"It's okay. I just want to call to ask if you're okay."

"Very good, Xiao Xi. Thank you. Chief editor Qiao called me to go to work tomorrow. I know you helped me. I'll invite you to dinner another day." Chu Yue thanked softly.

Ann Xiaoxi wanted to go to Chu Yue. Unexpectedly, she was not at home: "it's all right. It's because of me."

"Don't say that. My mother called me. I'll hang up for you first."

"Well, OK, remember to invite me to dinner." an Xiaoxi hung up the phone. It began to rain when it was particularly suitable.

Ann Xiaoxi stood on the sidewalk with her suitcase. She felt that God must think she was not miserable enough. Let's have some rain to deepen her impression.

She took her suitcase and trotted to the shed under the bus stop sign next to her to take shelter from the rain.

There were a lot of pedestrians on the road just now, because this shower also hid them all.

An Xiaoxi sat in a chair, watching the increasing rain, and didn't think about where to go.

Otherwise, just sit here and wait for the rain to stop. When the rain stops, she should think about where to go.

Ann Xiaoxi sat alone in the rain. The bus came and went. She didn't get on any one. She just looked at the heavy rain outside.

A black car slowly pulled into the roadside and stopped. Ann Xiaoxi ignored it. It must be because she wanted to take a taxi.

The car honked and the window came down. Through the hazy heavy rain, she couldn't see who the other party was. She could only shout loudly: "I don't take a car, don't stop here."

Car did not go, door opened and people on board stepped into rain.

Ann Xiaoxi thought the driver was crazy. In order to pull a guest, she went into the rain alone.

"I didn't say I wouldn't take a car." Ann Xiaoxi shouted in the rain.

Then, as the figure approached, she also saw who the visitor was.

She didn't expect Bo Jingyan to come.

"What are you doing here? I won't go back." an Xiaoxi stubbornly looked at Bo Jingyan in the rain.

The heavy rain poured down, and Bo Jingyan stood in the heavy rain, and his body had already been wet.

"Xiao Xi, come home with me." a very plain and calm sentence.

Because the rain was too heavy, an Xiaoxi couldn't see the emotion in his eyes.

Just stubbornly refused: "I don't want to, but I will take care of Liu Yiyi. My being in Bo's house will only hinder your love with her. It's better to live outside."

This is a lot of angry words.

"Xiao Xi, don't you still understand why I did this?"

"Don't you just want me to admit my mistake so that I can serve Liu Yiyi?"

Bo Jingyan didn't know what to say. Should she be stupid or should she be stupid?

"I don't want to lose you. If Liu Yiyi wants to sue you, you will go in. I won't see you then. I don't want you to leave me."

Ann Xiaoxi listened to him for the first time and was at a loss: "really?"

"As long as you are obedient and agree to Liu Yiyi's request, the rest is for me, and you won't be taken away." he doesn't want to let himself leave himself, nor does he want her future life to be affected by this matter.

Ann Xiaoxi hesitated. She refused to bow her head because she thought she was right.

"Don't you want to stay with me?"

An Xiaoxi lowered her eyes and said nothing.

Bo Jingyan came forward, squeezed under the canopy with her and took her hand: "I won't let you go to prison. If you still refuse to promise, I can only continue to let Chu Yue stay at her house."

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