Oujingfeng realized that his current environment was very dangerous, and his danger would also bring Gu LUOQI. How did he agree to let her get off? How did you get her out of your sight?

"Is she by your side?" asked Ou Jingyue.

"..." how should Ou Jingfeng answer?

"Those people know you're hard to deal with, so they turn their attention to Qiqi, so don't let her leave your sight." oujingyue said seriously.

"I know." with that, Ou Jingfeng hung up the phone.

After that, he got off the bus and immediately walked to the direction where Gu LUOQI disappeared.

However, there was no one in the cold street.

Even if she had to call, she wouldn't go to those hidden alleys, would she?

Ou Jingfeng stabilized himself and dialed Gu LUOQI.

The phone keeps ringing.

Oujingfeng looked around and wanted to hear the voice of the phone, but it was in vain.

Call the second time, the third time

I don't know how many times I dialed, the phone was finally connected.

"Qiqi?" oujingfeng's voice was in an indisputable hurry, "where have you been?"

"Of course it's in my hand?" the proud man's voice came from the phone.

"Is that you?"

"Yo, officer ou, you can hear me very well," the other party smiled proudly. "I heard that this woman is your girlfriend. I don't know how much position such a beautiful woman has in your heart?"

"Say the terms!" oujingfeng said coldly as he walked back to the car.

"Officer ou, are you going to find someone in the car to help? I advise you not to do so."

Are they watching Ou Jingfeng?

When ou Jingfeng stopped and looked around, he didn't find anything strange.

"Officer ou, now, your every move is under our control," the other party smiled wickedly. "If you do something that makes us feel unsafe, then we will kill your woman immediately!"

They are all outlaws, and since they dare to come to city a, they have made a good awakening.

"What do you want?" Ou Jingfeng stood there and asked coldly.

"See the car in front of the convenience store?" the other party instructed, "sit up."

Ou Jingfeng sat down and opened the door, but found someone inside.

So, Ou Jingfeng sat in the back seat and let the other party point a gun at him.

"Then what?" oujingfeng was not afraid.

"Of course, give up n172!"

"Do you think I will be so stupid?" Ou Jingfeng fearlessly asked the people around him, "I haven't seen the person I want and haven't determined her safety. I'll give you such an important thing?"

"Aren't you afraid I'll kill her?"

"After I give it to you, what will you do to hurt her?" Ou Jingfeng snorted coldly. "What do you think I will do when she is in danger?"

"Ha ha..." the other party laughed, "officer ou, now you are under our control. You can't even save your life."

"Do you want me to kill someone to show you?" Ou Jingfeng was fearless. "If I don't even have this self-protection ability, how can I catch you?"

In the eyes of these people, Ou Jingfeng is a devil. There are only people he doesn't want to catch, but there are no people he can't catch.

The other party hesitated and hung up.

After that, the man who was driving answered the phone. After hanging up, he drove the car.

Ou Jingfeng didn't struggle, but looked out of the window carelessly.

As the car moved around, some scattered passers-by also walked along. Even the sanitation workers who were sweeping the floor in the street put down their tools, and the customers who were choosing things in the store also came out.

These are their people?

When was it hidden here?

Sure enough, he was careless.

When the car disappeared in front, a person came out slowly.

It's Ou Jingyue.

When he heard that Ou Jingfeng was taking Gu LUOQI away from the company, he drove and chased him. On the way, he received a call from Jane, saying that Ou Jingfeng was in danger, so he called Ou Jingfeng.

When he asked Qiqi and heard the strange voice of Ou Jingfeng, he expected that something had happened to Qiqi.

So he stopped his car and walked close to them.

Sure enough, there were ambushes on this road.

When they all left, Ou Jingyue came out.

Go to Ou Jingfeng's car, open the door and see what clues there are.

He found a box on the seat.

Ou Jingyue sat in the car and opened it.

There is a monitor with a map on it, and then a light spot is moving.

This is

Tracking equipment?

Gu LUOQI stayed?

She deliberately let herself be taken by the other party?

This fool!

Does she know how dangerous the other party is?

Those are people who kill without blinking an eye. When they come to city a and choose to fight against the European family, they have made the consciousness of death.

Ou Jingyue tries to keep himself rational.

Take out your cell phone and call, "Jans?"

"Master, what can I do for you?"

"Do you know where I am?"

"I know."

"Let Silver Snake and Lao Wu bring people here and use the fastest speed!"

"But master, they will expose your identity!" Jane, who had always been silent, felt that such an order was inappropriate.

"This is an order!"


He is a businessman, which is a well-known thing of Zhou. Moreover, we all know that he was an Interpol and the embodiment of justice. The people of the European family, although black and white, do not get involved in the underworld and are clean businessmen.

However, he is the unclean one in the Ou family.

Here, it is a ruin.

All the buildings are uncompleted. It seems that some factories were built here. Half of the buildings were built one by one.

There is no shelter around except weeds.

Standing on the fourth floor, you can see far away.

Gu LUOQI's hands were tied and taken to the window. A man with a scar on his face and half of his ears pressed her.

"Your Highness," said the man with a scar, "will you go out of here or die?"

Gu LUOQI didn't speak.

She doesn't know how much ability Ou Jingfeng has, and she knows that her life and death are uncertain, but she must pay off Ou Jingfeng's kindness.

Don't owe the opposite sex, just her rule.

"I heard that your father Gu Yichen is looking for N172, too. I wonder if your highness knows something about it?"

The threat is very strong.

In the face of such a threat, Gu LUOQI's face hasn't changed. On her elegant face, she still has a warm smile. "Since you know I'm a princess and who my father is, you dare to catch me. Aren't you going to live?"

"That's right!" the scar man was a little proud, "are you still afraid of death in our business?"

"Since you're dying, what's the use of n172?" Gu LUOQI sneered impolitely, "is it buried with you?"


"In fact, you don't want to die at all, do you?" Gu LUOQI sneered regardless of her tied hand. "What do you want n172 to do? With your ability and your mind, what else can you do except to die with me?"

With that, Gu LUOQI looked at the man's body.

It's summer now, and the other party is wearing black long sleeves and buttons. There must be something hidden in it?

The scar man heard the speech and laughed loudly.

"Ha ha... It's worthy of Gu Yichen's daughter. Her brain is really good," the man unbuttoned his clothes, "I'm going to die with you!"

On the waist, tied with explosives.

"The princess of state D, who came to Europe to hide her identity, didn't she want to capture n172?" the scar man said ferociously, "if I don't do it again, I'm afraid I'll be taken away by you?"

Gu LUOQI doesn't know what this n172 is. Is it so magical that everyone wants it?

"Do you know what n172 is?" Gu LUOQI asked casually, "you deserve n172?"

"So, you know what this is?" the scar man changed his attitude in an instant.

"So, you don't know what this is?" Gu LUOQI was more curious. The man took his life and didn't know what n172 was? What's the use of this thing?

"Don't you know?" the scar man became vicious again.

"Someone asked you to come?" it was a guess without any evidence, but Gu LUOQI's tone was very sure, without revealing any flaws to the other party, "who is your employer?"

"You don't have to know that, do you?"

"I just want to know how much money they give you, so that you don't even want your life," Gu LUOQI said calmly. "Can I triple the price and make you my ally?"

"Ha ha ha ha..." the scar man laughed loudly. "I said, your highness, you are too simple. Will I trust your words? How can I know that this is not the trick you want to get rid of?"

"So, how can you believe it?" Gu LUOQI put on a look of negotiation.

"Tell me what n172 is. By the way, kill Ou Jingfeng!"

Gu LUOQI looked disdainful. "Are you stupid? Kill Ou Jingfeng. Where are you going to find n172? Is he stupid enough to take it with him?"

"Kill Ou Jingfeng, no one can get it!"

Gu LUOQI became more and more curious. What is this thing? For what?

Is it a treasure?

At this time, a car appeared on the road in the distance.

Only one car, a very ordinary car.

There were no other vehicles on the wide road.

"Ou Jing Feng is coming," the scar man looked at Gu Luoqi. "Your Highness, you have offended."

"What are you going to do?"

"Of course you are hostage, or what do I do to bind you?" the scars smiled with a grim smile. "If luck is good enough to kill Ou Jing Feng, I can still threaten you with Gu Yichen. If your luck is bad, then your highness will be wronged and you are buried with me, haha..."

Gu LUOQI looks at the road far away. Is it true that Ou Jingfeng is the only one coming?

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