France, Lyon, underground casino.

Suzi sat lazily in a private room and looked at bliss with red eyes.

Originally, Su ziye thought that bliss would spend all his money before he asked Su ziye out again. However, unexpectedly, bliss asked Su ziye in the afternoon.

Now, his whole person has shown a crazy state. The more money he wins, the more greedy he becomes. Su ziye looks at his almost ferocious face and sighs silently in his heart. If there is pleasure in making money, can't the money he earns from hard work produce a sense of achievement? Why do so many people like to get something for nothing?

It is precisely because there are so many distorted people in this industry that there will be huge profits to make, right?

Sad people, their desires have become a tool for others to make money after all.

Looking at the time, Su ziye gave a wink to a man who was gambling. The other party immediately understood and deliberately lost to bliss.


Hit your fist on the table!

"Why do you win every time!" the man looked angry, "I don't believe I won't win!" so he pushed all the chips over and took out his own house certificate, "I put my house on!"

When others saw this, they also pressed all their worth. Bliss had lost his reason and almost had no judgment. He felt that he would not lose with Su Zi's night. Therefore, he gambled all his property and borrowed 10 million from usurers!

If he wins alone, he will be worth hundreds of millions. On the contrary, if he loses, he will bear tens of millions of debts. However, bliss didn't think he would lose. Anyway, Su ziye was there.

At this time, Su ziye's mobile phone rang. It was a call from Ou Jingyue. Su ziye didn't avoid it, so he answered it directly.

"Here we are?" asked Su ziye.

"Still on the way, tell me your specific location." at the other end of the phone, Ou Jingyue's voice was a little worried.

"Wait until you come."

"Brother midnight, aren't you kidding me?" Ou Jingyue thought Su ziye's words were wrong.

"Don't you really believe it?"


"Don't worry, take your time. I have something to do." then he hung up the phone.

Just as I hung up the phone, my mobile phone rang again. This time, it was Ou Jingfeng who called. Su ziye sighed silently in his heart. Did their brothers discuss it?


"Brother midnight, I have arrived in Lyon. Where are you?" asked Ou Jingfeng.

"Xiao Feng, at least you've been here for so many years. Isn't it difficult to find someone?"

"You didn't say that before!" oujingfeng's voice was childish.

"How dare you believe my words?"


Su ziye hung up the phone with a smile, then leaned leisurely on the back of the chair, drank water and looked at bliss, who was gambling fiercely. He looked down at his watch. It was eight o'clock. He didn't know if Lisa had succeeded.

"Jack, Jack!" bliss shouted in a panic, "what should I do?"

"It's all the same, so you play by yourself." Su ziye said a vague word.

And bliss's understanding is that he will win.

However, the result was just the opposite. He lost, and he lost very thoroughly!

He wants to pay people double.

Bliss was silly. He didn't react at all. He looked at Su ziye foolishly and couldn't believe it. Did he... Lose?

How is that possible? Doesn't he have Jack?

Isn't Jack the gambler?

How could you lose?

Bliss looked helplessly at Su ziye, waiting for his command, and Su ziye stood up as if he didn't care about it.

"Finished gambling?" Su ziye smiled. "I have something else to do. I'll leave first. Go back."

"But... But I lost..." bliss looked at a loss. He never thought he would lose so badly.

"Gambling has always won and lost. It's common." Su ziye pointed to them. "Didn't they always lose money before? You just lost once. What are you afraid of?"

"..." bliss was completely stupid, "but... If I lose, I have nothing..."

"Bliss, making money is risky." Su ziye smiled, "why, you can't afford to lose?"

"Why don't you help me?" bliss seemed to react in an instant. "You're with them, aren't you? You're deliberately trying to cheat me out of my money?"

"Do you have money?" Su ziye asked, "how did you get your money? I didn't make it for you?"

"..." bliss thought, as if so.

All the money in his account is borrowed from Jack to help him win. No, he lost today, and there are a lot of his own money, such as those who owe usury, but it's the person he's looking for, and it has nothing to do with Jack.

Bliss's brain is about to explode. He doesn't know what's going on. The whole person seems to be dreaming.

What should he do next?

"Bliss," Su ziye patted him on the shoulder, "I advise you to pay back the usury money quickly. Their interest rate is very high and will double several times in a few days, so even if you ask someone to borrow money, you should pay it back first, and then we can gamble. If you win, you can pay it back."

"But I don't know such a rich man?" bliss thought of his friend in his mind.

He seems to have no friends. No, he had friends when he was rich, but now he wants to borrow money. I guess no one is willing to lend it to him?

"Where's your father?" asked Su ziye. "Didn't you say your father was a senior official? He didn't have money?"

"His salary is not enough!" if his salary is high, he will not be reduced to this point?

"Does your father have a good relationship with anyone?" Su ziye's voice was seduced. "Think calmly, such as colleagues who have a good relationship with your father, or superiors. Does your father usually have senior officials who have secret contacts? If he is a person higher than your father, he should be willing to help you."

Bliss was thinking in a hurry.

"Go and find him. Be sure to repay the usury today, and then I'll give you the capital tomorrow, and we'll start from scratch." Su ziye's voice was full of temptation.

Higher officials?

Bliss was thinking seriously. Suddenly, it seemed to think of something.

"Yes, there is a man who is very mysterious every time he meets my father, and then gives my father a lot of money every time. Yes, he must be very rich!" at the moment, bliss has lost his sense and judgment.

"Who is he?"

Bliss shook his head. "I don't know. I don't know his name."

"Do you know where he lives?"

"I know."

"Go find him and go now!"

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