The night was getting deeper and deeper, and the noise finally subsided.

There are doctors and medicine at home, so there is no need to go to the hospital. Su ziye said that Ou Jingyue's injury is no big problem, but the injury on his shoulder may need to be cultivated for a period of time, and Gu LUOQI should take care of it carefully.

Seriously, it's Ou Jingfeng.

They can see oujingyue's trauma, and they also know how to treat it, but oujingfeng's disease is beyond their ability.

Su yeran has just developed this kind of medicine. Let alone whether it has been tested repeatedly or not, it is not very clear what side effects this kind of thing itself is a poison will bring to Ou Jingfeng.

Also, no one knows what will happen when he wakes up.

In the living room, Su Zi sat on the sofa at night with a cold face and looked at his sister. He wanted to be angry and yell at him, but he couldn't roar out. That was his sister he loved since childhood. No matter what trouble she caused, he was unconditionally punished for her.

Su yeran sat next to Su ziye. She didn't know how to be coquettish or comfort a person. She just sat with her and let time flow away quietly from them.

Until Su ziye's breath disappeared, he sighed, relaxed and leaned against the back of the sofa.

"What will happen to Xiaofeng tomorrow?" Su ziye closed his eyes slightly. There was blood on his shirt. He didn't bother to care so much.

"I don't know."

"You..." Su ziye frowned.

"Before, the reason why brother Xiaofeng could get well soon was because you were hypnotizing him?" Su yeran said calmly. "Your way is just to let him forget, not to treat."

"Your way is to treat?" Su ziye was angry. "That's poison!"

"And there are side effects."

"...." she didn't defend herself at all, but admitted so frankly?

"Brother, I want to suppress his illness with poison first, and then slowly cure the problems in his mind. He has to work hard by himself, but you let him forget everything. When will he know his efforts?" Su yeran said calmly, "Let him remember the past, remember how many things he did to hurt Yue's brother, let him feel guilty, and let him consciously fight against the demons!"

Su yeran always believed that mental diseases should be solved by the parties themselves, otherwise any drugs would be useless.

"You know, every time he gets sick, his body will follow."

"So, I use poison to fight poison, don't let his body have an accident, and first treat the spirit." Su yeran's back is very straight and her face is calm, as if she will never be excited. "Maybe it's hard to fight with the heart devil, but I believe if it's brother Feng, it's OK."

She believes that brother Feng is very powerful and will not have any problems to embarrass him.

Su ziye didn't know what to say.

"Brother, you are too kind to give up anything, but they are not children. You are not a few years older than them. Don't always feel that you have the responsibility to protect everyone. They are not the responsibility you have to bear!"

"I don't understand what you say." Su ziye turned his head to one side.

"Elder brother, you are very gentle." Su yeran said these words without changing his face.

Obviously, it should be said in a very gentle tone and a very sensational tone. However, Su yeran said it in the most ordinary voice, as if it was not a very special sentence, just like an ordinary greeting, which was not worth mentioning.

However, Su ziye's nose was sour and moved.

"What side effects will your medicine have?" Su ziye changed the topic.

"In addition to dependence, it will temporarily affect vision."

Su ziye looked at his sister and said, "be popular."

"He will be blind tomorrow!"


Well, such words are really popular. Su ziye wants to be angry. She dares to use such strong side effects? How dare she use her brother Feng as a test object now?

"How long have you been blind?" asked Su ziye. However, he regretted it. What is blind? What is it?

"I don't know."


Seeing his brother's angry appearance, Su yeran calmly stood up, "brother, I went upstairs to sleep with a small leaf."

"Hum, if you get into trouble, leave it alone?"

"Well, because you're there." calmly finished, turned and went upstairs.

Su ziye was very happy.

He is very happy to be dependent on his sister. Although he may have to deal with the trouble caused by his sister tomorrow, he is very happy.

It's getting late, he's sleepy, and it's time to go to bed.

In the room, the light is on.

Gu LUOQI sat beside Ou Jingyue and looked at him, who was pale. He looked at this fool whose brain stopped completely when he met feelings.

"Fool," Gu LUOQI whispered, "all I want is your word, just your promise. Just say you won't separate from me, just say you like me, that's good."

She didn't expect that he would be stupid enough to directly find ou Jingfeng.

"I'm not from Ou Jingfeng. What do you want?" Gu LUOQI whispered. "You're always arguing. You've never asked me for advice or who I want to be with. Am I so casual? If you don't, you'll be with him? I can't find anyone else?"

Why are all the men in the Ou family so stupid?

Who says they are legends?

"You are so disrespectful, you know?" Gu LUOQI complained, "but I forgive you."

Gu LUOQI held his hand. "Although I really have a lot of dissatisfaction with you, I have a lot of opinions to tell you, and I want you to change many shortcomings, for your sake of liking me today, forget it, I said, I want to let you."

With that, Gu LUOQI dropped a gentle kiss on his lips.

"If I knew you were such a stupid Ou Jingyue, I wouldn't fall in love with you at first sight."

But now she likes it.

The person you choose should be responsible no matter how bad it is!

Guluoqi lay beside him, holding his hand and close to him.

As long as he is willing to approach her, she will be very happy. She doesn't want to care about everything.

Close your eyes and enjoy the quiet time.

Unconsciously, he went to sleep.

I don't know how long it took, the voice of the phone seemed to ring in my ear.

Over and over again.

Slowly, from fuzzy to clear.

However, when Gu LUOQI wanted to open her eyes, the phone was answered first.

"What's up?"

It was the voice of Ou Jingyue, very low.

"Mr. ou, there was another ghost incident in the company last night, and this time the ghost came out of the women's wear department," Zhou Qing would report seriously at the other end of the phone. "I retrieved the video at the first time, but it was still a dark shadow."

"The first time?" Ou Jingyue frowned. "How long was the interval?"

"It took me less than five minutes to see the video." Zhou Qing was very efficient.

"Quietly install some cameras in my office. You can observe it yourself!"


Ou Jingyue doesn't believe that the other party will do tricks on the video so quickly. Therefore, the only situation is that the other party is a computer expert.

In Euclidean, whose computer technology is better?

"What's missing in my office?" Ou Jingyue continued.

"As usual, nothing was lost."

Ou Jingyue doesn't quite understand. He can easily take all his confidential documents. Why don't he take them again? Take nothing every time you venture into his office?

So what does the other party do in his office?


After hanging up, Ou Jingyue thought and dialed another phone.

"Master!" Jans answered immediately at the other end of the phone.

"Have the dangerous people who sneaked into city a been cleaned?" asked Ou Jingyue in a low voice.

"Yes, so far, all the people found have been caught, and they have been given to Interpol according to your instructions."

"Where are silver snake and Lao Wu?"

"By my side."

"Let them take everyone back," ordered Ou Jingyue. "If someone checks you, move to the shadowless hall."


Shadowless hall is a well-known underworld organization with great power. However, it is a very principled organization. It does not do anything harmful or drug trafficking. Its main business is arms trafficking. Many advanced weapons they produce will be bought by some countries. Therefore, Interpol generally does not touch them.

The reason why Ou Jingyue used their people was just to hide his power.

In this way, if someone finds out, he can't find his own power.

After all the explanations, Ou Jingyue looked at the time. It was only six o'clock and it was still early.

So he put down his mobile phone, carefully moved his body, reached out and held Gu LUOQI's hand again.

The anesthetic has passed, and the wound on his body is painful, and it is gradually deepening, but he doesn't care.

"Ou Jingyue?" Gu LUOQI turned and opened her eyes.

"I woke you up?" Ou Jingyue smiled.

After a night's sleep, although his face was still pale, his spirit was very good.

"Who are silver snake and Lao Wu?" Gu LUOQI asked. "I remember they are not your secretary or assistant."

"If I have a chance in the future, I'll introduce you," said Ou Jingyue in a hoarse voice. "It's still early now. Go to bed."

"I can't sleep." Gu LUOQI leaned close to his face. This exquisite face, whether viewed from a distance or from a close place, is very charming. It's really refreshing to see such a beautiful man as soon as you open your eyes.

"Since you wake up, I'll ask you a few things." Ou Jingyue looked at her with a bit of wisdom in his black eyes.


"Where did you get the tracker?" the earlier Ou Jing wanted to ask this question. He was just a designer. How could he have such a professional tracker?

"...." can you not answer?

"Who gave it to you?"

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