"But I'm wronged." she's smart enough not to argue with Bo Jingyan about whether it's an Xiaoxi's fault.

Anyway, now even if it is an Xiaoxi's fault, Bo Jingyan is also partial to an Xiaoxi.

"I know what you want you to say." but he can do it.

"I just feel wronged. I have no children, but I don't care." Liu Yiyi's pitiful and wronged expression fell into Bo Jingyan's eyes.

He also felt sorry for Liu Yiyi: "I will come to see you every day in the future."

"No!" Liu Yiyi said, "I want an Xiaoxi to take care of me until I get better."

"Yiyi..." it's a little difficult for him. Yiyi is also pregnant.

"I lost a child. Can't she take care of me? I won't do anything to her. If you promise me, I won't pursue her responsibility." Liu Yiyi added.

Bo Jingyan hesitated.

For the crime of intentional murder, it is very likely that Xiao Xi will be sentenced under the circumstances of witness. This crime is too big. If you sit down, Xiao Xi may have to go in for a few years.

"I won't do anything to her. I just want to feel comfortable." Liu Yiyi said frankly. She didn't hide it. In fact, she also got Bo Jingyan's mind.

He doesn't believe that Liu Yiyi won't embarrass Ann Xiaoxi, especially Xiaoxi is pregnant now... But Yiyi's magnanimous words reassured him.

"OK, but you can't embarrass Xiao Xi."

"How could I embarrass her?" Liu Yiyi smiled sweetly. What she wanted was an Xiaoxi to get out of Bo's house without anything.

"The doctor said you can leave the hospital for rest in two days, and the plaster on your right arm needs to be observed for some time."

"OK, I'll stay in the hospital and wait for you to pick me up." Liu Yiyi's right hand is in plaster and looks very serious. She thinks she can stay in the hospital for a few more days to keep Bo Jingyan.

But Bo Jingyan obviously doesn't care about herself. Now, she can take an Xiaoxi at will. She's looking forward to her life after discharge.


Ann Xiaoxi woke up at noon and was very hungry.

I felt dizzy when I got up and went downstairs to find food.

When the servant saw her coming downstairs, he put out the hot green vegetables and shrimp porridge: "madam, have some porridge."

"How did you stew green vegetables and shrimp porridge?" Ann Xiaoxi asked casually. In fact, she is so hungry that she can eat anything now.

"The young master ordered me to eat something light because my wife is ill."

Bo Jingyan?

Yesterday, Bo Jingyan and Chu Yue went to pick themselves up. Later, she always felt very uncomfortable.

Then she didn't remember.

Someone knocked at the door and the servant opened it.

Chu Yue came in from the outside with fruit and tonic in her hand. Seeing an Xiaoxi drinking porridge, she asked, "do you feel better?"

"I'm fine. Why do you buy so many things?" she knew that Chu Yue fell out with her family and was short of money. She was suffering from her own life. She came to see that she had bought such things.

"You said it was all right. You scared Mr. Bo pale yesterday." Chu Yue was not a pity. She put the things on the table and took them away by the servant, while she sat next to an Xiaoxi.

"Is it so serious?" she said Bo Jingyan's reaction.

"You felt so bad at that time. Mr. Bo brought you back and asked the driver to send me away. Later, I called you. Mr. Bo answered. He said you had a fever and were hanging water. He was looking at you." Chu Yue was very good at observing words and colors. He could see that Xiaoxi was unhappy because of Mr. Bo Jingyan, so he pushed the boat with the current and became a peacemaker.

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