Euclidean women's wear has fought a beautiful battle, stood at the top of women's wear again and won the favor of customers. Now, no matter Yaou, Xingou or chenou, the orders received are simply too busy.

The original boring design was replaced by the latest products. Almost overnight, all the clothes in all Euclidean women's clothing stores were off the shelves. When the store door was opened the next day, all the designs were the latest.

Euclidean women's wear has many stores all over the country, which can be renewed overnight. How many clothes do you need? Do you need to prepare for a long time in the early stage? And how confident is the banquet that it will cause a sensation in fashion week?

Suddenly, both the top management and employees of the company admired Gu LUOQI, and no one doubted her ability.

Before, many people thought that Gu LUOQI could be so arrogant only by relying on the power of President ou, but now we all understand that she does have arrogant capital. Moreover, she is a disciple of master Chenxi, and her talent is naturally beyond doubt.

In the office, Gu LUOQI looked down at the statements sent by various regions, which were given to her by Dongnuan.

"Qiqi, you are really great!" Dong Nuan hugged Gu LUOQI's neck and rubbed her face. "We changed all women's clothes under Ou's name without saying a word. This move was so handsome that overnight, all those brands that imitated our style became jokes, ha ha!"

It's a big deal to change into clothes in thousands of stores overnight.

Moreover, their latest advertisement has also been launched. The spokesperson is not an international famous model or the popular actress, but a beautiful man like Wen Han. In particular, he stands in front of Yaou's shop, looks at the camera and says, I like girls with taste. Do you want to find your most beautiful side here? This coquettish scene is too eye-catching.

Gu LUOQI smiled confidently, "fortunately, I succeeded. In case of failure, those senior executives of our company probably killed my heart."

If she didn't win such a big victory in fashion week, if she didn't let Euclidean women's clothes enter the international sight again, all the clothes she made by working overtime in the factory a few months in advance would be in vain.

Euclidean has so many women's clothing stores. Old clothes are taken back and donated. The loss is too great. There is so much investment in new clothes. Once it fails, it is estimated that even Ou Jingyue can't protect her.

Now think about it, is she really bold?

"My Qiqi won't fail!" Dong Nuan showed her the statement. "You see, this is our profit in the previous two days. How proud of this amount!"

Gu LUOQI looked at the time. "Are you going to the meeting?"

"Yes, the time for the meeting has passed, but I'm going to be late," said Dong Nuan with a proud face, "just to make them wait."


"I'm a hero. Now the company will make a lot of money. No, it will make money for a long time. Our women's wear department will be proud of Euclidean again. I'm the director of women's wear department. What's the matter with them waiting?" Dongnuan's pride.

"This is a high-level meeting, waiting for you, and Ou Jingyue?"

"Is he a cow?" Dongnuan looked disdainful. "It's not the same. You have to wait for me."

"What about your father?" Gu LUOQI smiled. "He doesn't attend the meeting?"

"Well, no, my father hates meetings."

When Dong Li was in a meeting, he was very anxious, especially when the group was fighting, but no one gave useful suggestions, he had to lift the table every minute!

Holding Gu LUOQI for a while, he determined that it was not early. He really had to go, so he reluctantly left.

Gu LUOQI bowed her head and continued to work.

At this time, Gu LUOQI's cell phone rang.

"Hello?" Gu LUOQI answered the phone.

"Miss Gu, there's someone looking for you at the door of the company, saying it's your admirer. Do you want him to go in?" the day before yesterday, the young lady asked politely.


Gu LUOQI is very curious and loves her a lot, but there is almost nothing she can remember. Moreover, she never easily makes friends with the opposite sex, especially when she knows that the other party loves herself, she won't pay attention to this person.

"I don't know any admirer. Send him away." Gu LUOQI didn't save face for anyone.

"But he said you must want to see him."

"I don't want to see you, and there's no need to see you." Gu LUOQI had no curiosity at all.


"Miss Gu!" a man's voice came over the phone. Obviously, the man robbed the phone. "Aren't you curious about me? Don't you want to hear what I'm looking for you for?"

"Sorry, I don't want to know."

"Don't listen to my story?"

"Don't listen!" then he hung up the phone.

She is not a fool. She goes out casually and is prone to danger. She has no ability to protect herself. Therefore, she will not let herself encounter any danger and create an opportunity for the enemy. She is not interested in anyone except Ou Jingyue and her family.

After hanging up, Gu LUOQI immediately dialed Zhou Qing's phone.

Originally she wanted to tell ou Jingyue, but Ou Jingyue was in a meeting and she didn't want to disturb him.

"Miss Gu, what's up?" Zhou Qings voice came from the other end of the phone. "Mr. Ou is in a meeting, but he brought his cell phone in. If you need to find him, you can call his cell phone."

"I'm looking for you," Gu LUOQI smiled. "A suspicious person just called me. Can you check the surveillance in the hall on the first floor and see who's at the front desk?"

"Yes, I'll check it right away!" Zhou Qing remembered the sound of typing the keyboard.

Gu LUOQI waited patiently.

"Yes," Zhou Qing's voice was a little surprised, "it's Kono."

"What?" Gu LUOQI was surprised. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, he also robbed the front desk phone, and I saw it clearly with his face to the camera," Zhou Qing was very sure. "Miss Gu, if you want to go out in the future, please be sure to inform president Ou or let us accompany you."

Gu LUOQI nodded solemnly, "I know."

"By the way, by us, I mean Jane and I, not the East."

"What's the matter with Dongfang?" isn't he also the president's secretary? Don't all the secretaries of Ou Jingyue can be used as bodyguards?

"He's useless."


"Zhou Qing, who do you say is useless?" there was a scream from the east at the other end of the phone. "Tell me clearly, who is useless?"


Gu LUOQI hung up the phone with a smile, looked outside, and then walked to the door and locked the door of the office. Is it safe?

Kono's daring to come here is obviously a demonstration, showing his contempt for ou Jingyue?

Maybe he should cry soon?

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