"Why, because of my family?" Shen Ao asked sarcastically.

"Besides, there is no fate between us." Li Ruoxi lowered her voice, "when I needed you most, where were you at that time? You just take me as a burden, but Cheng Rui is not. He takes me as a princess and takes care of me wholeheartedly. Even now, I'm not clean, and he still sticks to me. Do you think there are several men in the world who can do this? I can tell you that he is the only one such man, So I don't want to miss him. "

"If you were really predestined, you would have been married long ago." He spoke with pride and malice.

"It wasn't you. We did get married long ago." Not at the moment, has been dragging, Li Ruoxi extremely irritable press eyebrow.

Mention that matter, Li Ruoxi to Shen Ao's antipathy, is unable to hide.

"I don't want to keep talking nonsense. Shen Ao, just let me go." Li Ruoxi begged helplessly.

"In fact, I am also a proud person, I can do this to you because I don't want to let go." Shen Aoshen pointed to Li Ruoxi's face, "while I'm still patient, why don't you take advantage of me? I'm willing to invest in this play for you. It depends on whether you agree or not."

"I don't agree." Li Ruoxi's answer, or the same, "I don't want to owe you anything."

Everyone in the circle knows that it is profitable for investors to invest.

It's easy to say if what Shen is proud of is profit.

But this man wants her heart.

Sorry, it's too precious for her.

"Without him, would we be together?"

Li Ruoxi smell speech, suddenly stare big eyes, "so Shen Ao, what do you want to do in the end, if you lay hands on him, I won't let you go easily."

"Look at you, what are you doing so nervously? I'm just making a little joke with you." Shen Ao said, but turned to leave.

"Shen Ao, I hope you don't go to extremes. Even if I refuse you, it's not because of him, but because I have no feelings for you. I hope you don't embarrass him." Li Ruoxi stressed in a high voice.

"You really have no brain. At this time, I don't want to hear you speak for him. Li Ruoxi, even if you lie to me..." hold the back of your hand tightly. Shen Ao belongs to the son of heaven. He was born easy to get everything he wanted. When he was young, he was willful. If he didn't want to take over the company, he went to be a policeman. He almost had what he wanted, Except for Li Ruoxi.

"Li Ruoxi, you will regret it." Shen Ao turned his head and was extremely determined.

At this moment, Li Ruoxi seems to fall into an abyss.

She couldn't see through the man

In the middle of the night, Xiaobai suddenly had a high fever.

An shengxia was scared.

"Xiaobai, Mommy is here. I'll take you to the hospital immediately. Don't fall asleep..." an shengxia grabs the car key and drives in a panic.

"Well, I won't fall asleep..." Xiaobai nodded cleverly.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Dabai asked cautiously.

"Wuwuwuwu, I feel miserable to death..." when facing my brother, Xiaobai didn't hold back and cried loudly.

Xiaobai is usually clever and sensible. Now that she is crying, she is really uncomfortable.

"Don't cry, I'm here..." patting Xiaobai's cheek, Dabai coaxed gently.

"Brother, I feel bad, too bad..." wrinkled face, hiding in Dabai's arms, Xiaobai really like a little pitiful.

An shengxia's heart was tangled with him. When he was driving, he was distracted several times and almost crashed.

The phone rings unexpectedly.

An shengxia is not in the mood to pick up.

It wasn't until the hospital that I personally called back.

"Why don't you answer the phone?"

Inside the receiver is a man's deep and magnetic voice.

An shengxia pressed down her eyebrows and said, "I just drove..."

"What's wrong with your voice?" The cold night frowned and questioned.

"Nothing..." Ansheng Xia shook his head, "I was in the hospital, Xiaobai suddenly fell ill, I had to send him to the hospital, now I don't know, what is the specific situation."

"I'll be right there."

No more nonsense, cold night cut off the call, immediately rushed to the hospital!

"Xiao Bai may have eaten a bad stomach..." seeing the cold night, an shengxia immediately settled down.

"Bad belly at school?" Cold night's facial expression, suddenly cold sink down.

"Probably." An shengxia nodded and said, "Xiaobai is about to go to bed when he suddenly comes to my room and says that he is not feeling well."

"At first I thought it was just a small problem, diarrhea, and then I gave him some medicine, but later he said it was uncomfortable..." an Sheng Xia couldn't help choking.

"Will you just give your child any medicine?" Cold night pressed an shengxia's shoulder, realized that he was angry and took a deep breath. Then he continued, "do you remember what medicine Xiaobai took?"

"I took the medicine box with me..." an Sheng Xia Yang took the medicine box in her hand, followed it closely and lowered her eyes. She really didn't mean it. Maybe, she was not a qualified Mommy. No matter two years ago or two years later, she was more likely to let the children take care of herself than take care of the children themselves. It's also bad luck for her son to spread such a girl!

"Don't worry. I'll find the best doctor. Xiaobai will be OK." But under, cold night a will an shengxia embrace in the bosom.

Dabai is watching the cold night

"You don't feel well, either?" Cold night side head, looking at the white.

Dabai shakes his head indifferently. Maybe it's an accident. For Xiaobai's illness, cold night will have such a big reaction.

Originally, I wanted to find a stepfather and love my mother.

At the moment, my stepfather is also very concerned about Xiaobai.

After all, stepfather is also a father!

"Stepfather, I've decided." Dabai's steady voice.

"What do you mean?" Cold night slightly frown, for stepfather these two words, not very satisfied.

"I can see that you are still very concerned about Xiaobai. Since everyone is a family in the future, I promise you that..."

Dabai patted his small chest, "when you get old, I will provide for you."

"Didn't you say that before?" The cold night was depressing.

"At that time, I lied to you to marry my mommy, but this time it was serious."

To Dabai's words, cold night is first Lengzheng, then, half squat down.

Cold night is holding big white small face, "that I want to thank you?"

"Of course not. That's what I should do as a son." Dabai is a gentleman's nod.

An shengxia is speechless

"Dabai, in fact, he..." is your father!

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