Liu Xiaoxiao works in a small company. It turned out that ye Feixiang wanted to buy that small company, but he was afraid of his uncle asking.

It seems that he can only think of another way, but he has asked people to investigate. The woman today is Liu Xiaoxiao and all the current situations of Liu Xiaoxiao.

Ye Feixiang secretly made up his mind that the woman herself was going to make up her mind.

Liu Xiaoxiao looked at the picture of himself on the wall and didn't sleep all night. She doesn't know who to look for now.

Their parents are in their hometown and their life is fairly stable. If they say what happened today, their parents will let them go home.

However, she doesn't want to stay in a small county all her life. She hopes to have a life completely different from her parents.

It's very late now. It's not appropriate to call early summer. Shan Shan has her own husband. She can't disturb others now.

The more Liu Xiaoxiao thinks about it, the more he feels that he is really miserable alone. Wipe his tears. He still has a day's work to do tomorrow.

The leaders in the company will only pay attention to their utilization value, and will not care what they experienced last night.

Therefore, I feel that I can't be weak. A person should learn to be strong.

Ye chuxia didn't know that something like this had happened to her good friend. It was already eleven o'clock when she came home in the evening.

Today, after a busy day, she was tired herself. Lying in bed, she soon fell asleep. No matter how much Lu Yichen next to her dislikes her unsightly sleeping position.

Looking at ye chuxia, who was sleeping in disorder, Lu Yichen had no way. She went to the study obediently. She still had a lot of work to solve tonight and had no time to pay attention to the dead girl.

Ye chuxia doesn't know that what happened at the reception today has been photographed, and plans to report that she is a spy lurking in Jiahua company.

As soon as Lu Qianqian came home, she immediately sent the photo in her hand to Zhang Chen. She can't report ye chuxia now, but Zhang Chen can.

At that time, if Lu Yichen also knows about it, Lu Qianqian feels excited when she thinks about it. All this is the bitch of Ye chuxia asking for trouble.

If she hadn't robbed Lu Yichen with herself, she might not have been so targeted at ye chuxia.

But now ye chuxia has threatened her own interests, so don't blame her. Lu Qianqian is cruel.

After receiving the photos sent by Lu Qianqian, Zhang Chen hesitated and decided to report ye chuxia.

After all, ye chuxia has threatened the safety of the company, and ye chuxia is still his own competitor.

The minister has said that some interns will leave in the end. If you don't want to leave, someone must leave.

Zhang Chen thought about it and posted the photos anonymously on the company's website.

Although there is a reward for reporting, it must be bad to be an employee who reports. Therefore, the minister must not know that this matter was exposed by himself.

Ye chuxia is still sleeping, but someone in his company is always surfing the Internet. Soon, this picture of myself caused an uproar within Jiahua company.

Su Cheng looked at the photos on the website in surprise. How could this be possible? How could ye chuxia have something to do with Lu Yichen.

He wanted to call ye chuxia to ask what was going on, but he found that he had not left ye chuxia's contact information.

Ye chuxia seems to have changed her number recently, but someone should know it the fastest.

Su Cheng has no choice but to call Xu Yuxuan now.

Xu Yuxuan was very excited when she received a call from her male god, but the male God seemed to ask about ye chuxia.

Although Xu Yuxuan is a little unhappy, Xiaoye is her friend. How can she ignore her. Xu Yuxuan has just seen the photos on the website.

"Yuxuan, you have the best relationship with the company in early summer. Do you know this?" Su Cheng asked uncertainly.

After all, ye chuxia is the daughter of Ye's group. It doesn't seem like a great event to have a relationship with Lu Yichen.

The key is that ye chuxia is now an employee of Jiahua company. Doesn't she know that Jiahua and Yichen group are rivals?

She appeared so blatantly at the reception of Yichen company, which made others think about it.

"It's impossible. Xiaoye must have nothing to do with Yichen group." Xu Yuxuan vowed that she believed in her friends.

She knows Xiaoye better than anyone. Xiaoye is definitely not such a person.

However, ye chuxia is only a newcomer after all. In the company, who will believe a newcomer's innocence!

Xu Yuxuan gave the new number of Ye chuxia to Su Cheng. However, neither Su Cheng nor Xu Yuxuan could get through to ye chuxia.

They don't know that ye chuxia is sleeping now. How can he wake up.

Su Cheng is anxious like an ant on a hot pot. I have to say that although he and ye chuxia are over, he will still worry about this girl.

Xu Yuxuan is the same. Why does Xiaoye always not answer the phone? She is dying of anxiety, but there is no way to contact ye chuxia.

Su Cheng had no choice but to think of the worst way. He called Xu junao and asked him to help himself.

Xu junao also saw the photo on the company's website. He didn't expect that the photo was the girl he saw in front of the wedding dress shop last time.

How did she appear at the internal cocktail party of Yichen group. I always wanted to see this girl again, but I never had a chance.

Unexpectedly, the girl appeared in her sight, but in this form.

Xu junao doesn't understand what relationship this girl has with Lu Yichen. Isn't she an intern at Ka Wah?

She is so bold that she dares to attend the reception of Yichen group, and it is also the internal reception of the company.

At this time, Xu junao's phone rang. Seeing that it was Su Cheng's call, Xu junao felt a little strange.

What is this smelly boy doing on his own phone so late? Is it also because of this thing?

In addition to this reason, Xu junao did not expect Su Cheng to find himself at this time. What is it for?

"Did you see the photos on the company's website?"

Su Cheng directly asked about the website photos at the beginning. It seems that he already knows.

Xu junao was not too surprised. After all, it was not a small matter, although it was just an intern in the company who attended a cocktail party.

However, the other party is Lu Yichen's company, so the problem is big. Xu junao doesn't believe that the intern doesn't know about the relationship between Jiahua and Yichen.

Xu Jun Ao gave a sound, indicating that he had seen the photo. He wanted to hear Su Cheng's views on this matter.

However, I didn't expect Su Cheng to say that the intern was innocent.

"Jun Ao, I want you to do me a favor. Don't pursue this matter. I believe this employee is innocent. I guarantee the reputation of Su Cheng."

Xu junao thought it was interesting. Su Cheng called not to discuss a solution, but to intercede with the girl?

What is their relationship? Xu junao is confused. I won't say. Su Cheng likes this girl.

Su Cheng's temper Xu junao knows better than anyone. He never intercedes for others. He is still a girl.

He's not a compassionate person, but it's so late tonight that he even called himself to make himself believe the girl.

"Why do you make me believe her?" Xu junao asked, wondering what kind of explanation Su Cheng would give himself.

Su Cheng hesitated for a moment. He and ye chuxia are over. He can't say he is her boyfriend.

But isn't it too strange to help a college classmate so painstakingly?

Why is Xu junao so wordy today? He usually asks him to help. This guy agrees, but he is so hesitant today.

Su Cheng was a little speechless even if he had to tell himself the reason.

Xu junao must have doubted his relationship with other girls.

"She is my ex girlfriend. Just tell me if you can help!" Su Cheng was helpless and could only admit it.

Since Xu junao is so curious, let's satisfy this smelly boy's curiosity.

Hearing Su Cheng's answer, Xu junao was obviously stunned. He thought about many possibilities, but he didn't think that the girl was Su Cheng's girlfriend.

"Can't you forget her?" Xu junao asked.

Su Cheng hesitated, "no, we're over. It's just that I know that she can't do that in early summer."

Xu junao nodded. It turned out that this girl was the girl who made Su Cheng feel bitter abroad for so many years. However, Su Cheng said today that he had put it down.

Su Cheng won't lie to himself. It seems that the smelly boy really put down the girl.

He had seen the early summer in Su Cheng's mouth. That day, at the window door of his wedding shop, he could also see that ye early summer was not a bad girl.

A bad girl can't have such clear eyes. Xu junao thinks that the girl called early summer has a soul stirring ability in her eyes.

If you have the opportunity, you must let ye chuxia be your own fashion model. She must have a way to interpret the connotation of her design.

"OK, I believe you and her. However, tell her to stay away from the people in Yichen company, or we won't be able to explain to other employees at that time." Xu junao ordered.

Although he and Su Cheng believe that ye chuxia is innocent, after all, ye chuxia is an employee of Jiahua company. It is not easy to block youyou's mouth.

"Well, I know. I'll let her pay attention to it. And I'll explain it to you soon!" Su Cheng replied.

Although Xu junao believed ye chuxia, it was not a small thing after all. It was clearly the reception within Yichen group.

Su Cheng also wondered why ye chuxia was there. He believed that she had nothing to do with Lu Yichen and that ye chuxia would not betray Jiahua.

However, how did ye chuxia enter the reception of Yichen group?

Here, Xu junao has promised Su Cheng that he will not embarrass ye chuxia. He will find a way to solve this problem.

Su Cheng called Xu Yuxuan. The girl should be worried about ye chuxia now. After all, they are good friends.

Just now Xu Yuxuan was as worried as herself, so in order to make Xu Yuxuan not worry, Su Cheng called Xu Yuxuan.

Hearing that the matter had been solved, Xu Yuxuan was relieved. But now she calmed down. She thought of one thing. Why is Xiaoye so nervous in Su Cheng!

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