"Don't take that as an excuse." didn't want Bo Jingyan to listen directly.

Ann Xiaoxi was half angry. If you don't listen, you won't listen. Who wants to tell him.

An Xiaoxi went to take a bath. Liu Yiyi asked the kitchen to prepare the food. Seeing Bo Jingyan coming down, he gathered up: "Jingyan, I asked the kitchen to start preparing the food, so that Xiaoxi could eat and rest early."

"Well, you have a heart." Bo Jing eased his anger.

Liu Yiyi is satisfied and sits with Bo Jingyan. Bo Jingyan occasionally watches the financial channel in the evening.

Liu Yiyi transferred the TV to the financial channel early, as soon as she turned on the TV.

Sure enough, Bo Jingyan watched financial TV and didn't move it away.

Although Liu Yiyi can't understand it, it's enough for her as long as Bo Jingyan is around.

Ann Xiaoxi came out after taking a bath and washing her head to see this scene.

Liu Yiyi and Bo Jingyan snuggle up on the sofa and watch TV together.

She went downstairs and made a very loud noise.

They both looked at her.

Bo Jingyan immediately got up. Liu Yiyi's side was empty and looked at an Xiaoxi with resentment.

Bo Jingyan went to the kitchen and brought out brown sugar ginger tea: "drink it."

"Don't." Ann Xiaoxi felt her head when she smelled the smell now.

She pinched her nose and said, "I don't drink. I'd rather take medicine."

"You can't take medicine and drink a little to prevent a cold."

"I don't want to drink." Ann Xiaoxi still resisted.

Liu Yiyi interrupted: "forget it, don't drink it if Xiaoxi doesn't want to drink it? It's not good to drink. Let Xiaoxi drink more hot water. Xiaoxi won't be so weak. How can she say that she will catch a cold." she was afraid that the world would not be chaotic. If Ann Xiaoxi really willfully didn't drink this bowl of red sugar ginger tea, she would not only make Bo Jingyan angry, but also if she really caught a cold, If the baby in her belly can't be saved, isn't she a step more stable in the Bo family?

But when she finished, Ann Xiaoxi looked at her and was about to see sparks in her eyes. She drank the brown sugar ginger tea: "I didn't dare to drink, Liu Yiyi. Don't think you can laugh at me."

Liu Yiyi twitched at the corners of her mouth. Unexpectedly, her words turned into an exciting method for an Xiaoxi, so she had to be helpless.

The food was just ready in the kitchen.

Three people sat at the table to eat, and the servant filled everyone with a bowl of soup.

The soup is a pigeon soup stewed to take care of Liu Yiyi's injury. It is supplemented with many warm tonics. An Xiaoxi can also drink it.

Liu Yiyi drank the first bowl and naturally handed the empty bowl to an Xiaoxi.

An Xiaoxi got up and took the bowl to serve her soup. Bo Jingyan's eyes followed.

Liu Yiyi enjoyed the feeling of being served by an Xiaoxi. She tilted her head and smiled at Bo Jingyan: "Jingyan, thank you. This pigeon soup is really useful for my arm. My arm can't feel pain. Today, the doctor called and said that I can take off the plaster after the typhoon."

Bo Jingyan withdrew his eyes from an Xiaoxi: "in that case, is your body almost enough?"

Ann Xiaoxi just put the soup bowl in front of Liu Yiyi.

Liu Yiyi immediately understood what Bo Jingyan meant: "yes, I don't need Xiao Xi to help me with these little things in the future. Xiao Xi, thank you for your wholehearted care for me these days."

Ann Xiaoxi looked at Bo Jingyan and didn't speak. She bowed her head and drank her own soup.

After dinner, Bo Jingyan called an Xiaoxi to the study. Liu Yiyi wanted to know what they said, so he secretly followed up.

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