bucket.

Chutian deserves better.

"You will meet a better woman, and then you will know that your concern for me now is just a vent for you..." an shengxia smiles. "I hope you can meet the right person as soon as possible."

"I have nothing to say..." Chutian is determined that an shengxia, but indeed, an shengxia is not the right person.

Chu Tian finds an shengxia

Cold night soon heard.

"I am an shengxia..." when the mobile phone rings, an shengxia answers immediately, but unexpectedly it is a cold night.

"I'm sorry, I didn't help you when I moved. Did I work hard alone?" In the receiver, came the voice of cold night concern.

"You all find a secretary to help me, so it's not hard at all. I just watch others move with my eyes..." an shengxia is very happy. "When you work, can you still think of me?"

"Isn't that bullshit?" Cold night pick eyebrows, "you are my cold wife, I will think of you in everything."

It's clearly a new marriage, but it's as sweet as love.

An Sheng Xia Du mouth, "you go home to eat at night, I want to cook."

"Anshengxia, I don't ask you to be a housewife. You can have your own career." Cold night implies that even if an shengxia works in Quan's family, he won't mind, as long as it's a job that an shengxia likes.

"You have a big heart." An shengxia is admirable.

Cold nights can be tolerated, and an shengxia works hard for Quan.

"Anyway, the Quan family will be mine sooner or later..."

After listening to the words of the cold night, Ansheng Xia suddenly sinks her eyes.

She was more certain that the cold night had returned to her memory.

"What's the matter?" Realizing that he seemed to have said something wrong, lengye tentatively asked, "an shengxia, are you thinking about something?"

"No..." an shengxia shakes her head calmly, "go on with your work. I have some things to move here."

"As long as you look at it, don't do it yourself..." Leng Ye mentions Chu Tian on her own initiative, "he came to see you, didn't he?"

"So you're jealous?" An shengxia asked excitedly, let cold night jealous, this kind of situation is very rare.

"I eat everything, but I'm not jealous. Anshengxia, you are a married woman now, so you should strictly regulate your behavior, eh?" The cold night seemed unhappy.

"He is very good to me, even if I am married, but also from time to time to care about me." An shengxia was deliberately upset by the cold night.

"Anshengxia, are you stimulating me?" Cold night did not have the good spirit to ask.

"Of course not, I don't have the courage..." but an shengxia thinks it's interesting to tease the cold night.

Cold night's self-control ability is very strong, an shengxia really wants to see this man occasionally out of control moment.

"If you don't want me to aim at Chu, keep a distance from him. Any man who approaches you, except me, doesn't mean well." An shengxia is also convinced by the logic of cold night.

As for the cold night, it's aimed at the Chu family

This joke is really big.

Leng ye now takes a lot of manpower and material resources to deal with Quan wholeheartedly. If you still have time to deal with Chu

Unless cold night is a living immortal, it can't be done at all.

People want too much, in the end, often lose a lot of things.

"Cold night, you don't want to be impulsive. You'd better forget about Chu." An Sheng Xia is cold to hum, "I am really a angry, your words can't say."

"A mistake of principle is that we can't do it." The tone of cold night is proud.

An shengxia was defeated quickly. "I know. I'll listen to you. In the future, I'll keep a distance from Chutian. Even if I speak, I won't be alone. Are you satisfied?"

"Anshengxia, I hope you can do what you say. Maybe I'm overbearing. You're more than you think..." the colder the night is, the more secure anshengxia is.

Even love this man more than two years ago.

"Cold night, don't worry, I'm all yours..." an shengxia said, not only did she vomit her tongue, well, it's disgusting, but when she said it, she felt much more comfortable.

"If you are by my side now, I will definitely hurt you to death..."

Aware of the man's deep meaning, the face of an Axen Xia ton was red. "Can you be a little more serious on cold nights?"

Cold night is sneer, for his wife, why also pretend to be serious?

"Anshengxia, now try to kiss me..."

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