"I'm sorry, beauty. If I accommodate you, how can I afford the customers in line behind me."

"Forget it, just one." let her line up from the beginning. She's not so patient. She has to wait for years and months.

As soon as an Xiaoxi left the store, it rained cats and dogs at his back. The store, which had been waiting in line for a long time, had no guests in an instant.

Ann Xiaoxi ran to the side of the road where she had parked her car and found that her car had already disappeared.

Think about it, she just waited in line for dozens of minutes. It is estimated that the driver thought she was gone and didn't wait for her.

But this day, it's difficult to take a taxi.

Ann Xiaoxi ran back to the store in the rain.

Without guests, the store is a little helpless.

"Boss, do I rearrange now? Give me another one."

The shopkeeper happily packed another one for her this time.

Xie Ji was very famous, but she didn't eat it, so she wanted to try it, so she opened the one packed by the store.

Strong double skin milk flavor, with mango grains, red beans and pearls, it tastes rich and sweet. It's really good to eat.

No wonder Liu Yiyi has to eat this one. It tastes really good.

Ann Xiaoxi finished one, occasionally several diners came to buy it, and then hurried away.

The business of the store is still bleak.

"Boss, give me another one. In this way, I can finally buy two copies and hand over the work."

There will be heavy rain this afternoon, and the typhoon will also land. Bo Jingyan took a holiday for the employees of the whole company and rushed home before the rainstorm.

At home, only Liu Yiyi sat in the living room cutting her nails and didn't see an Xiaoxi.

"What about Xiao Xi?" Bo Jingyan asked.

Bo Jingyan suddenly made a noise. Liu Yiyi trembled and almost cut her hand: "Jing Yan, why did you come back so early?" she was a little guilty. She thought that the rain would trap Bo Jingyan in the company, but he came back on the rain.

"The typhoon landed this afternoon and the company had a holiday. What about Xiaoxi?" Bo Jingyan said. He looked around and didn't see an Xiaoxi.

"Jing Yan, I'm sorry, I didn't stop Xiao Xi."

"What's the matter? What happened to Xiao Xi?" Bo Jingyan asked nervously.

"Nothing happened to her, but I was greedy and said I wanted to eat Xie Ji's dessert. She had to buy it for me as soon as she heard it. I said it might rain, but she said it was OK. She could take a taxi and couldn't get wet. So she went." Liu Yiyi looked pathetic, as if she really stopped Ann Xiaoxi from buying dessert.

"How long have you been there?"

"Not long ago, it should have gone before the rain." Liu Yiyi deliberately postponed the time for nearly three hours, so at least Bo Jingyan won't worry about why an Xiaoxi doesn't come back.

Because it just rained after all.

Bo Jingyan took a look at the time and took out his mobile phone to make a call. He found that the ring of the mobile phone came out from Xiaoxi's bedroom on the second floor.

Bo Jingyan opened his bedroom and saw an Xiaoxi lying on the bed with the doorkeeper lying on one side.

"Oh, Xiao Xi is so careless that she forgot to take her mobile phone, but it doesn't matter. She will find that she didn't take her mobile phone and should let the driver turn back to take it." Liu Yiyi is really happy. No wonder she calculates that an Xiao Xi should come back, but she hasn't seen her face for a long time. It's because she didn't take her mobile phone.

It's stormy outside. She doesn't even have a cell phone. It should be difficult to get to the car, right?

That's good. Let an Xiaoxi stay outside for a while.

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