Ou Jingyue took Gu LUOQI back to Ou's house, almost the person who ran into the house with her.

Su ziye, who received a call from Ou Jingyue in advance, had already been waiting in the living room. Seeing that Gu LUOQI was covered in blood, she was so frightened that she immediately went to check her body. If she had any accident, Gu Yichen would not let them go.

"Brother midnight, how's it going?" Ou Jingyue asked anxiously.

Su ziye ignored Ou Jingyue's words and only focused on checking Gu LUOQI's body. After confirming that she had no major problems, she checked whether there was trauma on her body. However, except for some abrasions, everything else was ok, but her brain was strongly shaken and needed to be slowed down.

"Where is it? Is it serious?" asked Ou Jingyue anxiously. "Brother midnight, what's the situation?"

Su ziye waved to the two maids, "help Miss Gu clean up."


"I'll do it myself!" Ou Jingyue refused to give her to anyone. "Where do you want to clean up, I'll do it myself!"

Ou Jingyue protected her overbearing.

Seeing the unpromising appearance of Ou Jingyue, Su ziye did not hide his contempt on his face, "all over."


"Are you fit to help her?"

"Fit!" said Ou Jingyue without hesitation.

Gu LUOQI pushed Ou Jingyue's chest. Now, she has no strength in her body, so she can only move very gently, "take me to the bathroom, and then you can go."


"Or I'll go to the bathroom myself?"

Ou Jingyue seemed to finally react and what it meant to wash his whole body. As a man, he was really not suitable for those things, so he frowned, hugged her, hugged her tightly in the bathroom, and handed over the rest to the maid.

"Be careful!" said Ou Jing coldly.


Ou Jingyue leaned against the corridor and didn't seem to recover from today's shock.

"How did this happen?" Su ziye frowned. "What's the matter with Qiqi's blood?"

Ou Jingyue's body also has a lot of dust, but it is covered by dust. The whole person looks very embarrassed. His always clean face is also dust at the moment, and even dyed his hair earthy gray.

"I'll tell you later," Ou Jingyue straightened up. "How's Qiqi's body?"

"There's nothing serious. It should be all bruises." Su ziye saw the blood on his lips, stretched out his hand, put his finger on his pulse and twisted his eyebrows. "It's better to worry about yourself than worry about Qiqi."

"I'm fine."

"Are you a doctor or am I?" Su ziye said unhappily, "internal injury, I can't support it for a month."

"No, it's not serious," said Ou Jingyue, looking at the dirt on his body. "I'll take a bath first." then he walked into his room.

I didn't take off my clothes, so I poured it down from the beginning with cold water.

Being stained with blood is his most disgusting thing.

Every time he smelled blood, he felt sick.

The cold water kept pouring down, making Ou Jingyue's brain gradually clear. He tried not to think about the past, forced himself to forget those cruel things, and forced himself to learn to be open-minded.

Take off your clothes and throw them into the trash can, and then watch the dirty water on the ground slowly become clear.

He is also the young master of the European family, the president of the Euclidean group and a clean businessman.

"Xiaoyue?" Su ziye knocked at the door of the bathroom. "You didn't take your laundry."

"Yes," replied Ou Jingyue.

Su ziye took his clothes, stood at the door, leaned against the bathroom door, and stood lazily, "you have some mental abnormalities today. Is something wrong?"


"Think of the past?"

"..." Ou Jingyue said nothing.

"At that time, you were a policeman. You were not wrong," Su ziye said in a cool voice. "The order you got was to complete the task at all costs. No matter how cruel the process is, you are the Party of justice."

"Justice?" Ou Jingyue sneered. "Brother midnight, what do you think is good and evil?"


"Don't worry, I won't care about the past," Ou Jingyue didn't go on. "It's been more than ten years."

At that time, he was not yet an adult and felt that the so-called justice was to eliminate all the underworld forces. All the sacrifices were worth it. However, he later learned how ridiculous he was.

How can justice and evil be simply distinguished?

"Your internal injury is serious. Don't abuse yourself with cold water. You're down. Who takes care of Qiqi?" Su ziye sighed. "I'll ask Xiaofeng."

Su ziye felt that more and more people seemed to worry him.

Outside, Su ziye dialed Ou Jingfeng.

The phone rang for a long time before it was connected.

"Hello?" it was a stranger's voice on the other end of the phone.

"Who are you?" Su ziye frowned.

"I'm a subordinate of officer ou. What can I do for you?"

"Where is he?"

"He's busy. He's not free for the time being, but I can convey it for you."

"It's all right," Su ziye reassured. "You ask him to call me back after he's busy."

"Yes, I see."

After hanging up the phone, Su ziye thought that since he was still working, his body should be fine. He didn't care what happened to them, as long as their body didn't matter.

The servant washed Gu LUOQI and changed her into a clean dress.

In order to facilitate the application of medicine, Gu LUOQI specially asked the servant to put on a refreshing vest and shorts for her.

There was no injury on her face, but there were abrasions on her arms, shoulders and legs. In addition, the Yu mark on her wrist was also obvious, and there were no injuries in other places. Ou Jingyue protected her very well.

Gu LUOQI felt very exciting when she passed death for the first time.

Fear is a little, but think about it, in fact, there is nothing. At the moment of life and death, what she thought was "it's over, she hasn't done enough harm to Ou Jingyue".

Compared with Gu LUOQI's injury, Ou Jingyue was more seriously injured, and his internal injury could not be seen, but there were serious bruises on one of his arms, which were bloody and looked terrible. Moreover, his back was bruised.

Su ziye drugged Ou Jingyue, and Ou Jingyue told him what happened today.

"Tell me about you. Such a small role has hurt you so badly," Su ziye despised. "Where have you learned your skills? Take a good exercise when you are well hurt!"

"I know," replied Ou Jingyue carelessly while enduring the pain. "I haven't started with anyone for too long, so I'm rusty."

"Is Xiaofeng hurt?"


If it wasn't Xiao Feng today, I'm afraid he would have exposed himself?

Speaking of it, although Xiao Feng kept saying that he hated himself, he knew how to destroy himself most effectively, but he never did so. The so-called hate and hate were just words. At the key time, Xiao Feng put him first.

"Brother midnight, do you know what n172 is?" Ou Jingfeng asked carelessly.

"I don't know."

"Aren't you very well informed?"

"I only know that this thing is on Xiaofeng. Not only I know, but all gangsters know, and almost all terrorists want to rob this thing. The people you killed this time are only hired." Su ziye said while bandaging his wound.

Ou Jingyue frowned, "what more information?"

"What's more, your future father-in-law, Gu Yichen, President of state D, is also looking for this thing, but he doesn't think it belongs to Xiao Feng, so he's looking for it elsewhere."

"Gu Yichen is also checking?" Ou Jingyue is a little surprised. "He's the president. What do you rob with the underworld?"

"Pay attention to your tone," Su ziye reminded lazily.

"What's the matter with the tone?"

"Gu Yichen is your elder and your future father-in-law. You should show respect in the future. Don't shout into a habit. I'll tell you that all the people in the family are foxes. They didn't say anything at that time. You'll feel better in the future."

"It's too far away. What I should do now is how to catch up with Qiqi," Ou Jingyue stood up. "Today, Xiao Feng told me that they are dating."

"..." Su ziye has a headache.

"I'll see Qiqi," said Ou Jingyue, still in pain. "Don't tell her about my injury."

Su ziye waved impatiently and hurried away. Now he has a headache when talking about feelings. Seeing them like this, he wants to be single all his life. It's no good to be infected with love.

Back in a safe environment, Gu LUOQI relaxed her spirit and felt much better about her physical discomfort, but her head was still dizzy, but it was within the tolerable range.

When she saw that there was medicine on one side, she sat up and drugged herself. After all, she was not such a hypocritical person and didn't have to be served in everything.

And then the door was pushed open.

"What are you doing?"

Gu LUOQI was startled by the sudden roar and suddenly looked up. The sudden dizziness of her brain made her almost fall.

"What's the matter?" Ou Jingyue went over and held her body. "What's wrong?"

"Ou Jingyue..." Gu LUOQI complained, "can you keep your voice down? The noise gives me a headache."

"Yes, I'll keep my voice down," said Ou Jingyue, sitting beside the bed. "Lie down and I'll help you with the medicine."

Gu LUOQI lay in bed. "Today is the second time you have helped me with medicine."

Once this noon, once now.

She went through all the bad things in one breath today?

Oujingyue looked at the bruise on her body. Although it was not serious from an outsider's point of view, it was a terrible injury in oujingyue's eyes and needed a long time to recuperate.

"Don't do such stupid things in the future, you know?" Ou Jingyue took out his father's general tone to educate her.


"Let me pay all your debts in the future." if such a thing happens again, his heart will not be able to bear it.

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