"Until you accept me and don't push me away."


Gu LUOQI shook off Ou Jingyue and rushed to the window impolitely, as if she was about to jump to him.

"Gu LUOQI!" Ou Jingyue pulled her over and held her tightly in his arms!

Guluoqi, you witch!

Foot pain, headache, as if all the body were in pain, bit by bit pushing Gu LUOQI's bearing limit.

The white face has completely turned into lavender, and the whole body is hot.

"Ou Jingyue, I like you," Gu LUOQI whispered in his arms. "I like you since I first saw you when I was 13."

Ou Jingyue hugged her tightly, and the bottom of his heart was cold.

Nine years ago, she fell in love at first sight

"How on earth can you accept me?" Gu LUOQI whispered in his arms, his voice was very weak. "Can you offer a condition? But how difficult can it be? Tell me, how can I enter your heart?"

No matter how difficult it is, no matter how long it takes, she can insist. As long as she can be with him, she is willing to do anything, but whatever she does is futile?

Oujingyue hugged her and tightened his arms tightly. "Qiqi, you love the wrong person, you know?"

Oujingyue looked at the front, the fundus of his eyes, hiding too many feelings and too many tidal fog, "you pester me so much that one day you will regret when you know the truth."

Black eyes, with suppressed pain and helplessness, also suppress the feelings that are about to gush out.

"Fool Qiqi, you will eventually hate me, you know?" Ou Jingyue hugged her tightly and wanted to rub her into his body, become a part of him and integrate with her forever.

"Fool, fool, Qiqi is the biggest fool in the world!" oujingyue hugged her and hugged her to death.

However, Gu LUOQI couldn't hear what he was saying and fell into a coma.

In the dream, it was the scene when they first met.

He was dressed in the special forces uniform of Interpol. He was clean and sharp. A pair of wise eyes looked at her so faintly.

He was naturally indifferent to everyone. Even if he killed someone, even if a fresh life disappeared from his eyes, he wouldn't take another look, but that day, his eyes stayed on her for a long time.

She believed that he had feelings for her.

Gu LUOQI fainted. This was something that Ou Jingyue found out after holding her for a long time. Seeing her blue and purple face, he was so frightened that he immediately wrapped her horizontally. Regardless of everyone's eyes, he took her downstairs and rushed out of the company.

Put her in the car and dial Gu LUOQI's cell phone while driving.

"Hello, who?" there was a leisurely and cold voice on the other end of the phone.

"Midnight brother, it's me!"


"Drive all your patients away!" said Ou Jingyue nervously. "I'll take Qiqi there. She has a fever. Now she's in a coma. I'll go there in about 30 minutes and clean up all your patients!"

"Qiqi?" the voice on the other end of the phone wondered, "which Qiqi? The little witch who makes you afraid to go home and live alone in the wilderness? That makes you and Xiaofeng..."

"I'm driving now. It's inconvenient to talk. Hang up first!"

He's running away.

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