"Advanced Alzheimer's disease!"

"All right, I'll wash it."

She clenched her teeth, squeezed a shower gel and closed her eyes to touch Bo Jingyan.

But her hand touched his back from front of him, and her body was full of bubbles. The lines did not move where they should be washed.

Bo Jingyan bit his teeth and wanted to kill people. He tried to resist his anger and asked, "how long do you have to touch?"


Ann Xiaoxi was surprised and saw that his strong body was full of bubbles.

At first glance, it looks very happy.

She couldn't help laughing, but she took back her smile immediately.

For the sake of her life, she must restrain herself.

But it's really difficult for her to wash that position.

An Xiaoxi lingered back and swayed, and Bo Jingyan's last patience disappeared completely.

"I'll give you three more minutes. If you can't make up your mind, you and your little partner will spend the rest of their lives in this village!"

The cold warning sounded in her ear, and Ann Xiaoxi suddenly perked up.

Although this small village is close to the mountains and rivers, if you want to spend the rest of your life here, forget it.

She is still young and a child. She hasn't lived enough in a big city.

It seems that we can only face it!

An Xiaoxi's eyes moved down all the way. He glanced at Bo Jingyan's place, and his whole body tightened, as if all his blood was flowing back.

"People die!" she whispered to cheer herself up and moved her hand to the place.

Then she washed quickly and helped Bo Jingyan wash herself clean. She rushed out of the bathroom.

She ran to old man Bo, but her face was still red.

"Xiao Xi, what's the matter with you? I heard Xiao Yue say that you haven't eaten at all. You can eat too." old man Bo looked at her with concern.

Ann Xiaoxi was looked more flustered, and her mind still echoed the feeling of slippery and greasy. Now she has no appetite to eat anything.

The agreed holidays were ruined by Bo Jingyan.

"Grandpa, I'm a little uncomfortable. I'll go to bed first." she said with her mouth held, and went upstairs to cover herself in the quilt.

But there are always scenes in the bathroom

She is a woman of the new era. She actually did such a shameful thing. She really lost her face.

Her integrity, her dignity... It's gone.

"Ah, Bo Jingyan, it's all your fault!" Ann Xiaoxi turned over and over in the quilt and shouted angrily.

At this time, the door of the bedroom was opened. Bo Jingyan took out a suit and put it on. His cold eyes swept his tumbling body on the bed.

"You're mad again?" he said as he untied his bathrobe.

Ann Xiaoxi heard the voice and looked out her head.

But as soon as she looked up and looked at Bo Jingyan's legs, she screamed, immediately retracted her head into the quilt and her heart jumped wildly.

"Bo Jingyan, you are playing a rogue!"

Her eyes, feel blind!

The room echoed with an Xiaoxi's crazy cry, and Bo Jingyan's mouth aroused a smile.

This woman is still so shy!

He changed his suit and walked towards the bedside. Before he got close, an Xiaoxi heard footsteps, hurriedly moved over and shouted in the quilt: "Bo Jingyan, don't come here. If you play rogue again, I'll call someone."

"Just now in the bathroom, you stared at me with relish and eyes. Now why play hard to get?"


Ann Xiaoxi couldn't bear it anymore. She sat up and stared at Bo Jingyan, "when did I see it with interest and eyes?"

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