Charge the mobile phone and turn it on. I found that there were nearly 200 missed calls on the mobile phone, all of which were Gu LUOQI's!

Ou Jingyue immediately dialed the phone. It seemed to be threatening, but it was not difficult to tell ou Jingyue. He wanted to tell Gu LUOQI that everything had him, so he didn't have to worry.

The phone rang for a long time before it was finally connected.

"Hello?" at the other end of the phone, it was Gu LUOQI's voice. "Why, Ou always comes to be accountable?"

Ou Jingyue didn't know whether it was a joke or whether she was serious. "I just saw the news. I'll deal with it. Don't worry, I'll..."

"Ou always wants to help me?" Gu LUOQI's voice is cool. "Don't you want to be with me? If you help, I'll entangle you again. You have to bother to get rid of me. In this cycle, Ou always wants to play several times?"

"..." Ou Jingyue didn't understand what happened, but always felt that her attitude was a little strange, "where are you now?"

"On the way to the company."

"Don't go to the company!" cried Ou Jingyue coldly, "go back!"

"What identity are you taking care of me?" Gu LUOQI asked as if nothing had happened. "Boyfriend?"




Gu LUOQI looked ahead and waited quietly for a while. Unable to wait for the answer at the other end of the phone, the cold in her heart slowly poured up.

"Since this matter is aimed at me, I naturally want to solve it myself. As for Mr. ou, just watch." Gu LUOQI pretended to be nothing. "I'll be in the company soon. If Mr. Ou is also in the company..."

"Gu LUOQI, this is not a child's play!" Ou Jingyue interrupted him. "Those people are deliberately making trouble for you. I'm at home now. You tell me your address. I'll go to you. If you have to go to the company, I'll go with you."

"No," Gu LUOQI refused. "Anyway, I'm also your trouble. Get rid of me as soon as possible, and you'll be relieved as soon as possible, so as not to do anything to betray your oath if you can't control yourself any more."

"..." there was a slight sound of out of control breathing at the other end of the phone.

Gu LUOQI already understood, "sure enough, you did swear that you would never be with me, right?"

At the other end of the phone, there was still silence.

"Ou Jingyue, you are such an asshole!" he said and hung up the phone.

He played her like a monkey for so long.

Gu LUOQI clenched the steering wheel and tried to hold back her tears. She didn't want to cry or cry for such a scum.

All along, she felt that she was doing it step by step. She deliberately tortured herself and wanted him to care. Even this plagiarism incident, she could prevent it, but she deliberately allowed it to develop to this point. At this time, she deliberately proposed to bet with Ou Jingyue to force her.

She thought that if ou Jingyue cared about her a little, she wouldn't let her get into trouble. She bet her future and reputation on her position in her heart.

She thought that these means were possible for ou Jingyue, but now she found that everything was her wishful thinking.

Ou Jingyue is just looking at it as a joke, isn't he?

No wonder he knew how to refuse her most effectively, but he refused to do it. No wonder he let her close again and again.

Gu LUOQI's face had a mocking smile, laughing at her simplicity and childishness.

However, she still has to face the things that should be faced in front.

Cheer up again, start the car and continue to drive to Euclidean group.

The security guards of the Euclidean group are already driving away these people, but the reporters are also present. They can't use force, otherwise it will only have a more negative impact on the Euclidean group.

But such a drive, at most, just won't let them block the door, and still can't stop them from making trouble.

Linda wants to go down and help, or at least call Gu LUOQI and tell her not to come to the company. Those people who make trouble have bags in their hands. Although they don't know what's in them, if it's a stone or something, she will get hurt.


In Gu LUOQI's office, Linda just stood in panic and looked at the man in front of him, Kevin.

Kevin has a video of Gu LUOQI running into the rain with red eyes. Later, President Ou asked Linda to send Gu LUOQI an umbrella.

It was late at night in the video. Gu LUOQI left the office. Later, a man in a cleaning suit and a cap walked into Gu LUOQI's office, picked up some paper in the wastebasket, put it on his body, and then quietly left.

There is surveillance in the corridor, but Gu LUOQI's office doesn't. under normal circumstances, they can't see the scene in her office, so it's obviously designed.

And that day, Linda stayed here to clean up.

Now, I'm afraid she can't speak clearly.

"Little financial fan, you don't have any education or work experience. You can't get such a high salary anywhere except Euclidean group?" Kevin asked with a mocking face.

"I didn't steal Miss Gu's design!" Linda was sure that she cleaned Gu LUOQI's office that day, but it wasn't her.

She won't admit what she hasn't done!

"Do you have any evidence?"


Kevin approached her, "you said, if I send this video to the company, do you think Mr. ou will cover you up? After all, Mr. Ou likes Gu LUOQI, and you caused Gu LUOQI's embarrassment today..."

"I don't!" Linda followed him. "Even if there is no evidence, I don't have it. Kevin, it's you, isn't it? You and ina wanted to revenge Miss Gu early on, didn't they? You caused the plagiarism storm today, didn't you?"

"So what, but I have evidence, you don't."


Kevin is very proud, "now even the directors of the company are dismissing Gu LUOQI by default. Linda, if you still choose to stand on Gu LUOQI's side at this time, she will only trouble you."

Linda's eyes widened.

"Why don't you stand on our side and when Gu LUOQI is successfully expelled, I can directly let you be the director's secretary with twice the salary now," Kevin seduced Linda. "Don't you want to save money to buy a house? As long as you accuse Gu LUOQI of plagiarism in front of those reporters outside, I'll give you an apartment located at 200 square meters. How about it?"

I got a promotion, a raise and a house. I don't have to work so hard every day. This temptation is not ordinary.

But it can't tempt Linda.

"Kevin, I think you've miscalculated," Linda said seriously, with anger on her pale face. "Even if you give me a community, I won't betray Miss Gu. Besides, you're not her opponent. Your little trick is not humiliating enough in front of her!"

Linda always believes that there are no problems that Gu LUOQI can't solve in this world.

Because she always looks so great and always looks like a queen, so this storm must be a piece of cake for her, and she will solve it easily!

"Linda, you can think about it. After leaving Euclidean group, with your education, qualification and ability, where can you find a job? You can send newspapers, milk, takeout, cleaning, and want to buy a house?"

"I won't bother you," Linda looked at him angrily. "Kevin, you tell ina that she wants to be Miss Gu's opponent for the next life!" then she left Gu LUOQI's office.

"You..." Kevin didn't expect the little girl to be so stubborn. "Little financial fan, come back!"

"I have to work, I don't have time to listen to your nonsense!" he said, turned and ran away.

Linda walked into the elevator, went directly to the floor where Ou Jingyue's office is located, and then rushed into the secretary room. She often delivers takeout to everyone, so she is very familiar with Ou Jingyue's assistants and secretaries.

"Linda, why are you here before lunch?" a man with a scar on his forehead said while playing the computer in the office.

He is also one of Ou Jingyue's secretaries. Because of his poor appearance and scar on his face, he has been working behind the scenes. Outsiders know his name is Jans, and they know nothing about the rest.

It is said that he was brought back by Ou Jingyue.

This man is silent, resolute and agile. He looks like a professionally trained killer. However, he has few words and only executes Ou Jingyue's orders. Although he looks rigid, he is not difficult to get along with. He tries to adapt to the people Ou Jingyue believes.

"Mr. Jane, hasn't Mr. Ou come yet?" Linda asked.

"Dongfang went to find him."

Linda thought for a moment, took out the recording pen in her pocket and gave it to him. "This is the evidence that Kevin and ina slander Miss Gu. Please give it to Mr. Ou when Mr. Ou comes."

Jans reached for it.

There are many scars on the fingers, as if they had been badly hurt.

"Normally, you should give it to Miss Gu in person," Jane said quietly. "After all, it's Miss Gu's business."

"I think if Mr. Ou was helping Miss Gu, she would be happier!" Linda smiled happily.

Ou is always her benefactor, and Gu LUOQI is the person she admires. She hopes that the two of them can be together. As for her, it doesn't matter if she wants to leave the Euclidean group. Anyway, she is a wild grass and can survive wherever she goes.

Walking out of the office, Linda took out her mobile phone and dialed Gu LUOQI.

"Linda, what's up?" Gu LUOQI's voice came from the other end of the phone, calm as usual.

"Miss Gu, there are a lot of women gathered at the door of the company. They want to trouble you. Don't come!" Linda said immediately. "I'm going downstairs to drive them away. Wait for me!"

Anyway, it's a big deal to be dismissed by the company, but she must help Gu LUOQI.

"No, I'll be downstairs soon. Linda, tell Kathy to let her leave it alone." Gu LUOQI said easily.

But Linda is worried that Gu LUOQI will be wronged.

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