Bo Jingyan frowned slightly. When Liu Yiyi thought he would let go, Bo Jingyan said, "the purpose of this time is to take grandma to play. Grandma doesn't want others. It's just that your body hasn't been cultivated well. After we leave, you can have a good rest at home without pretending to be a servant."

Bo Jingyan was about to leave. Liu Yiyi quickly grabbed his arm and said, "Jing Yan, I want to be with you." her affectionate words were not afraid that Bo Jingyan could not be moved.

Bo Jingyan's cold eyes looked at her hands dragging his arm, slowly pulled it down with the other hand, raised his eyes and said, "Xiaoxi will be unhappy."

Xiao Xi will be unhappy. This sentence is like a sharp sword stabbing Liu Yiyi's heart.

Just because Ann Xiaoxi would be unhappy, he didn't think about himself.

Because I made up with Ann Xiaoxi, so I threw myself away? Do you really wait for them to have children, Bo family, and her foothold?

And all this is because of the appearance of the old woman!

At the moment, Liu Yiyi's hatred for grandma has deepened.

The next morning, Bo Jingyan specially asked Lu Dong to bring a spacious and comfortable business car. The servant put all the packed things on the car.

Ann Xiaoxi waited left and right. She couldn't see grandma coming out. She went into the bedroom to see what happened to grandma.

"Grandma? It's all ready. Why haven't you come out yet?" Ann Xiaoxi put her head in and found that grandma was still in bed.

"Grandma? What's the matter with you?" Ann Xiaoxi ran to the bed worried.

Grandma looked good, but she refused to get up in bed: "Xiao Xi, I suddenly don't want to go."

"Don't want to go? But everything is packed."

"No matter what, I don't want to go anyway. How comfortable it is to lie at home. I don't want to go out." grandma was self willed and didn't say anything.

It was grandma who said she would go yesterday, and it was grandma who said she couldn't go today, but she knew she couldn't reason with grandma. She could only ask tentatively, "grandma, are you really not going? Didn't she say to go out to see the scenery and feel the life outside?"

Grandma shook her head: "don't go, I want to stay at home."

Grandma is like a child. If she changes her mind, Ann Xiaoxi can't help it. She sighed, "well, I'll tell your grandson-in-law to go back to work early."

It's hard for Bo Jingyan to fool around with his grandmother.

Ann Xiaoxi just got up to go and was caught by her grandmother's wrist: "hmm? What's the matter, grandma?"

"Just because I don't go doesn't mean you can't go."


Obviously, Ann Xiaoxi didn't understand what grandma said.

"I don't want to go. You can go with your grandson-in-law."

"He has to be busy with the company. He was going to accompany you. If you don't go, you won't go. It's okay." Ann Xiaoxi thought her grandmother wanted to comfort herself.

I didn't think grandma looked at herself with a despairing eye: "it's rare that he promised to go out and play. I won't go out. You two are a world of two. Besides, the hotel has been booked and the plans have been planned. Don't waste more. Listen to grandma and go!"

"Grandma... Really not." Ann Xiaoxi finally understood grandma's intention, and she wanted to create opportunities for her and Bo Jingyan.

"If you really do it for grandma, listen to grandma, go and have a good time with your grandson-in-law, and come back after playing, otherwise grandma will be angry and unhappy." grandma looked at her seriously.

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