Su ziye was idle and bored. When he had enough sleep, he got up and walked around.

The streets of Paris are full of romantic scenery and loving people. He sits alone in a chair in a square, ignores the people around him, leans back in the chair and basks lazily in the sun.

Don't worry about who you are and whether something has happened to the plan. Sure enough, such a peaceful life is most suitable for him.

When it was, it was obvious that someone came over.

Su Zi opened his eyes faintly at night and saw a face full of aura.

The face is small, the mouth is also small, but those eyes are large, with the light of being unfamiliar with the world. The whole person is full of vitality, like an angel who suddenly came to the world.

Su ziye was a little surprised.

It's not because of her delicacy, but that face is especially like

Is it a coincidence?

"Do you need flowers, sir?" in poor French, "one euro for one."

Su ziye narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at her up and down.

Her hands are small, her feet are small, and her body is small. She is as delicate as a dummy made of wax. Her delicate face is always full of spirit, as if she has endless strength.

"How much is it all for me?" Su ziye asked in fluent French.

"...." the girl was stunned and stared, innocent and harmless.

Obviously, she can't speak French and can't understand what Su ziye is saying. She can only say that sentence when others teach her.

"What's your name?" Su ziye used Chinese. This girl is indeed an oriental girl.

"So you're not French!" the other party was obviously excited. "Hello, my name is Linda. For our sake, buy a flower!"

Su ziye tilted his lips and smiled lazily, "what's the fate between us?"

"We come from the same country, isn't it fate?" Linda looked harmless to humans and animals. "This is France. It's really not easy to meet people from the same country!"

Su ziye took out his wallet, took out a euro with the largest face value and handed it to her, "don't change it."

Linda took it and didn't seem to know the money very well.

Kathy only told her what a euro coin looked like, but she didn't show her this.

This coin says five hundred. How many meanings does this mean?

Five hundred dollars?

I'm kidding. The maximum face value of RMB is 100. Is there 500 euros?

Can't it be counterfeit money?

Linda studied for a long time and didn't quite understand it, so she smiled at Su ziye, "wait for me first."

With that, he put the flowers in Su ziye's hand, then turned and ran to Kathy, who was sitting and talking in a corner of the square, and handed the money in his hand to Kathy in front of her.

"Sister Casey, is this real money or fake money?"

Kathy looked. "Really."

"How much is this?" Linda didn't understand when she went abroad for the first time.

"Five hundred euro notes," Kathy replied seriously.

Is there really 500 yuan in face value?

Linda stared, "sister Casey, how much is this equivalent to RMB?"

Kathy calculated, "if at the current exchange rate, it's almost 3600?"

so many?

Linda's eyes were obviously surprised, as if she had found money on the ground. Sure enough, selling flowers is a profitable industry both at home and abroad!

"Linda, where did you get the money?" Kathy asked.

"I didn't pick it up. Someone wanted to buy my flowers and give it to me. She said she didn't need change!" Linda took the money and her face was full of pride. Alas, she made so much money at once. She was going to make a fortune!

"Who's so generous?" Kathy was curious. Isn't it a bad man?

"That's him!" Linda pointed to the man sitting in the chair in the middle of the square.

The man wore a shirt and was lazy. His ice blue eyes looked charming and mysterious, like Superman with some mysterious power.

Kathy looked over and recognized Su ziye sitting in the middle of the square at a glance. Then she came back and hit Linda on the head.

"Unscrupulous businessmen know to pit their own people!" Kathy scolded.

"Ah?" Linda didn't understand. "My own people?"

"That man is president Ou's cousin, Su ziye. He is a doctor. His mother, ou Yunge, was the last president of Euclidean group and the only female president in Euclidean history."

"Ha?" Linda was still confused.

"Ou Yunge's brother, named ou yunjue, is the father of Ou Jingfeng, the second young master of the Ou family. Do you understand?"

Linda's eyes widened. "So, I really fucked my own people?"

Kathy nodded. "Come on, let's go."

Linda looked down at her money and looked reluctant. Alas, she could not keep the money she earned by her ability.

Su ziye looked at them with a cool look on his face. When he looked at Linda, a pair of ice blue eyes had a complex light, but when they walked in, the strange light was well covered up by him.

"What a coincidence, Mr. Su," Kathy said politely. "Why are you here?"

"I'm idle and bored. I come and go. I didn't expect such a coincidence," Su ziye pointed to Linda. "Who is she?"

"She is Qiqi's assistant. Her name is Linda. A child is not sensible and may cause you trouble." then she took a look at Linda.

Linda lowered her head and looked at the money in her hand. There were more than 3000 yuan. She was very reluctant to give up. However, her own money could not be wasted. Those flowers were very cheap.

So he reached out and handed the money, "Mr. Su, return the money to you. These flowers are withered flowers I picked up at the door of the florist, raised by myself, and other lovers who picked up in the roadside trash can. They are worthless“

Su ziye hooked his lips and smiled, "here's the money. I want these flowers."

"That won't work!" Linda looked up. "If so, I'll kill the guest!"

And it's unkind to kill your own people.

"It's all right. I have a lot of money," Su ziye said lazily. "What are you doing here?"

"Isn't Euclidean women's clothing coming to fashion week? We're here to help." Kathy looked at Linda.

Linda blinked a pair of simple eyes. "Qiqi said to let me come and see the world. In fact, she wanted me to travel at public expense!"

Although Gu LUOQI didn't say it, that's what she meant. Otherwise, she wouldn't give her any tasks and just let her play around.

Su ziye looked at Linda and the face, "do you want to make money?"

Linda's eyes lit up immediately. "Think!"

"Just right, I'm bored here. Let's make a company. I'll give you 1000 euros a day."

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