Chang Sen, as an undercover, has been lurking for a long time.

His body is also a success of the experiment. After su ziye found it, he forcibly restored his memory, but it also destroyed his body. However, if he completes the task, Su ziye will slowly recuperate him.

But he said, Lord, I'm your chess piece. You don't need any pity until I turn into ashes.

After su ziye found that Linda's body was also an experimental object, she specially boiled the medicine to let her drink it, so that her body could bear the impact of memory. From now on, it should have a good effect. He waited for Chang Sen to come back and adjust it for him.

Chang Sen's last task is to spy on the scientists to see where their nest is, and then he can come back. But he has lost the news?

How is that possible?

"When was Chang Sen's last report?" Su ziye asked.

"Last night, he said that the task was completed, and then this morning, he said that he had set out, and then there was no news." the voice on the other end of the phone was somewhat comforting, "Sir, don't worry, maybe it's just a monitoring failure?"

"Impossible!" Su ziye is almost sure that even if something goes wrong, Linda and Chang Sen's tracker can't go wrong at the same time.

So, what must have happened?

Did Chang Sen and Linda get caught?

But with Chang Sen's style, even if it is exposed, he will find a way to report the situation. It is impossible to disappear inexplicably!

"Where was the last location where Chang Sen was detected?" Su ziye asked.

"On an island in Southeast Asia."

"Go check the island and see if anything unusual has happened!"


Hanging up, Su ziye looked at Linda's brother's body and called several subordinates nearby to send the body to the crematorium and bring the ashes back.

However, when the subordinates were carrying the body, they found a letter under the body.

To be exact, it's a piece of paper that says "brother midnight".

Is it for him?

Juan Xiu's font is Linda's.

Su ziye opened the letter and looked at the contents.

"Brother midnight, I like you very much. I like you very much. However, I don't seem to deserve you, so I don't fantasize anymore, but you have given me a lot of warmth. I want to repay you."

"I know what you said to me was intentional to prevent me from pestering you. Don't worry, I may not pester you in the future. If you don't have the heart to use me, I can use myself."

"I went with those scientists. When I got to the laboratory, I would try to detonate there. I don't care who was killed, who was injured and how much loss was caused. I want to be willful once. Even if you know you will scold me, I still want to do so."

"Brother midnight, maybe we really want to say goodbye and do something for you. I'm really happy to know you shining people. However, I'm not in your world after all. You're so great and I'm so small. If people have the next life, I want to be brother midnight's sister and I want to take care of you."

"I've been wordy for so long. I don't know if you want to see these, but I don't care. Brother midnight, be happy!"

Letter, that's it.

There are traces of tears on the paper.

Su ziye seemed to see tears in her eyes, but a giggle on her face.

The eyes are sour.

This fool!

She has been busy for her brother for so many years, but the result is nothing. Now she has sacrificed for him. When will she think of herself? Will you think more about yourself?

It's said that human nature is selfish, Linda. Why can't you be selfish?

Su ziye held the letter paper, his eyes blurred so that he couldn't see the words on it.

"Linlin, don't do anything stupid. Live well. You must live!"

So simple, so kind-hearted girl, why should she be treated so unfairly? God has given her so many disasters, why can't he give her a peaceful life?

At this time, Su ziye's mobile phone rang, which was called by his subordinates.

Su ziye answered immediately, "did you find it?"

"Yes, just an hour ago, there was an explosion on the island, and one of the factories was destroyed. The government of the country to which the island belongs has stepped in and found a lot of illegal drugs and..."

"What else?" Su ziye asked immediately.

"There are still many bodies, many of which are charred and can't be identified for the time being."

"..." Su ziye's legs lost strength and fell to the ground.

Is this... God's joke on him?

"You go, step in as a special police officer and take samples of each body back!" Su ziye said in a daze, "no less."


The brain is blank.

Su ziye is used to life and death.

He is from the intelligence department. There are many spies under him. Many of his loyal subordinates have been undercover. Many people have lost their lives for the task. There is sadness, but Su ziye won't have much feeling.

He thought he was numb and used to seeing life and death.

But what happened to him this time?

He originally planned to use Linda and sacrifice her. Anyway, she was also a small role. She was alone. She died and didn't even have to compensate her family, but why was he so sad?

Why don't you even dare to go to the island yourself?

He should go. He should investigate what drugs are on the island. Basically, he knows what experiments the other party is doing, but why does he dare not go?

What is he afraid of seeing?

Afraid to determine what?

Self deception is not his style. He has never done such a thing, but why did he dare not this time? He would rather wait for news at home than go in person?

No, he doesn't want any news.

No news, maybe the best news.

Hearing that someone came in, Su ziye didn't want to see who it was.

Whoever it is, it doesn't matter what he wants to do. He doesn't want to move.

What's the matter with him?

"Midnight brother?" Ou Jingyue came to him and squatted down. "What's the matter with you?"

Su ziye stared at Ou Jingyue in a daze. She didn't know what to say. Linda wouldn't die. God gave her so many misfortunes that she wouldn't even give her a miracle. She might... Might escape at the moment of explosion.

However, this assumption, he felt very funny, her silly appearance, how could she have such a fast skill?

"Brother midnight, what happened?" oujingyue looked at him.

Ou Jingyue didn't know what happened to Su ziye, but he saw that life was loveless and disillusioned from his face.

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