If this had happened a day ago, there might have been a possibility of development between them, but yesterday, she had personally admitted that she was Wen Han's cousin and they were relatives. Now, how can they still be together?

Even if there is no blood relationship, this kind of behavior will also be despised.

She's nothing, but Wen Han's future is completely ruined!

"Wen Han," Dong Nuan looked at him and the stubbornness on his face, "don't you want your future?"

Eyes, red.

She felt as if she had been fooled by heaven. Before, she wanted to further develop with Wen Han, but she never had a chance. Now she was completely desperate, but this happened again.

What do you want her to do?

Wen Han looked at her, bowed his head and kissed her gently on her forehead. "Dongdong, if I have to choose between the future and you, I choose you. If I'm with you, I'm destined to give up my career, then I won't be a star. I'll wander the Jianghu and travel around the world with you. Dongdong, I want to be with you."

He wants to be with her. Over the years, he has been working hard and showing himself. He wants Dongnuan to see his excellence and shine. He wants to attract Dongnuan's attention one day.

What he wants has always been not a future, not a career, but her.

Dongnuan looked at Wenhan, and her panic was slowly smoothed out.

The person you like is right in front of you and opens her arms. Why doesn't she take out some courage to face it? Even if it is proved that they are not suitable in the future, it is also a matter in the future. If she is not brave, she will never have a chance to know whether they are suitable or not.

"Wen Han," Dong Nuan looked at him. "We try to socialize."

Wen Han stared.

"However, just try to communicate. Let's not make it public. Externally, you are still warm and cold, and I am still your cousin. When there is no one... It can be a relationship between lovers."

"OK!" Wen Han agreed immediately, "but from today on, you are not allowed to say we are brothers and sisters!"

Dongnuan nodded.

Wen Han held Dongnuan in his arms and smiled happily. "Dongdong, I know that not making it public will wrong you, but if it is made public, external public opinion will give you greater pressure. Therefore, I won't make it public. When you think I'm good and quite suitable to be your other half in the future, we'll open it again."

He will try.

He doesn't care about his career. He will try to be a qualified lover.

Suddenly became a lover. Dongnuan doesn't know how to react. Especially now, they haven't put on their clothes and hold so much


"Dongdong, there is no one now. It's private. Are we lovers?" Wen Han looked at her happily. "Can we do things for lovers?"

Dongnuan blushed a little, but after thinking about it, would she look too pretentious if she were shy again at this time?

So, turn over and take the initiative to press the temperature and cold below!

"I don't remember last night. Since you are sober, let me taste the taste of big stars instead of your millions of fans!" Dong Nuan blushed and deliberately took out his handsome side. His tone was ruffian, like molesting a good family woman.

Wen Han blushed, "I will try my best to serve you."

As long as we can be with her, Wen Han doesn't care about the way. Moreover, it's not certain who enjoys it most in the end.

Ambiguity continues in the morning.

After such an impure relationship, Dongnuan thought, why should we inform the family, but what should we say?

By the time winter is warm, it's already evening.

She sat with her legs crossed in the living room, while Wen Han sat beside her, holding her neck and rubbing her face from time to time. If it wasn't for her figure, Dongnuan really wanted to describe him as a little bird.

Their gender seems to be reversed, right?

Don't women usually stick to men? Now, on the contrary, he is sitting cool and warm in winter, warm and cold.

"Wen Han?" Dong Nuan pushed him. "Do you think you look like a little daughter-in-law?"

"Like, Xianggong!" Wen Han shouted very dogleg.

Suddenly, the goose bumps all over the body are coming out!

"When you are with me, do you feel like you are making a base?" Dong Nuan often feels that he has too much man smell.

"No, when you treat yourself as a man, just treat me as a woman." Wen Han rubbed his warm face. "Of course, you don't have to treat me as a person in bed."


This guy really doesn't have a lower limit!

Dongnuan reached out and rubbed his hair. "Little daughter-in-law, go to the kitchen and cook for me."

"Yes!" he said in a sharp voice. He felt that he was not satisfied with imitating women. He stood up, put his hands on his waist, slightly squatted down, and made the posture of the palace maids when they were ordered.

Then he walked into the kitchen with a satisfied face.

It's hard today. I have to make up. Well, make more delicious food.

Dongnuan hesitated for a moment, then called Gu LUOQI. She really didn't know who to tell about this shameful thing.

"Hello?" Gu LUOQI quickly connected the phone.

"Qiqi, is brother Yue by your side?" Dongnuan asked carefully.

"No, he went to the study to discuss things with brother midnight," Gu LUOQI asked with a smile, "what's the matter?"

"Let me tell you something," Dongnuan lowered his voice, "I told... Cough, I told Wenhan... We... Cough..."

Hearing the cough, Wen Han showed his head from the kitchen, "Dongdong, is your throat uncomfortable?"

"Get in and cook!" Dong Nuan shouted at him.


"Close the door!"

Wen Han closed the kitchen door with a wronged face.

Hearing their voices, Gu LUOQI smiled, "you won't have impure things?"

"..." Dongnuan was embarrassed, but he admitted, "well, it's very impure."

"Congratulations!" Gu LUOQI smiled happily.

"Qiqi, do you think it's wrong for me to do this?" Dongnuan is not sure. "My parents and his parents... Will they think we're perverts?"

"No, they will certainly accept it. You see, I really want you to be together."


"Don't worry!"

Gu LUOQI comforted Dongnuan on the phone. She comforted Dongnuan for a long time before she put down the phone.

Is it normal for couples to have such a relationship? So, she's always hungry. Is it not good for ou Jingyue?

Thinking so, Gu LUOQI went out of the bedroom and wanted to see if ou Jingyue had talked about good things. He has been there for a long time. Isn't he working secretly again? His injury is not good enough to deal with business.

Gu LUOQI, barefoot, came to the door of Ou Jingyue's study and reached out to push the door, but


It's the sound of the cup breaking on the ground.

"Ou Jingyue, do you believe I will poison you now!" was su ziye's voice, very angry, never angry.

What happened?

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