"So want to talk?" Bo Jingyan smiled, but the smile had no temperature and was cold to the bone: "Lu Dong, loosen him."

"Yes." Lu Dong raised his hand and pulled out the towel in his mouth.

As soon as the man got the ability to speak, he immediately begged for mercy and said, "Bo Shao, spare your life. I thought it was just a normal banquet and nothing would happen. I would tell Xia Yunyi about your whereabouts. Please go around me this time. Please, I won't dare again in the future!"

Bo Jingyan raised his eyebrows slightly and pondered in his eyes: "what do you think?"

He said, put the cold dagger in his hand on the man's face, patted it, and whispered like a devil: "do you think now, will I discipline your disobedient house for you later?"

"Bo Shao..." the man suddenly looked frightened and his legs trembled.

Standing not far away, an Xiaoxi also trembled slightly. She didn't dare to stay any longer. She turned directly and stumbled back to Bo's house.

It's horrible!

This man is so terrible!

The man just revealed his whereabouts to Xia Yunyi, and he brutally beat the man like this!

If it was her who deliberately deceived and calculated and let him fall into such a troubled situation, wouldn't she... Just think about it, an Xiaoxi was already cold all over.

Can't confess!

Never confess!

To confess is a dead end!

She doesn't want to die. This thin family can't stay!

Bo Jingyan, you can't mess with him anymore!

Ann Xiaoxi hurried to find Uncle Zhang and almost incoherently asked him to leave immediately if he had something to do at home.

Uncle Zhang has already received the order of old man Bo. How can he easily let Ann Xiaoxi leave!

So he pretended to be embarrassed and looked at the time: "miss an, the master has fallen asleep. The old man feels shallow. The movement of starting the car will wake him up. If you have anything, just tell me and I'll help you deal with it."

"I......" Ann Xiaoxi didn't know how to explain.

Zhang Bo said with a smile, "if it's inconvenient, you can go back to your room and rest first. I'll arrange someone to take you back early tomorrow morning. Do you think it's ok?"

Ann Xiaoxi knew that this was the best solution at present, so she could only nod her head. After all, Bo's old house is in the suburbs. It's so late, there's no car, and she's not familiar with the road. It's certainly impossible to walk out with her legs.

Uncle Zhang personally sent an Xiaoxi to his room and left.

Ann Xiaoxi was restlessly lying in bed, thinking in a mess. She didn't know how long it had been. She was sleepy and couldn't carry it anymore. She closed her eyes.

Just in the middle of a dream, someone suddenly opened the door and walked into her room.

Ann Xiaoxi suddenly sat up and shouted, "who?!"

The figure who came in suddenly gave a meal. At the next moment, the light in the room was bright. Bo Jingyan stood at the door, frowning. The cold voice asked, "Ann Xiaoxi, how can you be in my room?"

"Your room?" Ann Xiaoxi was shocked: "yes... Uncle Zhang sent me..."

She found that every decoration in the room showed exquisite luxury, which was obviously not a guest room.

Bo Jingyan suddenly smelled a face, took off his coat, raised his hand and loosened his tie.

Is he going to sleep here?

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