Bo Jingyan looked at an Xiaoxi's figure, picked his eyebrows and whispered, "I'm suddenly a little thirsty."

"...." Ann Xiaoxi was speechless again. Now he was taking a bath. He said he was thirsty.

It's best to drink some bath water and wake up

"Lu Dong, pour two glasses of juice." Bo Jingyan thought for a moment and shouted outside the door.

Lu Dong had been waiting outside the door. When he heard the sound, he went down to pour the juice.

Ann Xiaoxi was afraid that Lu Dong would suddenly break in. She jumped into the water three steps and two steps, buried her body in the water, and looked at Bo Jingyan. "Since you want to drink juice, I'll go first."

"No!" Bo Jingyan saw her worry and took her into his arms. "Don't be afraid. If he sees something he shouldn't see, I can't spare him."

"But I'm not thirsty. I want to go up first." an Xiaoxi blinked her eyelashes. Her face, which was already pink, looked more delicate and beautiful now.

Bo Jingyan swallowed, kissed her cheek, and then moved to her mouth.

"Hmm..." an Xiaoxi's restless little hand was tightly clasped.

At this time, Lu Dong, who poured the juice and came in, saw the two people hugging each other in the bath and quickly withdrew. But because he walked too fast, his arm hit the door and made a noise.

An Xiaoxi immediately tightened her body and her brain seemed to explode. The whole person retracted into Bo Jingyan's arms and wanted to find a pot cover to cover herself.

Bo Jingyan looked at the flustered woman in his arms and was very satisfied

"You go out first!" he said to Lu Dong, got up, put on his bathrobe, wrapped an Xiaoxi again, and strode towards the bedroom.

"Don't you take a bath?" Ann Xiaoxi leaned out her head and asked weakly.

"Suddenly I don't want to wash."

Bo Jingyan wants to take a bath. He just wants an Xiaoxi to come up. Now his goal has been achieved. What's important about whether to wash or not.

However, after a toss just now, Ann Xiaoxi's long hair became damp. He took her to the washing table and blew her hair himself.

I don't know whether the wind of the hair dryer is too hot or Bo Jingyan has been looking at her. An Xiaoxi is hot all over and is very uncomfortable.

"Hot?" Bo Jingyan helped people blow their hair for the first time. He moved the hair dryer in and away. While greeting Xiao Xi, he looked for the most suitable position.

"Hot..." but no matter how he moved, Ann Xiaoxi felt flustered.

Bo Jingyan frowned, moved back and forth for a circle, aroused an Xiaoxi's chin, picked his mouth and said with a smile: "I don't think it's the wind hot of the hair dryer, but you're hot."

"No, no..." an Xiaoxi was ruthlessly exposed and even hotter.

"Then I'll help you cool down." he sat down with her in his arms, put her on his legs, and stared at her little face.

"I'll ask Lu Dong to take you to work tomorrow, and then send you back on time. Don't stay outside the rest of the time, do you hear me?"

"Ang." Ann Xiaoxi nodded. She seemed to have no other choice.

It's better to go to work than to be imprisoned at home.

After an Xiaoxi answered, Yu Guang glanced into the gatekeeper who came slowly. His dark eyes were looking at her.

Today, he was held by an Xiaoxi for a long time. The gatekeeper felt very comfortable. He came to look for her after dinner.

"Meow..." he went to the bed and shouted again.

"How did you get up?" Ann Xiaoxi was happy and hugged it tightly in her arms.

Bo Jingyan, who was ignored, ignited another impulse to stew the cat. He looked at the goalkeeper very unfriendly.

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