As a parent, ou yunjue also knows a little about who Ou Jingfeng likes. They also know that Ou Jingyue and Ou Jingfeng like Gu's daughter at the same time, but they don't care how their feelings develop and who can finally hold the beauty back. As parents, they don't care so much.

Feelings are their own business, and fate is their own. For ouyunjue, oujingfeng is his own son. Yes, but oujingyue is also his nephew who grew up from childhood. In his heart, he is no different from his son.

At the beginning, they didn't go home. The purpose was to let them develop themselves and not interfere with them.

Now that this question has been raised, ou yunjue is no longer hiding. He looks directly at Ou Jingyue and nods.

"I know."

"Second uncle, I'm sorry," Ou Jingyue bowed his head, "Qiqi... Was robbed by me. I robbed Xiaofeng's favorite person."

Ou yunjue leaned aside and didn't speak.

"I think Xiao Feng doesn't intend to be an Interpol. He just wants to separate from me and prove his ability. Before, he always hated me and robbed Qiqi, but now we are reconciled. I hope he can return to the Euclidean group to be a businessman and live a leisurely life. His health is not very good and he is at home , brother midnight and Ranran can take care of him. "

Ou Jingyue doesn't want his brother to live a life of fighting and killing. He has no eyes. He will be injured frequently.

Hearing what ou Jingyue said, ou yunjue smiled forthrightly, "Xiaoyue, how do I think you are like Xiaofeng's parents, thinking and planning everything for him?"

Ou Jingyue frowned.

"Just as your father never interferes in your life, I never interfere in Xiao Feng's life. If he wants to be a policeman, he has to bear the danger himself. If he wants to be a businessman, we also support him," Ou yunjue patted Ou Jingyue on the shoulder, "Don't tell me about this. Go talk to Xiao Feng. You can make as much noise as you like. Now, the world is yours and we're retired."

They are all adults. They have their own ideas and their lives. They can toss as they like.

"Since the second uncle has no opinion, I'll ask Xiaofeng to go back to the company. He has to go back, and he won't!" Ou Jingyue's attitude is firm. "If we fight, don't be distressed." then he turned and walked into the kitchen.

He did it for a reason.

The tragedy of that year must have been secretly planned by Kono. Xiaofeng's illness has something to do with Kono. If Xiaofeng continues to be an Interpol, he will inevitably have to fight Kono. What if Xiaofeng's body deteriorates?

Ou Jingyue doesn't want Xiao Feng to get hurt again.

He wants to protect him.

Therefore, this time, whether Ou Jingfeng wants to or not, he, who is the eldest brother, will insist on letting him enter Euclidean, even if he plays tricks.

From Lyon to Paris, you can reach it in more than an hour. The transportation in France is very convenient. It won't take long to reach the place where Gu LUOQI lives. Therefore, at about 10 a.m., Ou Jingyue has come to his door.

This is the place where Gu LUOQI once lived. Ou Jingyue once came here secretly. It's just that she came here for the first time and invited her to work at Euclidean.

At that time, he was very excited. He didn't know what to do or what to say. In order to show his estrangement from her, he deliberately used a big scene. However, when he walked in front of her and saw the brilliant self-confidence on her face, his brain was almost blank.

I don't know what to say.

He approached her. He dared not even breathe. He could only face her with a cold expression.

If he knew at the beginning that he would submit completely, when she said she wanted him to make a promise, he simply nodded and agreed.

Ou Jingyue walked over step by step, but as soon as she reached the gate, Gu LUOQI came out of her home.

The long curly hair is scattered on the shoulders at will, and the slender body is wrapped in loose clothes. It is simple and lazy, like the little sister next door.

With a bright smile on his face, reflecting the sun, he became incomparably dazzling.

Ou Jingyue walked over with a smile. His steps were a little flustered. He wanted to go over and hold her tightly in his arms!

"Qiqi!" oujingyue reached out and wanted to hug her, but

Gu LUOQI reached out and pushed him away. "Mr. ou, why do you come to my house?"

A pair of bright eyes with cunning, deliberately disguised as a strange tone, with some joking meaning.

Ou Jingyue forcibly hugged Gu LUOQI, "come to insult you!"

That's right

Gu LUOQI held him and complained, "Mr. ou, you're bad at learning."

"Facing you, I can't get serious!" oujingyue held her tightly. "Let's go to the room. I still have a lot of bad things to do to you."

Gu LUOQI smiled vaguely, "why, Mr. Ou wants to play hooligans on me in broad daylight?"

"Well, I think," Ou Jingyue didn't deny at all, "I can't wait."

Gu LUOQI was embarrassed. Would he be too direct?

"What about your father and your brother?" asked Ou Jingyue.

"They are in the study. It seems that the state has something to do temporarily. They are dealing with it."

Ou Jingyue immediately let go of Gu LUOQI and turned to hold her hand, "let's go back to the room!"

Don't waste the opportunity, otherwise there may be few such good opportunities in the future.

Holding Gu LUOQI's hand, Ou Jingyue hurried into the house with her, went directly to the second floor, and then walked directly into Gu LUOQI's bedroom without asking. Without saying anything, he kissed her lips directly.

Like people who have been thirsty for a long time in the desert finally arrive at the oasis, they greedily enjoy this beauty.

Kiss, tossed on her neck, warm and greedy.

"Ou Jingyue..." Gu LUOQI was weak and could only hold his neck. "I still have questions... To ask you..."

"Well," replied Ou Jingyue carelessly, "you ask."

Hands, touching her.

"Brother midnight... Didn't you say... He came too?" Gu LUOQI's voice softened.

"He doesn't dare to come here," said Ou Jingyue softly in her ear. "He's afraid your father knows that he put us on the snow mountain."

"Where did he go?"

"In the city, he is tired these days and needs to find a place to have a good rest."

"Then he..."

"Qiqi," said Ou Jingyue, leaning against her forehead, "if you don't concentrate on responding to me, I'll be angry." in her voice, there was some childishness.

Gu LUOQI is embarrassed. Is he jealous again?

Oujingyue kissed her lips, then went to the bed and put her on. Although it was only one night, oujingyue felt as if it had been a long time.

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