Su ziye quickly came back with an injection in his hand. He didn't avoid anything. He walked over so grandly, then sat by the bed and rolled up Ou Jingfeng's sleeves.

"Midnight brother," Ou Jingfeng didn't refuse, but he was confused, "isn't your needle for me to sleep?"

Even if he was right, Su ziye still took his time, injected all the liquid into Ou Jingfeng's body, pulled out the needle, and gave him a cool look.

"Well, you guessed right."

Ou Jingfeng frowned. "This mission is really important. Brother midnight, I'm seriously discussing with you."

"There's no need to discuss this matter," Su Zi continued reading while sitting by the bed at night. "Lie down and sleep. The best way to keep your body is to sleep."

"What if I have to go out?"

Su ziye looked at him lazily, "if you think your willpower is greater than my medicine, you can try and see how far you can go."

The body has no strength and the brain is sleepy.

Oujingfeng was a little angry, but he felt that Su ziye was good for him. He had no reason to be angry.

"Brother midnight, stop it, okay?"

"It's you who make trouble," Su ziye casually turned a page of the book, "lie down and sleep."


"I will use your mobile phone to tell your subordinates that tonight's action is cancelled."

Oujingfeng wanted to resist, but her brain was gradually lax. Her attention could not be focused at all. Her body lost its strength and had to lie in bed. No matter how she struggled, her brain gradually stopped thinking.

Su ziye put his body away. "You have your task, and I also have responsibilities. For you, the responsibility is greater than your life, but for me, your life is better than everything. Sleep."

Cover Ou Jingfeng with a quilt. Su ziye took his mobile phone, found the phone number he just called, sent the other party a "action cancellation", and then continued to look at the medical books lazily as if nothing had happened.

At the door, Su Mu and Su Ye watched their uncle bluntly.

"Uncle," Su Mu came over, "you will hinder uncle Feng's work."

Su Mu thinks, how should we respect uncle Feng's wishes?

"Do you think his body is still suitable for work?" Su ziye put down his medical book, stretched out his hand and held Su Mu and Su ye in his arms, lazily enjoying their little body.

"Uncle, when can Mommy leave the customs?" Su Ye blinked her clear eyes. "We haven't seen her for nearly a month."

"Miss her?"

Su Mu and Su Ye nodded.

"I really want to. Even dreaming is a dream Mommy." Su ye said coyly holding Su ziye's neck, "we are poor enough without daddy. We can't let us see Mommy again!"

"Should it be soon?" Su ziye calculated the date.

"Uncle, Mommy said she was going to develop poisons behind closed doors. In fact, she was developing drugs that could help Uncle Feng treat his illness." Su Mu asked in a low voice.

Because almost Mommy went to close the door when she heard that uncle Feng was coming back. Would the time be too coincidental?

Su ziye smiled and didn't speak.

"Uncle, what happened to Uncle Feng?"

"What do children ask so much?" Su ziye didn't intend to tell them, "you just have to be happy every day. Don't ask more about other things."

Su Mu was quite dissatisfied. "Uncle, in fact, you know a lot of things, right? You know a lot of things uncle Feng and uncle Yue don't know, don't you?"

Su ziye was a little proud, "of course, I'm the most informed person in the world."

"That uncle," Suye looked at him anxiously, "will you do something stupid by yourself one day?"


"Is to carry all the responsibilities alone and solve all the problems at all costs." Su Ye blinked. "Uncle, you must not be stupid. Even if you are powerful, a person's ability is limited. You see, we have no daddy. Do you want us to lose our only uncle?"

"Yes, yes," Su Mu agreed. "It's pathetic enough that mommy doesn't have a man to take care of her. Doesn't she have a brother to take care of her in the future? Who will bully mommy and help her in the future?"

"You," Su ziye rubbed their hair, "I haven't lived enough. How can I die so easily?"

Su ziye knew that there was a man against them. As for who this man was, he would find out sooner or later.

Close to the evening, Gu LUOQI told Ou Jingyue that she would work overtime and might go back very late. If she wanted to go back, she would call Su ziye in advance to let him do his own things at ease.

And Ou Jingyue asked her to call herself first. If he could, he would take her home in person.

Then he took Jans away.

Gu LUOQI noticed that Ou Jingyue was wearing a black shirt without a coat or tie.

"Qiqi, let's go!" Dongnuan came over, hugged Gu LUOQI's shoulder and took advantage of the opportunity to rub her face. "I've made an appointment about the time and place. We'll just go straight over now."

Gu LUOQI withdrew her mind, "let's go."

"What's on your mind?" Dong Nuan asked her as she walked.

"Nothing," Gu LUOQI thought. "Warm, did you just see Ou Jingyue? Does he usually go out without a black shirt?"

"Generally, I don't wear it. I only wear it when I fight, because brother Yue said that in case of blood splashing, it's too late to change it. It looks disgusting." Dongnuan said very simply.


Why do these two words come out from Dongnuan's mouth, so like a fight among bad teenagers in society?

"Although brother Yue has retired, he still occasionally performs some tasks," Dongnuan lowered his voice and approached Gu LUOQI. "In fact, brother Yue doesn't want to do this at all. He is only interested in doing business. However, brother midnight said that he is trying to help brother Feng every time."

Originally, Ou Jingyue has been silently paying for ou Jingfeng these years?

"Brother midnight also said," Dong Nuan's voice was less. "Once brother Yue was drunk and said to brother midnight that he wanted to bring the whole world to brother Feng, so whether brother Feng would give you to him."

"..." Gu LUOQI stopped.

"In fact, brother Yue likes you very much, but he is so stupid that he never lets others know what he has done," Dong Nuan pulled her into the elevator. "In fact, every time you open a clothing exhibition, he goes to see it, and then he records the image and comes back to watch it many times. He told me that you are very like the queen on the stage. You are very beautiful."

Heart, overflow a lot of moved.

It turned out that in the past nine years, she was not wishful thinking?

When she tried to get close to him, he was looking at her silently.

But how did he like her?

He said it wasn't love at first sight, but they didn't have any intersection?

"My brother Yue is the best person to bully," Dong Nuan said as if nothing had happened. "When I was a child, no matter how precious it was, as long as we wanted it, he would give it to me and bully him. He never bullied him back. Every time he went out, like his aunt, he kept talking about all kinds of safety knowledge."

Yeah, he's a bully.

There is pain and suffering. I always swallow it by myself. I never pay anything for others, and I don't even let others know.

Because he thinks he is a brother, because he thinks he has the responsibility to protect everyone in the family, but who will protect him?

Ou Jingyue is such a fool.

For ou Jingfeng, he repressed his feelings and didn't even return home. He lived in the wilderness and supported the company alone. He was obviously wronged and bitter, but he never said a word.

It's so stupid that it can't be saved.

"Qiqi," Dong Nuan suddenly looked at her seriously, "I think it's really a great thing that you can like Yue brother. Maybe, in this world, only you can save him, and only you can make him happy?"

Gu LUOQI didn't know how to answer.

"You are so smart that you will be fair for your brother when he is not good at dealing with things, right?" Dong Nuan smiled handsomely. "There must be someone selfish. If two people respect each other too much, I think they will always be like two parallel lines and can only look at each other."

In the emotional world, there is always a person who is desperate for each other, and there is always a person who just wants to be with him without considering the future or other people around him.

Gu LUOQI answered, "I am willing to be this selfish person."

"Dong Nuan looked at the light in Gu LUOQI's eyes.

"Anyway, in my country, their evaluation of me is capricious, arrogant, arrogant and evil. Then I'll do something worthy of these names," Gu LUOQI smiled. "Give the brothers some strong medicine. I don't know the effect, but I want to take a risk."

"Qiqi, what are you going to do?" Dong Nuan looked at her grand appearance.

"I hesitated for a long time before, but your words today woke me up. One of the two people must be selfish and desperate," Gu LUOQI smiled. "I don't want to be tortured like this anymore."

I don't want Ou Jingyue to suffer any more. He has suffered enough.

Cutting through the mess is the best way to solve the problem.

Gu LUOQI smiled and looked at Dongnuan. "If we succeed, we will all be happy, but if I fail, I may have to leave Ou Jingyue."

She has always had solutions to problems, but she is afraid of failure.

Afraid to leave Ou Jingyue.

But if she doesn't work hard, she will let Ou Jingyue continue to live in pain, and she wants to give ou Jingyue happiness.

So, forget it!

"Qiqi, I just talk casually. Don't do anything stupid?" Dongnuan was a little flustered.

"I want to give ou Jingyue happiness. I want everyone to be good and warm. If I fail and become the person you hate, help me tell ou Jingyue and forget me."

Either, serious love, or forget in the Jianghu, this is Gu LUOQI.

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