A glimmer of pride flashed in Liu Yiyi's eyes. Sure enough, it was a big blow to Bo Jingyan.

He can't tolerate the betrayal of others, especially his own woman. Next, she will wait for a good play.

"Jing Yan..." she shouted again, as if to remind Bo Jing Yan what to do next.

Bo Jingyan closed his eyes and opened his eyes for a long time. The pain in his eyes was no longer. There was only indifference left. He spread his hands and pierced his ears into his palm.

Pain flashed in his eyes and he strode out.

Liu Yiyi proudly followed him and went out.

An Xiaoxi didn't go in and saw Bo Jingyan come out. At a glance, he saw his palm dripping blood and asked in a panic: "how did your hand come?" his mouth was steady and full of concern.

In her worried eyes, Bo Jingyan stopped, folded his hands, held the earrings and stopped.

Ann Xiaoxi stared at him suspiciously, while he looked at her indifferently.

Liu Yiyi followed behind, feeling that the atmosphere was wrong.

Bo Jingyan didn't rush up to question immediately.

Doesn't he know? Just let Ann Xiaoxi go?

Seeing Bo Jingyan open his mouth, he wanted to say something: "no..."

"An Xiaoxi." Liu Yiyi took the initiative, opened Bo Jingyan's palm and took out the earring stained with Bo Jingyan's blood: "you dare say it's not you."

Ann carefully looked as like as two peas in her ears. "How can I get my earpins?" she lost some time ago, and was looking for it. She wanted to go somewhere else to see if there was anything like it.

"Did you admit it?" Liu Yiyi pressed step by step, while Bo Jingyan just watched indifferently.

"What did I admit?" Ann Xiaoxi felt puzzled.

"This earring was found under the desk in the study. You admit it's yours. Doesn't that mean you took it?" Liu Yiyi was aggressive, as if he had caught an Xiaoxi's handle.

Ann Xiaoxi felt ridiculous: "I mean, the earrings are mine, but which ear of you heard me say that I took the things..."

An Xiaoxi looked at Bo Jingyan. He didn't have the meaning to defend himself. There was no wave in his indifferent eyes, as if he had determined that he did it himself.

I see. He had already decided that he took it, so he knocked on his door to question himself.

He didn't believe in himself. Even he believed in Liu Yiyi more and didn't believe in himself.

It's ridiculous that she is still arguing for herself. Obviously, he has long recognized it in his heart!

Ann Xiaoxi felt that Xiong's mouth was stuffy and painful. She raised her head and looked at Bo Jingyan with a stubborn little face: "yes, I took it."

Bo Jingyan suddenly looked at her, with complex emotions in his eyes, from disbelief to knowing this, and then to the last sadness.

Ann Xiaoxi can't understand so many emotions. She only knows that he believes and believes that he did it himself.

"Bo Jingyan, if I say this to make you feel comfortable and make you think you are right, I'll take it. How about it? Do you want to drive me out? Or let me compensate for the losses of your company?" she stubbornly held her head up without a trace of regret.

Bo Jingyan clenched his hands into fists and his eyes were scarlet.

"Xiaoxi, since you admit it, it's easy to do. Take out the things." Liu Yiyi never thought that an Xiaoxi would admit it himself, and she was happy.

"It's no use, didn't you say? I took it to sell money." the broken jar broke, and an Xiaoxi didn't explain any more.

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