Rao is an. Sheng Xia didn't expect that Bo Yehan would find someone to arrest Si yejue.

According to the truth, no matter where a big man like Si yejue goes, there are bodyguards around him.

It's hard for ordinary people to get close to them.

Not to mention, it will be caught.

Thin night cold but direct about the division night Jue party.

When Si yejue just walked into the private room, he was caught by lengye.

Immediately after, Si Ye Jue didn't know what happened, so he was in a complete coma.

"Yes, send people to hypnosis." On a cold night, the tone is cold.

An shengxia and Bo Yehan are stunned at the same time.

It seems a little too simple to start on a cold night.

It's agreed. Just take the man.

But didn't say, want to knock out Si yejue?

"What's the situation?" Shen Jiang is very distressed and wants to find lengye.

"Don't faint, do you think he can take the initiative to go with you?" It's a joke. Cold night ironically hold the brow.

"Then you can't do it so hard. What if you beat someone to lose his memory?" After all, Si yejue's brain had been badly damaged before, and Shen Jiang stared at Leng Yeh discontentedly.

"If Si yejue really lost his memory, I'm afraid you are the happiest? You can stay with this man, even for the rest of your life. " Cold night disdains the way.

"I'm not so selfish or so rogue!" In order to stay with him, she would not be selfish enough to make him lose his memory. Shen Jiang retorts immediately. She hopes that it is Si yejue who needs her.

"If you don't want to continue hypnosis now, just take people back." Cold night looks very cool.

"Shen Jiang, you don't want to hypnotize?" Thin night cold question at the same time.

Shen Jiang immediately fell into meditation.

"Can you not be so irritable?" An Sheng Xia frowns discontentedly, always feel, these two big men, too fierce!

"That's what women do. They like it all the time. They hesitate at the last moment." Thin night cold helpless spread palm.

In order to get rid of Si yejue, Bo Yehan also made a contribution.

Who knows, Shen Jiang is so unreliable.

"Well, I agree, take him to hypnosis..." finally, Shen Jiang nodded and agreed.

"In fact, you don't need to think about it at all. Hypnosis is the only way to help him or you." Bo Yehan directly helps the comatose Si yejue to get on the black private car.

In a closed room.

Only the doctor in white coat and Si yejue.

Still in a dazed state, Si yejue lay flat on the soft sofa with his eyes closed.

The doctor looked carefully at Si yejue.

As soon as Si yejue woke up, he began to hypnotize.

Si yejue didn't know what happened, so he entered into a fantastic world.

This world seems to be the heart of Si yejue.

He had never looked at himself so clearly.

"Sir, you can answer whatever I ask now." The doctor asked slowly.

Si yejue seemed to be restrained and nodded slightly.

Everything went well.

Si yejue is hypnotized!

But the doctor didn't notice anything unusual.

After the end of hypnosis, Si yejue was in a coma again!

"What happened?" Shen Jiang asked anxiously, "why is it that he is easy to forget what he once did? Sometimes, after a sleep, he will become a different person."

"You say this phenomenon, is a man after marriage, to his wife suddenly hot and cold, the basic reason, or because not enough like, if he really care about a person, will not be willing to let each other sad." The doctor's words are reliable.

Shen Jiang can feel that the heart of Si yejue is not in himself.

When a woman doubts that she doesn't love her partner enough, she doesn't love her.

"Thank you, doctor." Shen Jiang raised his mouth slightly.

So the truth is.

When Si yejue thought about it again, he found himself lying in the private room of the bar.

I don't seem to remember being hypnotized.

"Just now, you hit me?" Si yejue looked at Leng Yeh in disbelief.

"Well, I'm sorry I accidentally hit you." Cold night is bold, "don't take it seriously, after all, I didn't mean to."

"You beat me unconscious and said it wasn't on purpose?" The division night Baron also don't remember, oneself where offend once cold night, "cold little, we also have no Festival?"

"I've been mistaken." Cold night pressed eyebrows, "when you came, I thought it was Xiuhe."

"That's bullshit." Si yejue can only recognize the plant.

"Si Shao, don't you remember what happened?" Bo Yehan asked curiously.

"After being beaten, what else can happen, I'm in a coma." Si yejue rubbed his eyebrows and said, "or, what did you do to me?"

"Of course not. Don't be too nervous." Thin night cold is very guilty.

"Miss Shen asked for you, but I didn't let her come. After all, you are in people's hearts. It must be painful to see you in a coma and being beaten by me." Cold night side says, side observation division night Jue's facial expression.

Unfortunately, Si yejue didn't show any abnormality.

On the surface, he is a completely normal person.

"Women are in trouble. The last thing I want is to go home after work every day. As you all know, I want to get a divorce, but I can't help it. Now that she's pregnant, I have to let her, or she won't be willing to give birth." Si yejue has never been so subdued in his life. Last time he was forced to marry, he always had nothing to do with Shen Jiang.

"This child is also what you want, so no wonder Miss Shen." Bo Yehan said a word of conscience.

"What's more, you are also a man who has a family and a career. No matter how dissatisfied you are, you are willing to marry this wife. Since you are together, it's better to have a good life. Anyway, you don't have other people you like, and you have no other choice." Thin night cold hint way.

"I don't want to listen to your nonsense, either." Si yejue grasped the key of the car and turned to leave.

"Si Shao, are you anxious to go home?" Cold night suddenly questioned.

Si yejue was stunned. He turned back and looked at Leng Yeh. "I'm sleepy. I want to go home to have a rest, so I have to report to you when I want to sleep?"

"Not really, I thought you really hate going home..." cold night slightly raised his mouth, "OK, you slow down on the way."

Pull open the door, the division night Jue slowly sitting in the driver's seat.

The bottomless eyes suddenly sank

Si yejue didn't expect that they would take him to hypnosis

It's just a pity that he didn't enter deep hypnosis at that time. On the contrary, he still had his own consciousness

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