Then he dealt with Ann's father impatiently.

After a while, Lu Dong came back, then quickly walked to Bo Jingyan and whispered, "young master, I looked everywhere, but I didn't find miss an's whereabouts."

"What?" Bo Jingyan heard this. He didn't know why. Suddenly, he had an ominous feeling in his heart.

Ann Xiaoxi Mingming returned to her home, but now she can't find anyone. Where has she gone?

Thinking of the attitude towards an Xiaoxi before settling down, I felt even more uneasy: "where is an Xiaoxi?"

"Yes, where?" Ann's father saw Bo Jingyan's face and knew that if he used the words just now, Bo Jingyan would not be able to cope here.

He recovered and immediately called his stepmother.

After the stepmother was called over, in the face of the fierce Bo Jingyan, her face turned white and her smile was a little stiff, "Mr. Bo, I don't know where Xiao Xi is."

Her eyes dodged, but her heart was very firm. She couldn't tell Bo Jingyan where an Xiaoxi was.

Otherwise, let an Xiaoxi get out of danger safely. Can an Xiaoxi let her go?

Now that things have been done, we can only do one thing without doing another!

Bo Jingyan's mouth curled a little. With his big palm, he tightened Ann's father's collar, bit his teeth and spit out word by word: "if you can't find Ann Xiaoxi today, Ann will be ready to close the door tomorrow!"

With that, he threw Ann's father away, went out and settled down, and told Lu Dong again, "send more people and horses to find it for me, even if it's digging three feet!"

Then he followed Lu Dong and went to find someone himself.

Ann Xiaoxi was pushing forward in the dark bushes, and the leaves scratched her arms.

There is still blood seeping out of the legs, but the brain is getting more and more dizzy

Fortunately, I can't hear the voice of the bodyguard behind me. I guess I lost it. I just don't know what happened to my grandmother. Did my stepmother do to my grandmother?

In the dark night, I heard the sound from time to time.

She felt a burst of bitterness in her heart. Except for her grandmother, Bo Jingyan was the one she cared about most. She didn't know if Bo Jingyan would feel sorry for her after she had an accident.

Now her mind is full of Bo Jingyan's face. She knows it's abnormal.

In this desperate situation, she suddenly found that her feelings for Bo Jingyan were deeper than expected.

She thought she might like Bo Jingyan a little.

She really wants Bo Jingyan. She misses Bo Jingyan's domineering and bad appearance. She especially hopes that Bo Jingyan can appear now. Even if she bullies her, she also wants to see Bo Jingyan.

But Bo Jingyan won't come. He's too busy recently. She didn't tell Bo Jingyan about his father's birthday today, so as not to disturb Bo Jingyan's work.

After an Xiaoxi passed through the bushes, there was a highway not far from his home.

She dragged her bloody legs and walked forward in a daze, but she didn't know where to go. She was so afraid that she would fall down in the next second.

She wants to go to Bo's house to find Bo Jingyan.


In an's mansion, an's father quickly ended the party because Bo Jingyan was angry with his son.

Everyone saw that Ann Fu and Bo Jingyan didn't look right before. They all left in advance.

Soon, there were only three people left in the house: stepmother, an Tong and an Fu. The house was as silent as death.

Ann's father rubbed his hands in the living room back and forth, stared at an Tong, and wanted to cut her thousands of times. "It's all your good ideas. Who said that Bo Jingyan would like you as long as there was no an Xiaoxi? How's it now? If an Xiaoxi doesn't appear, Ann's will be finished tomorrow. How about sending people back to settle down!"

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