"Xiao Xi, get up and have something to eat." Bo Jingyan looked at an Xiao Xi lying in bed and turned his back to himself because he saw himself.

She is still angry with herself. Bo Jingyan thinks she is tired. Let her have a rest first.

He left the room without talking.

When Bo Jingyan finished his meal and returned to his bedroom, an Xiaoxi had fallen asleep.

Bo Jingyan saw her red face and thought about what he said to her yesterday. It was really heavy.

He stood by the bed, thinking about Xiao Xi's denial yesterday. He never believed that Xiao Xi would do that kind of vicious thing, but the evidence was conclusive, and he couldn't defend her.

Xiao Xi, you're not that kind of person, are you?

Bo Jingyan raised his hand and brushed away the broken hair on her face.

When his fingertips touched his forehead, the feeling of rolling hot spread from his fingertips to his body. Bo Jingyan withdrew his hand and shook an Xiaoxi: "Xiaoxi, get up, Xiaoxi."

Ann Xiaoxi didn't wake up.

Bo Jingyan touched her cheek with the palm of his hand. It felt hot. No wonder her face was red.

"Xiao Xi, wake up, I'll take you to the hospital, Xiao Xi." Bo Jingyan shouted to her anxiously. An Xiao Xi didn't respond to him.

"An Xiaoxi." Bo Jingyan was really anxious. He patted an Xiaoxi's face and wanted her to open her eyes and see herself.

"Ann Xiaoxi, wake up." but no matter how he shakes, Ann Xiaoxi turns around with his strength and has no sense of autonomy.

At this moment, he was really afraid. He was afraid that an Xiaoxi would leave his side and never open his eyes again.

He flustered the emergency call and felt that the first aid was too slow. He called Lu Dong and asked him to find a private doctor.

Half an hour later, the private doctor hung water for an Xiaoxi.

"Miss an has nothing, just a fever. I hung up grape sugar. After the fever subsided, miss an will wake up. Just remember to take medicine after waking up. All the medicine can be taken by pregnant women. Don't worry."

The doctor's gentle tone did not reduce Bo Jingyan's anxiety: "then why can't she wake up? I shouted several times."

"Well... Maybe miss an didn't have a good rest, and because she was a little confused with a high fever, she slept quite dead. It's not a high fever syncope. Mr. Bo, you don't have to worry so much."

"When will she wake up?" Bo Jingyan was still worried.

"It's hard to say when miss an will wake up." the doctor is very helpless. At least he is also very authoritative. President Bo's aggressive appearance makes him doubt his qualification as a doctor.

"Then you can't go."

"Ah?" the doctor was stunned.

"Wait until Xiaoxi wakes up and you've seen it. There's no problem. You can go again. I'll pay by the hour." Bo Jingyan can't refute.

In order to make himself walk faster, the doctor told Bo Jingyan that he could wipe his body with a warm towel to reduce his temperature.

Bo Jingyan did. He carefully wiped her face and hands with a towel and adjusted the temperature of the air conditioner.

He took good care of an Xiaoxi all night. The next morning, Bo Jingyan woke up and found that he didn't know when he fell asleep by the bed.

Ann Xiaoxi's face had recovered as usual, and the temperature on her forehead was no longer hot.

Ann Xiaoxi didn't know what sweet dream she was doing. The corners of her mouth were always hooked with a faint radian. Bo Jingyan looked in her eyes, and the corners of her mouth were also slightly lifted, softening the frost in her eyes.

He got up slowly, afraid to wake up Ann Xiaoxi in his sleep. After going down the stairs, he called the servant to prepare light and delicious porridge for Xiaoxi.

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