Paris fashion week has opened. Influential people, stars and some designers in the fashion industry have attended the event one after another. Journalists all over the world are paying attention to and reporting.

Women all dress themselves up to be the most perfect and want to appear in front of everyone with the most perfect posture.

There is only one exception.


She's looking down to count the money.

It's not because she has too much money in her wallet, but because she likes to count money. This one is not money, but brick by brick to buy a house for her brother. No, now she counts a TV!

Su ziye sat quietly and watched her count the money again and again for a long time. Then she took out her money and stuffed it into Linda's wallet.

"Here you are!"

All his cash is here.

Linda stared at the colorful money in front of her, which had been mixed with her own.

"You are very good. The money is a reward for you." Su ziye said lazily.

"But these days we're going where I want to go?" Linda tilted her head. "You've invited me to eat enough. I can't ask for your money anymore!"

Su ziye looked down and said, "anyway, all the money has been mixed into one. Just take it."

Linda didn't speak. She looked down and began to count the money again.

Su ziye leaned back in her chair, looked at the people walking in front of the square, and listened to Linda's voice counting money.

These days with Linda, Su ziye can't figure out her hobbies. She seems to like eating everything. Everything looks like she hasn't eaten. She looks happy when they eat well and happy when they don't. is such a person a little optimistic?

No matter where they go, she looks happy and energetic. After walking a long way, she doesn't look tired. She has good physical strength. Even if her face is red with fatigue, she doesn't look decadent at all. She is still full of vitality.

Where did her spirit come from?

"Here you are!" Linda said suddenly and handed a pile of money to Su ziye. "I know how much money I have in my wallet. I just counted the total. Minus my money, the rest is yours!"

A pair of smart big eyes looked at Su ziye like this, looking unfamiliar with the world.

"Don't you want to make money?" Su ziye said lazily, "I'll give you money, don't you?"

"No!" Linda replied positively, "it's not easy for everyone to make money. It's an extra gift for you to give me so much. How can I open my mouth?"

Her words aren't very accurate, are they?

However, Su ziye didn't care about these, "keep it and buy something you like."

"I can't buy all the things I like," Linda stuffed the money into his pocket. "Although the cake is delicious, if I can only let myself eat steamed bread, the steamed bread is also very fragrant!"

Su ziye frowned at her.

"People, be content," Linda said with a look of understanding. "Contentment is always happy!"

One day, she will be able to afford cake, but the time wasted because she wants to eat cake will never come back. Therefore, she will not be in a hurry or panic. She will make money slowly and get what she wants.

Linda shook her purse. "You see, others spend money on traveling, but I make money. Isn't it great?"

The shabby little purse was facing the light, and there were obvious signs of wear and tear.

At this time, a skateboarder ran over quickly. When Linda didn't react at all, she grabbed her wallet and ran away quickly.

What made Linda more unresponsive was that Su ziye jumped over quickly and kicked the man at a faster speed!

The other party was kicked to the ground and his wallet fell into the fountain.

Linda finally reacted and rushed over. Instead of catching the thief, she quickly jumped into the fountain and looked for her wallet.

In addition to documents, the money inside is more important.

The water was not deep, and the water was very clear, so Linda quickly found her wallet and jumped out of the pool.

The water inside is very cold. It's autumn, and the air is not so hot. Therefore, jumping into the pool abruptly, the cold can't be resisted by ordinary people.

Su ziye wants to go over and get Linda out of the water. However, Linda has come out by herself.

The whole body was wet, and the thin body looked thinner, like a chicken wet by the rain. It was shivering with cold, but looking at the wallet in his hand, he still had a silly smile on his face.

Su ziye is a little angry.

"Is money really that important to you?" Su ziye yelled at her.

Linda nodded.

Very important.

"More important than your life?"

Linda was stunned for a moment, then shook her head, "it's not as important as my life, but if I jump, I won't die. If I don't jump, there will be no money!"

Put up with the cold for a while and get your money back, isn't it cost-effective?

"You..." Su ziye resisted her anger and wanted to continue yelling at her. "There is a women's clothing store nearby. I'll take you to buy a suit and change it."

"No," Linda refused immediately. "It's not far from where I live. I'll just go back and change it."

"I'll buy it for you. You don't have to spend money!"

"I have clothes to wear!" Linda looked up and looked at Su ziye. "Midnight brother, you wait for me here and I'll be back soon!" then she turned and ran away.

However, as soon as he turned around, he was pulled by Su ziye.

"Ah?" Linda asked.

"It's boring to be here alone. I'll go with you."

Su ziye has never seen so stupid and stubborn. It seems that what she believes is right must be right. No one can change it. She will do what she thinks is worth doing. Doesn't she think it's so stupid and stupid?

Linda lives where the employees of Euclidean women's wear live. Two people have a room. However, now everyone has gone to work. There is no one in the hotel room.

"Midnight brother, you sit here and I'll change!" Linda opened her suitcase, found a dress and ran to the bathroom.

Su ziye took the opportunity to take a look at her clothes.

They are not good clothes. The quality is very poor. You can tell from a glance that they bought them at the stall. Moreover, the suitcase seems to have been used for a long time, and some zippers on it are rusty.

The person who was in the same room with her bedroom had a variety of cosmetics and skin care products, and Linda's bedside cupboard contained only one cleansing cream that he did not know to what brand, and a bottle of face cream.

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