The memory in my mind is constantly emerging, but the brain with severe pain is slowly calming. It should be the effect of drugs.

Chaotic memory, slowly restored calm, bit by bit from her mind.

She remembered how ridiculous she had been these years, and also remembered that in her ridiculous life, she met so many people who really helped her. She could not have been lonely and could have lived well. However, she hurt him with the knife that brother midnight gave her for self-defense.

Looking at her hands, Linda wanted to kill herself.

"I'm fine," Su ziye seemed to know what she thought. "I was not a good man. Everything I have to you is false. I'm using you."

Linda stared at Su ziye.

"I know you are Kono's test object, so I've been secretly studying you, but you don't know it," Su ziye said faintly. "I even installed eavesdropping equipment in your body. The purpose is to use you to find each other's experimental base. When necessary, I can turn your body into explosives and blow up there!"

Linda fell to the ground and looked at Su ziye in horror.

Su ziye squatted quietly on the ground and looked at her with deep cold in her ice blue eyes.

"In addition to being a doctor, I am also the general director of the Intelligence Department of Interpol. Your brother is my subordinate. I know that the mission is dangerous. I deliberately asked him to die."

Linda shook her head. She didn't believe that brother midnight was not such a person.

Su ziye stood up. "If you want to see your brother for the last time, come with me."

Cold back, people can't get close.

As if all the tenderness before was really pretended, as if today's indifference was the real him.

Linda stood up foolishly, followed him and went into the basement.

In a corner of the basement, a man lay quietly.

Compared with Linda's time here before, this man has more pipes and more instruments, which are ringing bit by bit.

He looks more dangerous than before.

"He is your brother," Su ziye pointed to the man lying on the bed, "just take off the gauze on his face."

Linda walked over strangely, then reached out and bit by bit removed the gauze from his face.

About her brother, that's her obsession. In fact, she has blurred the appearance of her brother, but she firmly believes that she will recognize her brother when she sees him.

However, looking at the resolute man in front of her, she couldn't connect him with the kind brother in her memory.

She vaguely remembered that her brother was thin and always smiled, but she didn't know when he became a resolute man.

Linda looked at this strange face and was stunned.

At the bottom of my heart, there is despair and liberation.

What has she been insisting on all these years?

"His body organs are declining rapidly," Su ziye said while dispensing medicine. "Even if he keeps lying like this, he won't last long."

Linda reached out and touched her brother's face.

He died for president ou.

Linda thought he must be willing?

Su ziye put the prepared medicine into the syringe, and then walked over, "I think it's better for him to see you and say goodbye to you before he dies than to die peacefully."

Linda suddenly looked at Su ziye, "what do you mean?"

"I can make him open his eyes, but he may only have less than a minute, and then he will die," Su ziye went to bed. "The medicine I used for him was originally poison, which strongly stimulated his body and forced him to wake up, but the toxicity will soon kill his life."

"No!" Linda suddenly shouted, "don't kill him, don't!"

Even if she let him live one more minute, she had seen her brother. It didn't matter whether she spoke or not.

"I think he must want to see you too?" Su ziye took out a necklace, pendant and a women's ring from his pocket and handed it to him. "I heard that it was handed down by your family. Your brother handed it to Xiao Yue when he was on duty. He said that if he couldn't come back, he hoped you could live a happy life."

This is a ring. My brother took the woman's one, and she took the man's one. My brother said that when she got married, he would personally hand her hand to the groom and hand her the diamond ring.

However, none of this can be achieved.

Linda took the necklace and looked at the ring as a pendant. Her eyes hurt, but no tears fell.

His eyes were so dry that he could hardly open them.

While she was in a daze, Su ziye impolitely injected the drug into the man's body. In a sense, it was equivalent to Su ziye killing him. However, after so many years, it was almost enough. Another day would have no meaning. It's better to let him wake up and meet his sister, even if he could only say one or two words, Linda will live well, too?

Her life can't just live for her brother.

"Brother midnight, what are you doing?" Linda suddenly woke up. However, it was too late.

"Your brother was killed by me. You can hate or revenge." Su ziye said faintly.


Linda looked at him foolishly, at his indifference.

At this time, the man lying in bed seemed to finally start moving, and the instruments connected to him were ringing constantly.

Su ziye felt noisy and reached out to turn off all the instruments.

After struggling for a long time, the man in bed finally opened his eyes.



Blood spat out of his mouth.

"Brother?" Linda exclaimed, lying beside him, wiping the blood on his mouth with her hands. "Brother, I'm Linlin, brother, do you still recognize me? I'm your sister Linlin."

"... Lin... Lin Lin..." her voice was very hard. However, she still clearly shouted her name, "my... Little Lin... Unexpectedly... I can still... See you..."

The man looked at his sister with pride on his face, "... Very beautiful... My sister used to... Grow up..."

"Brother!" thousands of words were stuck in my throat, only tears kept flowing.

"Sorry... I didn't... Take care of you..." the man said with difficulty, "Linlin... Live a good life... Don't hate... Anyone..."

"I know, I know!" Linda cried. "I know my brother is to protect President ou. I know my brother is a very righteous person. I also know that my brother will not deliberately leave me. I know that my brother is a great policeman."

Her brother is her pride, always.

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