"No." Bo Jingyan refused.

"Then why don't you go to the vegetable garden and pick some vegetables? I'll cook in the evening. You try my craft."

"No." Bo Jingyan still refused.

There was no chance for Ann Xiaoxi to speak.

Ann Xiaoxi knew she was wrong and didn't dare to speak.

Liu Yiyi was on top of her: "Xiaoxi, don't you want to go?"

"Ah? In fact, it doesn't matter. You can go or not." but his eyes obviously looked at Bo Jingyan.

Bo Jingyan put down the dishes and chopsticks: "are you going?"

"Should the vegetable garden be all right?" Ann Xiaoxi asked tentatively.

Liu Yiyi's sentence that the fruit is ripe is so attractive that she is moved.

Think about the fresh fruit picked from the tree. Wash it and eat it immediately. It must be good to eat.

"I really convinced you. If you fall like this, you have to run out." Bo Jingyan scolded with helpless doting.

An Xiaoxi smiled, and her white teeth showed up: "Hey, hey, did you agree?"

"What else can I do?" Bo Jingyan put the shelled shrimps into her bowl.

Liu Yiyi followed her smile, but the smile didn't reach the bottom of her eyes. Smile, smile, Ann Xiaoxi. You won't be able to laugh soon.

After dinner, I had a rest. When the sun was not so strong, the three people started.

The vegetable garden is in the side yard. It is very large. Unlike the small vegetable garden at home in the past, it may be for the convenience of tourists.

This season, vegetables and fruits are ripe. Virgin fruit, beans, cucumbers, lettuce, radish and countless vegetables, melons and fruits are in the vegetable garden.

Ann Xiaoxi looked at the red virgin fruit and her saliva was about to flow down.

He kept looking at Bo Jingyan with his eyes.

Looking at her expectant eyes like a dog, she almost wags her tail.

He took the basket and handed it to her: "go, watch your feet."

"Won't you come with me?" Ann Xiaoxi took the basket.

"Well, I'm watching you here." he saw that the walking place in the middle of the vegetable garden was a little narrow. He was afraid that he would squeeze into Xiaoxi, but it was not safe.

He was watching. If anything happened, he would rush over in time.

Ann Xiaoxi saw the red and beautiful virgin fruit under her body in her heart, and went in with a basket.

Bo Jingyan is not with an Xiaoxi, which is just what Liu Yiyi wants. She doesn't call Bo Jingyan, but follows an Xiaoxi into the vegetable garden.

Ann Xiaoxi squatted down beside the virgin fruit and couldn't help picking one and putting it in her mouth.

Sour, sweet and delicious, soft waxy and sweet. I really enjoyed it, but I couldn't help eating one.

Bo Jingyan looked at her like a delicious rabbit. He couldn't help smiling and shaking his head. It's really a snack.

The cell phone in my pocket has been set to silent mode for fear of making a noise to an Xiaoxi. It is shaking now.

Take out a look, it's Lu Dong's phone.

He told me not to call if it wasn't a big deal. It seems to be a matter of urgency.

He glanced at an Xiaoxi and made sure she was safe. Then he walked away and answered the phone.

Ann Xiaoxi only took care of picking the virgin fruit and didn't notice Liu Yiyi walking behind her.

He was suddenly patted on his shoulder. An Xiaoxi was startled. He turned to see Liu Yiyi smiling at himself. He always felt that the smile was mixed with scary people.

"Xiao Xi, look." she pointed to the fruit forest.

The oranges in the front row are ripe and dyed yellow in green, which makes people's appetite jump.

"Let's go pick some oranges. They say pregnant women love sour. Do you want to eat it?"

Ann Xiaoxi nodded honestly. She didn't want to eat. She wanted to eat too much.

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