Bo Jingyan patted her on the shoulder, and an Xiaoxi didn't return: "put it there. How many copies of afternoon tea did you buy? If you have more, give it to your colleagues?"

Feeling she thinks of herself as a takeout?

"Cough..." Bo Jingyan coughed twice deliberately.

Ann Xiaoxi heard the voice and turned to see that it was him. She jumped up happily and hugged him.

"Why are you free?" he said he would be very busy these two days?

"I want you to come and see you." Bo Jingyan didn't pinch and directly hugged her in his arms.

Instead, an Xiaoxi was embarrassed: "let's go out and talk."

"Why go out and talk? Can't you do it here?" it's rare to see Bo Jingyan so brazen.

Ann Xiaoxi took him to the outside Corridor: "what are you doing? It's agreed to distinguish between public and private. It's difficult for me to do this in the newspaper."

She pretended to be unhappy and wanted to see how Bo Jingyan reacted.

"Well, I'll listen to you in the future. What you say is what. I'll meet you in a tuck like a female Ganfu in the future." Bo Jingyan hugged her in his arms with a sweet and greasy tone.

Ann Xiaoxi was at a loss: "Why are you so sweet today?"

"You don't like it?"

"Yes, I hope you do it every day." don't change it every day, making her at a loss.

Bo Jingyan smiled and touched her head.

"Sister Xiaoxi..." Chu Yue just bought afternoon tea and came back. Seeing the figure of an Xiaoxi, she subconsciously called.

After calling, I saw that she was held in Bo Jingyan's arms and immediately felt that she had become an invincible light bulb.

"Er... I went first." Chu Yue shrunk her head and tried to minimize her existence. If she annoyed president Bo, it was not whether she had a job, but whether she had a life.

"Wait." Bo Jingyan suddenly shouted to her.

Chu Yue lifted it up in one breath and was too frightened to move.

"After work, Xiao Xi and I invite you to dinner."

At the same time, they looked at Bo Jingyan in surprise. It was rare that he took the initiative to invite him to dinner.

The fact is that after work, Bo Jingyan chose the last restaurant, which Chu Yue said was delicious. He ordered a lot of dishes and spent a lot of money.

Chu Yue was embarrassed: "it's too expensive to ask you to invite me every time."

An Xiaoxi, who has been kept under control, didn't think there was a problem: "it's all right, you eat yours."

"I eat and drink for nothing every time, and I feel sorry." she is not that kind of cheeky person. She knows that there is a big difference between her identity and Bo Jingyan. Although people don't care about this little money, she is really upset.

"If you really think so, please take care of Xiaoxi when you are in the newspaper." Bo Jingyan gracefully cut a steak into his mouth and chewed it slowly.

"In the newspaper office, sister Xiao Xi takes care of me more. Sister Xiao Xi, you must tell me anything in the future."

"OK, OK, eat quickly." Ann Xiaoxi didn't take this sentence to heart.

After dinner, Bo Jingyan took an Xiaoxi back to the villa.

An Xiaoxi kept covering her stomach. Bo Jingyan looked strangely: "what's the matter?"

"It hurts..." an Xiaoxi tilted her mouth.

"Pain? Where? Stomach?" Bo Jingyan immediately worried and came to check.

"These pants are too small, which makes my stomach ache." an Xiaoxi was extremely wronged.

"Your pants are small? Why are they small? Did you eat too much tonight?"

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