When she came to the company, Gu LUOQI ignored Ou Jingyue, strode into the company, and then hurried back to her office to prepare for the meeting.

Ou Jingyue looked at her not far away. His tall and straight body leaned slightly against the wall of the corridor and smiled at her gently.

Very charming.

Gu LUOQI really doesn't have time to enjoy it. Forget it. Don't look hard. Let's talk about it when we have a chance in the future.

When ou Jingyue saw her enter the conference room, he took back the smile on his face, straightened up, and returned to the cold look in the past. If she didn't look at him, he didn't have to laugh.

"Mr. ou, are you seducing Miss Gu?" Dongfang, who had just sent the document, just saw it, so he came over fearlessly.

He gazed at him. "Are you free?"

"Not free, busy," Dongfang Yun said solemnly, "Mr. ou, is your voice better?"

Although it sounds a little hoarse, it's much better than yesterday.


In front of others, Ou Jingyue always cherishes words like gold.

"What else?" Ou Jingyue asked coldly when he saw that he wouldn't go.

"Mr. ou, if you don't wait for Miss Gu to finish the meeting, can you go to your office? Zhou Qing asked me to wait for you here."

President Ou was so sad a few days ago. Now she has finally recovered. How can they bear to disturb her on business? Even if it is a big thing, it can be dominated by his feelings.

So, they're waiting.

When Mr. Ou is in a good mood and willing to work, they say about work. Otherwise, the sky will fall and they will turn a blind eye.

"What's up?" Ou Jingyue walked towards the elevator.

"You let Zhou Qingcha find something new."

Ou Jingyue frowned and obviously accelerated his pace.

Out of the elevator, Ou Jingyue went directly to Zhou Qing's office.

"President Ou?" Zhou Qing was surprised at the arrival of Ou Jingyue. Generally, Zhou Qing went to his office.

"What did you find out?"

Zhou Qing immediately responded, "yesterday, a similar ghost incident happened again."

"Oh?" Ou Jingyue frowned. "Dare you come?"

"The other party just came to your office, but didn't take anything," Zhou Qing said seriously. "This time, I checked it for the first time, but the monitoring is still a dark shadow, and..."

"Go on."

"This dark shadow floated out of Miss Gu's office." Zhou Qing didn't know what it meant. He didn't dare to guess.

"What time was last night?"

"About one in the morning."

"During this time, Qiqi was at OU's house and we were together," Ou Jingyue knew very well that she was working at that time, "so it has nothing to do with her."

"Then someone wants to frame Miss Gu?" Zhou Qing analyzed.

"Keep watching."


That day, someone installed a player on his waist and the poisonous gas he smelled. It should be to blame Gu LUOQI. Who would do it?

Who is guluoqi's enemy besides ina?


But he doesn't have the ability.

Oujingyue found out the details and abilities of this person, so he dared to put him next to Gu LUOQI and let Gu LUOQI play. Therefore, there must be someone else who framed her.

But Gu LUOQI doesn't seem to have any enemies?

Didn't the other party go for Gu LUOQI?

Who is it? What is the purpose?

There are many enemies of the European family. It's normal to encounter this kind of thing, but what do you mean to point the spearhead at Gu LUOQI?

Offending Gu LUOQI and Gu Yichen is not good for them, is it?

"Mr. ou, the other party's purpose is not to make you misunderstand Miss Gu. Why don't you rush Miss Gu away?" Dongfang Yun analyzed.

At present, there is only such a possibility.

"So, Mr. ou, could it be your rival?" Dongfang said irresponsibly, "you see, Miss Gu is so beautiful, and several persistent suitors are normal."

This assumption makes Ou Jingyue more unhappy.

"Would you like to start with Miss Gu and check her suitors?"

Oujing thought more and sighed, "forget it, she will be unhappy."

Now, she has just given him a chance. If he goes to investigate rashly, she will be angry. She must think he doesn't trust her.

After a morning's meeting, basically the endorsement has been done, and the rest is the work of the advertising company.

Gu LUOQI returned to the office and lay down on the table to rest.

Work is really not only mental, but also physical.

"Have a good rest at home this weekend?" Kathy said as she sorted out her papers.

Gu LUOQI raised her head and her face was slowly tired. "Besides, Kathy baby, why don't you feel tired? You have more work than me?"

"Yesterday I got off work at six and went to bed at nine. When did you sleep?" Kathy was a little helpless. "Do you think it's iron?"

Gu LUOQI continued to lie on the table without image, "I have to get off work at six today."

"In the afternoon, you have nothing to do. You can go home and have a rest. If you draw and design, you can also do it at home." Kathy sorted out the materials for her. "Remember to get off work on time in the future. It's not lazy. It's to conserve energy for tomorrow."

"Oh." so, sure enough, is it right for ou Jingyue to let her get off work on time?

But this guy works all night. Why don't he feel tired?

"Well, I'm going to work. You go to the lounge and have a rest." with that, Kathy went out.

She is a very capable person. She can deal with any problem, but she has been willing to be Gu LUOQI's assistant. She is a little wronged.

After lying down for a rest, Gu LUOQI picked up the cup on the desk, cheered up and went to the tea room to pour a cup of coffee.

However, just walked in, so that the oncoming person hit it.

There was a burning pain in the chest.

"Is Miss Gu still so short-sighted?" her sharp voice was sarcastic.

It's Kevin without looking.

He was wearing a regular shirt, but his hair was still colorful, and his ears were still wearing earrings. His petite body still looked male and female, but the difference was that his face looked very haggard.

The enemy is so proud every day that he can't eat or sleep.

The key is that he couldn't find ina. Ou Jingyue must have done it, but he didn't dare to ask directly. So he was suffering and watching Gu LUOQI proud.

And Gu LUOQI kept him, just to show him how powerful she is now?

Revenge on an opponent is not to kill him directly, but to keep him and let him watch his enemy happy. Psychological torture is the most cruel.

Coffee. He spilled it on purpose.

The hot coffee spilled on guluoqi's light colored coat.

Gu LUOQI narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the person in front of her. "Are you at your wit's end except this way?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, Miss Gu," Kevin said proudly. "It's Miss Gu. You accidentally bumped into it. It has nothing to do with me."


"Mr. ou, the tea room is here." it's the voice of Dongfang Yun.

Gu LUOQI looked back.

Ou Jingyue ignored Gu LUOQI, bypassed them and walked directly into the tea room. It seemed that he didn't see them, let alone the contradiction between them, so he walked in indifferently.

"Dongfang, give me a cup." the voice of Ou Jingyue came over.

"Mr. ou, do you want a big one or a small one?"

"The largest."


Gu LUOQI feels very strange. Isn't Ou Jingyue obsessed with cleanliness? He doesn't even eat outside food, so he will come here and drink water from the cup here?

While Gu LUOQI was wondering, Ou Jingyue came over.

Delicate face with a layer of serious and cold, holding a large cup of steaming hot water in his hand, he walked out without squinting. However, when he came to Kevin, he reached out with the cup in his hand and tilted it without hesitation, and the hot water poured directly on Kevin's head and face.

"Ah -" Kevin shouted at once.

"Hand slippery." Ou Jingyue handed the cup to the East without changing his face. Then he took out his handkerchief and wiped his hands slightly.

Hand sliding?

Hehe, President, is your deliberate action really like hand sliding?

At least you play it, too?

This arrogant attitude of pouring hot water on others without disguise is helping Gu LUOQI.

Gu LUOQI had planned to pour hot water in the same way, but obviously, Ou Jingyue did it for her.

"President, you did it on purpose!" Kevin screamed out of control. "Is the president great? Can the president bully employees?"

"Employee?" Ou Jingyue tilted his lips mockingly, "you've been dismissed."

Double blow!

Kevin stared. "I didn't make a mistake. Why did you fire me?"

Although he didn't work, he didn't either.

Even if he had deliberately disclosed Gu LUOQI's design, they had no evidence.

Ou Jingyue has evidence, but dealing with such a small role is really not worth thinking about evidence.

"You don't meet the employment standards of our company." Ou Jingyue said frankly.

"Where am I not suitable?"


"..." Kevin looked down at himself, "why am I not suitable?"

He is a man. There are so many male employees in Euclidean group. Why is he inappropriate?

"Our group doesn't recruit human demons. You can settle your salary." Ou Jingyue didn't want to waste more saliva with him, so he went directly to Gu LUOQI, "Miss Gu, come with me."

Then he took the lead in going out.

"What's up?" Gu LUOQI followed him.

"HMM." Ou Jingyue nodded.

"What's up?"

"Tell you how to walk sideways in the company in the future."


Ou Jingyue pressed down the elevator. "In the future, no matter who you feel uncomfortable, you can directly fire the other party and tell me if you don't go." then he took Gu LUOQI into the elevator.

He doesn't look very well.

Gu LUOQI is very tired and doesn't want to refute so much.

"Well, well, I know what you said, so can I not go to your office?"

"You need a rest," said Ou Jingyue, looking at the changing floor of the elevator. "Since you don't want me to care about you in my personal name, I'll tell you as a boss."

He couldn't see anyone crawling on her head.

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