Gu LUOQI wanted to tell ou Jingyue that today's su ziye was very strange. However, seeing that Ou Jingyue was busy, she didn't speak until Ou Jingyue was busy and was about to speak, Su ziye came over.

With a lot of medicine in his hand and two glasses of water, he sat by the bed and handed one to Ou Jingyue.


These days, Su ziye asked him to drink this medicated water every day in order to regulate Ou Jingyue's body. He was used to it, so he didn't think much and drank it.

Then he frowned bitterly and reached for a second glass of water, but Su ziye stopped him.

"This cup is for Qi Qi." Su ziye took it and handed it to Gu LUOQI.

"Give it to me?" Gu LUOQI was very strange. "I also have a problem with my body?"

"You've been in a hurry recently. Your liver is bad," Su ziye smiled. "Take care of your body so that I can rest assured when you go to France."

Although Gu LUOQI thought Su ziye was strange, she believed him very much that he would not hurt her, so she took the water and drank it safely.

"Very sweet."

"I added sugar to it."

Ou Jingyue frowned. "Midnight brother, why don't you add sugar to me?" his glass of water was bitterly bitter.

"You're a man. What sugar do you add?" Su Zi sat by the bed at night and opened the medicine. "Xiaoyue, I'll give you some medicine. Remember the function and dosage of these medicine."

Ou Jingyue nodded.

Su ziye put a big bag of medicine in front of Ou Jingyue. "It's for treating your trauma. Your wound has scabbed. Just change the medicine once every two days, but if the wound cracks, apply the medicine immediately, okay?"

Ou Jingyue remembers the package of medicine.

"This bottle of medicine is developed by myself. The usage is in my handwritten instructions, and this..."

Gu LUOQI watched, but she felt that her brain was dizzy and sleepy. She didn't even know what Su ziye was saying.

Did you sleep late last night, so you were sleepy?

Gu LUOQI wants to stand up and wash her face. However, her body can't move at all. The scenery in front of her is becoming more and more blurred, and her brain is gradually stopping. Therefore, Gu LUOQI understands that there is a problem with the medicine.

Just, why did Su ziye let her sleep?

What does he want to do?

Too late to ask, his body fell on the bed.

"Qiqi?" Ou Jingyue immediately went to help her body, "Qiqi, what's the matter with you?"

"She's all right," Su ziye smiled faintly, as if she wasn't worried at all. "She just fell asleep."

"You did it on purpose?" Ou Jingyue looked at Su ziye. "Why?"

"For your good."

"We..." Ou Jingyue quickly understood, "did you add something else to my medicine?"

Su ziye nodded.

"Why?" Ou Jingyue wanted to get up. However, his body had no strength at all. Although he kept his brain awake, his body could not move.

"That man is not our last enemy," Su ziye said calmly. "I investigated, and our parents couldn't find out, but they found a clue and needed us to make bait to lead the snake out of the cave."

No matter how amazing the people of the previous generation were, they would not investigate each other so quickly. If it was so easy, they would not be unaware that someone in Interpol was against them.

"You are injured, and Xiao Feng's body is not suitable, so I plan to go by myself."

Ou Jingyue stared and wanted to talk, but he couldn't make any sound and his mouth couldn't move.

"My brother hasn't done anything for you before. This time, it's my turn," Su ziye smiled calmly. "I don't suggest you leave Euclidean group. You are an excellent businessman. If you want to protect Xiaofeng, you can let him manage the company with you."

Ou Jingyue tried his best to talk. He didn't want to hear Su ziye's words similar to his last words, but he couldn't open his mouth.

"Xiaofeng doesn't hate you. Qiqi is not the obstacle between you. He only has a heart devil. I think Xiaofeng's heart devil should have something to do with the people we want to get rid of," Su ziye continued. "I also want to catch each other. Only in this way can Xiaofeng's body recover."

With that, Su ziye stood up, "by the way, I forgot to tell you one thing. Qiqi is a good girl. Cherish it. Don't always think about responsibility and give others a sense of security. In the future, don't do so many things. Just be a businessman."

Ou Jingyue's eyes are slowly closing. His brain is awake, but his body can't move. He can hear Su Zi packing for them and hear him tell people to prepare the plane, but his body can't move, his mouth can't say, and even his eyes can't see. He is clearly awake, but he is like a dead man. He lets people carry his body and put it on the plane.

Then the plane took off.

No matter how hard Ou Jingyue tried, he couldn't move.

He didn't want Su ziye to be in danger. Over the years, he was tired enough and had done enough.

Su ziye also knew that his life would be in danger, but he was in danger, which was much better than watching his two younger brothers in danger. Anyway, he was also a brother. It was his duty to stand in front of them in danger.

Of course, he has another purpose. This can't be said for the time being.

After all the arrangements were made, Su ziye drove back to his home.

He lives in a lonely villa on the hillside, almost far from the city. It looks a little gloomy.

Su ziye went into the house and opened a locked door.

Inside, not a room, but a passage leading to the basement.

Almost no one knows that Su ziye has a basement here.

Turn on the light and the dark space suddenly lights up.

It's dry and clean. There are a lot of drugs in it. It looks more like a laboratory.

And in a corner, there is a bed.

On the bed, lay a man.

The man lay still, breathing, but unable to move.

Su ziye walked over and opened the thin on the man to show his body completely.

There is a scar on the man's left arm, there is also a trace of suture on the wrist of his right hand, and the leg is also a scar, as if the man was assembled, as if he had experienced some major disaster. His body has been scattered, but it was put together by Su ziye.

His body had been put together, but he didn't wake up after so many years.

Su ziye checked his body and injected some drugs into his body. "Many days later, I may not come back. I thought I cured you and all the truth would come out, but I overestimated my medical skills."

"Do you think I'm stupid and would rather risk my life than expose myself?"

The man lying in bed didn't give him any response.

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