As soon as this remark came out, an Xiaoxi and Bo Jingyan were stunned.

At noon, an Xiaoxi hurriedly put the meal on the front desk. The front desk didn't know an Xiaoxi at all. He just felt that he was another flower maniac obsessed with Bo Jingyan and directly lost his lunch box.

Bo Jingyan didn't receive the lunch box from beginning to end.

He glanced at an Xiaoxi. He thought the woman was strange today, but now it's even more strange.

Ann Xiaoxi bowed her head and thought of the picture she saw in the cafe. Her face was very ugly.

She wanted to explain, but she couldn't tell old man Bo that the meal was on the front desk. He would certainly ask why he didn't go up.

Ann Xiaoxi could only open her mouth and close it again. She held the cat uneasily in one hand and didn't speak.

"Smelly boy, can I ask you something?" old man Bo didn't get back for a long time and took a picture of Bo Jingyan impatiently.

"Oh, very good." Bo Jingyan saw that there was a story in an Xiaoxi's expression, and didn't want old man Bo to enlarge the matter, so he perfunctorily passed.

Old man Bo didn't pursue this smelly boy just because he was shy.

When the three finished their meal and an Xiaoxi went back to his room, Bo Jingyan chased up and asked, "you should give me an explanation about the meal delivery."

His strong body blocked an Xiaoxi's way. An Xiaoxi sneered in her heart. What should she say?

Tell him you saw him kissing with other women in the coffee shop?

Or does it mean Liu Yiyi looked for her?

An Xiaoxi wanted to bypass Bo Jingyan. Bo Jingyan followed her and continued to block her way, "I don't like to say it a second time!"

His voice was particularly sharp.

An Xiaoxi's anger rolled in her stomach for a moment. "What do you want to hear? Bo Jingyan, when will I ask about your affairs? What qualifications do you have to ask me?"

Since the two are just a benefit transaction, what right does Bo Jingyan have to intervene in everything and interfere with her freedom.

Bo Jingyan's lower mouth closed tightly and pinched her chin. "Say it again?"

"That's what I mean again. Please don't interfere in my life, young master Bo! I don't care who you love to be with."

A "don't care" made an Xiaoxi's eyes red and tears flow out.

If only she really didn't care, she lived here safely and didn't care about anything, but she couldn't do it

Her fingertips ran across her stomach. Her stomach had grown up day by day. She didn't want her children to see Bo Jingyan outside, and she couldn't explain.

"Let go of me, Bo Jingyan." she took a deep breath and opened her mouth again coldly.

Bo Jingyan's eyes seemed to be about to kill. He pinched her chin hard and just wanted to move.

Old man Bo's voice came from the entrance of the stairs, "what are you unfilial grandson doing? Don't let go of Xiaoxi!"

Ann Xiaoxi turned her back to the stairs. She heard old man Bo's voice and quickly wiped away the tears on her face to restore calm.

Bo Jingyan glared at an Xiaoxi fiercely, hit the wall with a fist, loosened his hand and turned to the study.

"Stop for me, you unfilial grandson, apologize to Xiao Xi!" old man Bo walked to Bo Jingyan in three steps and two steps, pointing to him. His tone was not disobedient at all.

Ann Xiaoxi quickly stopped, "Grandpa, no, I'm fine."

Even if an Xiaoxi is wronged, she doesn't want to use old man Bo to win sympathy.

When he didn't hear it, he stamped his foot, covered his chest and increased the volume: "do you hear me, apologize to me! Do you want to annoy me!"

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