The small reception banquet didn't last long. During this period, Bo Jingyan came and took food for an Xiaoxi several times. She sat quietly in the corner to eat.

I don't know if Bo Jingyan specifically explained it. She sat here and no one came to disturb her.

After eating the cake on the plate in front of her, Ann Xiaoxi began to feel sleepy and took a nap.

When she woke up again, the handsome man woke her up: "Mrs. Bo, Bo is drunk. Let me take you back."

Ann Xiaoxi woke up and found that the banquet had dispersed. Her body was covered with Bo Jingyan's suit.

Bo Jingyan was lying on the table on the other side, as if he was very uncomfortable.

"Thank you, but no, the car is waiting for us outside. Please help me get him on the bus." an Xiaoxi took his suit and got up.

The man helped Bo Jingyan into the car.

In the car, Bo Jingyan frowned and vomited twice.

Finally, when he got home, the servant helped Bo Jingyan back to his room.

Ann Xiaoxi played hot water and wiped his face, hoping that he could breathe more comfortably.

Why drink like this? Her memory, Bo Jingyan has never been drunk at such a party.

What happened this time?

After wiping her face, she wanted to withdraw her hand, and Bo Jingyan grabbed her wrist like an induction.

Bo Jingyan opened his hazy eyes and looked at her: "Xiao Xi... Don't go, okay?"

"I didn't want to go, I just went to pour some water." Ann Xiaoxi wanted to draw back her hand and found that she was gripped by him.

He suddenly used his son's strength to bring an Xiaoxi into his arms. He held her tightly: "Xiaoxi, I'm sorry. I know I'm sorry for you. I'm willing to make up for it in my life. Don't leave me or go, okay?"

Knowing that what he said was drunk, an Xiaoxi's heart still couldn't stop being soft. Let him hold it. Her heart was like being pricked by a needle: "you're drunk."

"Yes, I'm drunk. I'm very upset when I think you're so unhappy these days. I think every day, how can I make you happier? Can I make you come out of grandma's shadow?"

He stretched out his hand and touched her face: "Xiao Xi, don't be unhappy. If you're unhappy, my heart is very uncomfortable. What can I do to make you happier?"

"You don't have to do anything."

Bo Jingyan smiled bitterly, lay down on his back and sighed: "but what I do, you are not happy, not happy..."

Bo Jingyan closed his eyes and frowned deeply. An Xiaoxi smoothed his forehead with his fingertips, and then screwed it up again.

"In fact, you really don't have to do anything, because you're late..." she stroked his warm face, lay on his male chamber, and listened to his powerful beating heart: "I should be nice to you, so that I can tell the child the sweetness between us in the future."


Bo Jingyan seldom gets drunk. After a hangover, he feels like he has a headache. After he gets up, he is stunned for a long time before he gets up. He is still very uncomfortable.

He went downstairs to have a drink. He saw an Xiaoxi busy around the restaurant with an apron.

Seeing him coming down, she raised a big smile: "are you awake? Do you have a headache?"

Looking at her dazzling smile as before, Bo Jingyan was stunned and thought he hadn't sobered up yet.

"Well, I'm a little thirsty," he said tentatively.

An Xiaoxi then turned and handed him the early poured water: "I wanted to bring it for you to drink, and I'm afraid you didn't wake up."

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