Take your luggage and walk back.

Dongnuan put his luggage in the living room, then went to the bar next to him, sat beside Wenhan, didn't say anything, just reached for a cup, filled it with wine, and then drank it with his head up.

Hot liquid poured directly into the brain from the stomach, making the irritable mood calm for a moment.

It's very strong wine. It's warm in winter. I drink it a little fiercely. When I drink it, my face turns red.

Wen Han turned his head and looked at her. She blushed. She was very cute.

But how lovely can it be? They are brothers and sisters. They can only be brothers and sisters forever.

Dongnuan didn't speak, stretched out his hand and went to get the wine, but was stopped by Wenhan.

"Whisky, strong liquor, is not suitable for you." Wen Han held her hand and was unwilling to release it.

His feelings for her have never been his brother's feelings for his sister.

Dong Nuan took out his hand. "Why do you think of drinking today? Didn't you say drinking hurts your body? Why, big stars don't have to protect their body today?"

Wen Han looked at his empty palm, "I'm upset today."

"Because of the scandal outside?" Dong Nuan smiled. "Don't you want to attract everyone's attention? Now, everyone has noticed you. Haven't you achieved your goal?"

"No!" Wen Han's voice was a little loud, "my purpose has never been to attract everyone's attention!"

Seeing the indifferent smile on Dongnuan's face, Wenhan's heart was agitated.

"I'm a popular first-line star. My every move is news and will attract the attention of reporters. I don't need to bother to make it at all. How many actresses want to borrow me to the top, and they are eager to make some fancy news with me to improve their popularity. Maybe it's difficult for others to make headlines, which takes a lot of trouble, but I just want to Stop by the side of the road and it will be headlines tomorrow. It's very simple! "

The more Wen Han said, the more angry he became. "Just look through the entertainment newspaper and check it on the Internet. There is news about me almost every day!"

He is a luminescent body. He doesn't need to make any gossip at all. He's tired of making headlines.

"Then why do you want to make gossip for yourself?" Dong Nuan looked at him and asked faintly.


I don't know how to say it. Wen Han doesn't know whether he should say it or not.

Space, there is instant silence.

Dongnuan waited for a long time without waiting for anything. He reached out, took the wine bottle, poured the wine, looked up and drank it again.

It's hot.

However, every time alcohol rushes into the brain, the confusion in the heart will subside for a moment. This feeling will make people addicted.

Therefore, Dongnuan poured wine for himself again and a cup for Wenhan.

I don't know. After a few drinks, my head is a little dizzy. Winter is warm. I look at the silent warmth, cold and despair, which spread at the bottom of my heart.

be it so!

"Tomorrow, I will travel!" said Dong Nuan smartly, "continue to wander the Jianghu!"

Wen Han was stunned, "didn't you just come back?"

"There's no fun outside at home," Dongnuan played with his wine glass. "Brother Feng told me some fun places. I haven't been there yet, so I'm going to have a look."

"When will you be back?" Wen Han asked.

"I don't know," Dong Nuan lowered his head with a faint voice. "If it's not fun, I'll come back soon. If it's fun, I'll play for a few more days, just in case..." Dong Nuan's voice paused, and then continued with a smile, "if I meet someone I like, I can't come back!"

"..." Wen Han stared.

"There are so many people outside, I always meet people I like."

"You... What do you like?"

"Me?" Dongnuan may be a little drunk and have a soft smile. "I like the kind of man who can take me to wander the Jianghu. I don't want to dominate one side, but at least I can be chivalrous!"

Wen Han bowed his head and looked at himself. He... Doesn't meet such conditions.

Because he is not the person she wants, will she never look at him these years?

However, people will change!

Dongnuan stood up, "I'm going back. It's too late to make it inconvenient for you."

"I don't have any inconvenience!" Wen Han explained immediately.

"When you bring women home, it's very inconvenient for me..."

"I didn't!" Wen Han explained, "I didn't spend the night with any woman, I......"

Dong Nuan smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "Can you go home after doing such a fierce thing? I can't see. You have good physical strength."

"No, I haven't had any relationship with any woman. I... I..." Wen Han was a little worried. There was no word in his brain for a moment, "I'm still a virgin!"


Dongnuan's eyes, from his face, looked down slowly and always saw

Keke, Dongnuan looks all the way up.

"Really, I didn't lie!" Wen Han's brain was confused, but his face was especially serious.


Dongnuan feels a little embarrassed. Her brain is not working well. She doesn't know what to say. Anyway, the time is not nearly the same, and she should go.

However, he turned and took a step. His feet seemed to step on a sponge and stumbled!

"Dongdong!" Wen Han held her.

The warm body in winter is soft. At the moment, almost all of them will fall into the warm and cold arms.

I don't want to come out.

The brain turns very slowly and the body reacts very slowly. She doesn't want to move. She just wants to be held by him and wants time to stop.

Wen Han hugged her and breathed a little fast.

Looking at her flushed face, I felt inexplicably restless.

"Dongdong..." Wen Han gasped.

"Hmm?" Dong Nuan stood firm, turned his head and looked at him with blurred eyes.

Red face, blurred eyes, coupled with the brain dazzled by alcohol, Wen Han suddenly hugged Dongnuan!

Hold her tightly, hold her tightly in your arms.

Reluctant to let go.

"Wen Han?" Dong Nuan shouted his name in a soft voice.

"If... If I'm not a star, if I accompany you to wander the Jianghu, if I support chivalry with you..." Wen Han held her very close, "can we... Can we not be brothers and sisters?"

You can't get married within three generations, but they have four generations, and they are not direct relatives. It's reasonable to say that they should be together, right? He consulted a lot of people before, and they all said they could.

Since they can, why can't they?

"Wenhan, what are you talking about?" Dongnuan's brain fainted.

"I said..." Wen Han let go of her and looked at her, "I said, can we... Can we..."

Can you be a couple?

"What can I do?" Dong Nuan looked at him suspiciously.

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