"Let me not pursue an Xiaoxi now, but I have a condition."

"What conditions do you say, as long as I can do it." Bo Jingyan was very happy to hear that she didn't investigate.

"Of course you can do it." Liu Yiyi smiled and burned her hair behind her: "I want you to sleep in a bed with me tonight."

Bo Jingyan's face immediately sank.

"Don't worry, you can't do anything, just... I just lost my child. I don't think there is any warmth in the world. Can't you give me some warmth, Jingyan?"

"Just lying next to me, can't you accept it?" well, she never slept with Bo Jingyan. Only that time in the villa, she took advantage of the danger of others, but she just lay beside him sleeping.

She never felt the warmth he gave herself.

Bo Jingyan pondered and finally nodded helplessly: "OK, but each side sleeps. I have to go to the company tomorrow morning."

Liu Yiyi smiled with satisfaction: "OK, I won't disturb you."


That night, Ann Xiaoxi cried in her bedroom. Her eyes were swollen and her voice was hoarse and speechless.

She thought Bo Jingyan would come and ask herself how he was doing. Unexpectedly, he didn't go home after he left.

When she closed her eyes, she was covered with blood after Liu Yiyi rolled down the stairs, which made her fall asleep in the middle of the night.

The next morning, my eyes were swollen into walnuts.

There was no one at the table. Bo Jingyan was not there. It seems that he didn't come back all night last night.

The servant was startled to see an Xiaoxi's appearance and quickly peeled the boiled eggs and rolled them for her to reduce swelling.

Ann Xiaoxi's head is dizzy, and her stomach is vaguely uncomfortable. She wants to call for leave and doesn't go to work. Chu Yue over there called.

"Xiao Xi, why haven't you come? The report you did yesterday hasn't been finished yet. Andy is a little angry. Come to the newspaper and make up the report." Chu Yue tried to keep her voice down and don't let the people next to hear.

Ann Xiaoxi remembered that she came back at noon yesterday. She wrote half of a very important report and didn't go back later. The report should still be in the newspaper's computer.

"OK, I'll go right away." hung up the phone. She didn't have much appetite to eat. She drank a glass of juice and went to work.

The method of egg rolling eyes is not very good. At least Chu Yue saw her two swollen big eye bubbles at a glance.

"Xiao Xi, what's the matter with you? Why are your eyes swollen like this?" Chu Yue hurriedly came to check: "are you crying?"

An Xiaoxi nodded, didn't speak, sat in his position, turned on the computer, and planned to continue to finish the report.

Chu Yue asked anxiously, "Why are you crying? What can you cry like to make your eyes cry like this?"

"Not much, midnight." Ann Xiaoxi's voice was hoarse and almost speechless.

Chu Yue was surprised. No wonder she thought her voice was strange when she called in the morning. At that time, she just thought she had just got up. Now she seems to be crying dumb.

"Xiao Xi, what's the matter with you? What makes you so sad?" Chu Yue pulled a chair and sat down beside her: "do you want me to buy you some ointment? You look so abrupt."

Chu Yue was afraid that other colleagues in the newspaper would ask questions.

"It's all right. I rolled it with an egg at home. It should reduce the swelling soon." in fact, she didn't look in the mirror. It became more swollen before she rolled.

Chu Yue was afraid to ask too many sad things that touched her, so she could only sit aside and accompany her.

But she had a hunch that this time it had something to do with Bo Zong and the woman.

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