Along the way, Ou Jingfeng didn't say anything. He just drove quietly. He couldn't see any expression on his pale face. He was very calm.

"Tomorrow's fashion show, no problem?" Ou Jingfeng spoke gently until he got off the bus and walked home together.

"No problem," Gu LUOQI smiled. "I won't have stage fright."

Ou Jingfeng nodded, and then

The two men resumed their silence.

He didn't know what to say or what she liked to hear, so he had to be silent.

"Between you and my brother..."

"You and Ou Jingyue..."

The two men spoke at the same time, stopped at the same time, then looked at each other and smiled.

"You speak first." oujingfeng slowed down.

"Are you still angry with Ou Jingyue?" Gu LUOQI turned to look at him. "You see, I'm not with him, so you still can't see him? Even if he lives in pain now, you still can't stand water and fire?"

If ou Jingfeng was hating Ou Jingyue for taking away the people he liked, then now Ou Jingyue has been punished, and Gu LUOQI has left Ou Jingyue, then that matter in those years will not be counted?

Ou Jingfeng smiled faintly, "so you deliberately alienated Ou Jingyue to show me?"

"No, I just want to know the contradiction between you." she thinks that Ou Jingfeng is also a kind person. He can't hate his brother for no reason. Moreover, he doesn't seem to hate Ou Jingyue completely.

"I also want to know," Ou Jingfeng stopped and looked up slightly at the sky. "I don't know why I hate Ou Jingyue so much. Maybe... You're just an excuse."

Sometimes, the hatred for him is inexplicable.

"I just can't see him happy, just can't see him planning strategies," Ou Jingfeng smiled bitterly. "You see, he seems to be able to do everything. When we were young, we studied together. He finished reading first and finished homework first. He thought of ways to solve all the problems first, even if he learned to cook first."

"Later, we went to training together. I regarded him as the goal, but every time, he was the first. My occasional victory was just because of his mercy," said Ou Jingfeng quietly. "Don't you think it's very annoying?"

Growing up in the same environment, why is there such a big difference?

"I didn't want Ou Jingyue to let me, but he still..."

"Brother Feng, Qiqi, you're back!" Dongnuan ran over.

Wearing a vest and shorts, a fresh, petite body with a capable aura, ran over and held Ou Jingfeng's neck, intimate and enthusiastic.

"If you know I'm coming back to live today, you won't welcome me!" in his voice, with a bit of coquetry and complaint,

Oujingfeng hugged her and the smile on her face became stronger. "Finally know you think of me?"

"I've been thinking," Dong Nuan rubbed the tip of his nose, "brother Feng, go take a bath, and then I have a lot of questions to discuss with you!"

Ou Jingfeng frowned. "Where do you want to travel? Haven't you just come back?"

"I'll ask in advance!" Dong Nuan pushed Ou Jingfeng, "hurry up, I'll go to bed later!"

"I see." Ou Jingfeng walked into the house.

Gu LUOQI knew that Dongnuan was intentional and deliberately interrupted them.

Seeing that Ou Jingfeng really walked into the house and was sure he wouldn't hear their conversation, Dong Nuan came over and hugged Gu LUOQI's shoulder like a tomboy.

"Qiqi," Dongnuan whispered, "don't mention the past between him and brother Yue in front of brother Feng."


"Brother midnight told me that this would make his mood fluctuate and he would get sick," Dong Nuan said in a smaller voice. "If you want to like brother Yue, just go after him, but don't be in front of brother Feng."

"I see."

Originally, Gu LUOQI wanted to find out the root cause of the contradiction between them and whether it could be solved, but now it seems that the matter is not as simple as she thought. Everyone in the family regarded Ou Jingfeng as fragile glass and held it carefully in their hands.

Therefore, Ou Jingyue has a home and can't go back.

Although the sick person is Ou Jingfeng, the one Gu LUOQI loves most is Ou Jingyue. Every time Ou Jingyue wants to get close to her, his family will come out to stop it, right?

So he can only suppress himself?

This won't work. You still have to use strong medicine!

Gu LUOQI went back to her room, took a bath and was ready to read the documents. However, she clearly remembered that she put the USB flash drive in her pocket, but now it's gone. Is it lost?

She just came out of the office and didn't make any big moves. How could she lose the USB flash disk?

Can't work, can only sleep.

Lying in bed, I have some insomnia. What I keep thinking about is not tomorrow's women's fashion show, but the lonely look of Ou Jingyue standing in the dark today.

Everyone thinks that Ou Jingyue hurt Ou Jingfeng, but Ou Jingyue himself was hurt. His pain is more than Ou Jingfeng. Why doesn't anyone love him?

Gu LUOQI picked up her mobile phone and wanted to call Ou Jingyue, but she was cruel and put her mobile phone down again.

Her feet were a little cold. Gu LUOQI looked down at her feet and thought about the way Ou Jingyue often wore socks for her. She even missed his rudeness at that time and even wanted him to rush over and help her put on her socks now.

Speaking of socks

Gu LUOQI stood up, opened the small drawer under the wardrobe and found that it was full of women's socks, all of the same color and style. These were put in by Ou Jingyue?

When did it happen?

And this guy bought it all the same. Do you want to do wholesale?

Sure enough, she still needs to think about where she likes Ou Jingyue and where this guy is outstanding and excellent?

Ou Jingyue also knows that he is good for nothing, so if Gu LUOQI leaves him, he can be happier.

But why didn't he nod?

Su ziye's home was filled with the smell of alcohol.

Ou Jingyue drank the strong wine one mouthful at a time. He knew his stomach was bad. Drinking this wine would seriously stimulate his stomach and aggravate his stomach disease. However, Su ziye, a doctor, didn't mean to stop him at all and didn't participate. He just looked at him lazily.

When a bottle of wine was empty, Su ziye slowly opened his mouth, "have you had enough?"

"No." oujingyue reached out to open the second bottle.

"Then drink," Su ziye didn't stop at all. "When you're drunk, go to bed tomorrow afternoon, and then miss Qiqi's women's fashion show perfectly. It's also good. Keep drinking. I'll help you with a bad stomach."

The hand that had been opening the bottle lid was stunned and finally put it down.

Seeing him like this, Su ziye really wanted to kick him, "I said, can you look promising?"

"I also want to be promising," Ou Jingyue clenched his glass. "I also want to care about Qiqi openly. I don't want to make her sad, but can I be with her?"

He wants to hold her when she is sad, persuade her to rest when she works, and even want to finish all the work for her. She doesn't have to do anything, just be happy every day.

However, he can't do anything. He doesn't even dare to answer her questions!

"If you were more brave and were with Qiqi before Xiaofeng came back, the situation would be much better now." Su ziye sighed.

"At that time, don't you persuade me to leave Qiqi?" Ou Jingyue let go. "At that time, Qiqi will be more sad."

Su ziye also felt a headache. "I didn't expect Xiao Feng's body to deteriorate so quickly. At the beginning, we thought we would have no problem for ten or eight years."

"Is there still no way to treat it?"

"Mental illness is the most difficult to treat," Su ziye sighed. "It's Xiaofeng, not others. You can't take any risks. What if something happens?"

That's their brother, so Su ziye won't do it until he is sure.

"So we can only spend it like this?"

"Didn't I come to you to discuss a way?" Su ziye looked at him contemptuously. "Who knows you'll drink when you come."

Oujingyue's brain can't work at all now. He can't think of any way at all.

"Midnight brother," Ou Jingyue turned to look at Su ziye, "Xiaofeng's condition... If it continues to be stimulated, I mean, if it worsens under strong stimulation, what will it worsen to in the end?"

Su ziye raised his eyebrows and gave him a cool look. "What do you mean by asking this question? What do you want to do?"

"..." Ou Jingyue turned his eyes, "just ask!"

"Do you want to be with Qiqi?" Su ziye narrowed his eyes slightly. "Don't you want your brother's life?"

"I......" Ou Jingyue frowned and opened the bottle of wine.

Can't we be together?

Is there no way?

Is there really no way except to leave Gu LUOQI?

"She doesn't mind who saved her nine years ago," said Ou Jingyue in a hoarse voice. "Midnight brother, even if I swear never to be with her, even if she knows all the truth, even if I hurt her again and again, she says she likes me!"

Ou Jingyue repressed her inner feelings. "Brother midnight, I want to respond to her likes, I want to take care of her, and I want to do all I can to make her happy. Recently, this idea is so strong that I can't suppress it at all."

Today, when he watched her leave with Ou Jingfeng, God knows how much he wanted to bring her back.

He didn't want her to be with other men. His exclusive desire for her was stronger than he thought.

"Bear it again," sighed Su ziye, "don't be impulsive."

Ou Jingyue didn't know when he could endure it.

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