The editor in chief is really beyond ordinary people's ability. She is overwhelmed now.

Chu Yue is also happy. At least she doesn't have to be so tired before the baby is born, and she can get a salary. When the baby is born, she will work hard to repay the newspaper and an Xiaoxi's concern for herself.

Ann Xiaoxi saw that she was so thin. She took her to the restaurant downstairs. They ordered six dishes. Chu Yue felt supported before eating.

Ann Xiaoxi kept asking her to eat more and said she was thin.

Chu Yue looked down at herself and then at an Xiaoxi. She was not thin, but she seemed a little thinner than an Xiaoxi.

However, she has thin total love moisture, and it is normal to be fat.

Halfway through the meal, an Xiaoxi's cell phone rang.

"Hello?" she knew who it was without looking.

"Ann Xiaoxi, where have you been? Why aren't you waiting for me at home?" Bo Jingyan was a little angry. Unexpectedly, she didn't obey and ran around.

"I didn't run around. I came to the newspaper to talk to Chu Yue. It's too boring to be alone at home."

"Are you at the newspaper?"

"Now eat in the restaurant outside the newspaper and Chu Yue."

"Wait for me there. Don't move. I'll find you."

An Xiaoxi hung up the phone and began to speed up his meal: "I have to hurry up, otherwise Bo Jingyan will not let me eat these when he comes."

Chu Yue looked at the dishes on the table. They were either spicy or salty. It turned out that she wanted to eat them.

I can't help feeling that such an Xiaoxi is very fun: "President Bo is also for you. Eating these is bad for the fetus."

"I don't eat it every day, but he doesn't give me a bite. It's too much."

Chu Yue lowered her head and didn't speak. She ate her own food and whispered, "if I had such a person, I don't know how good it would be."

Unfortunately, she is only one person now.

Bo Jingyan soon arrived at the restaurant. At this time, an Xiaoxi had asked the waiter to remove the unhealthy food, but he forgot to wipe the oil around his mouth.

Bo Jingyan saw it at a glance: "do you eat roast duck again?"

"Can't you eat roast duck?"

"I didn't tell you that duck meat is cold and can't eat more. Eating too much is bad for you and your children." Bo Jingyan took out a paper towel and wiped away all the evidence of sneaking around her mouth.

"Then I'll eat less in the future."

Chu Yue looked at the two people who were in love. She didn't know how envious she was.

Sister Xiao Xi has a good life. Mr. Bo loves her so much and does everything himself.

Bo Jingyan and an Xiaoxi went home. During this period, an Xiaoxi told Bo Jingyan what happened in the newspaper today.

After hearing this, Bo Jingyan touched her head: "yes, it has the style of being Mrs. Bo."

Ann Xiaoxi blushed with praise: "I'm just angry that they bully Chu Yue. It's clear that Chu Yue is pregnant. They all know that they let her do so many things."

"This is the workplace rule. They crowded out Chu Yue and recruited an employee who is more capable and paid less than her. They don't have to bear the monthly salary of Chu Yue's leave when she gave birth to a child."

"Well, what about Chu Yue?" she didn't understand. Was the pregnant woman guilty?

"Having a baby, she can start over." this kind of thing is not strange in the workplace. It is not new, so Bo Jingyan is as plain as water.

But Ann Xiaoxi can't understand, especially now that she is a mother to be.

So she is now idle at home as a rice bug, which is loved by the newspaper?

Is she going to have a baby and start again?

She won't! Now in the newspaper, she is still an editor in chief. If she really waited until she had a child, the editor in chief would have no idea who was sitting there.

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