She was almost sure that the child was most likely taken away by Bo Jingyan.

She spent more than a week making full preparations abroad, then stood by the roadside, stopped a taxi and reported the address of the airport.

She has booked a flight home this afternoon.

Sitting in the window lighting up the scenery outside the car, an Xiaoxi's eyes are reluctant to give up.

I've only been here for more than half a year. I didn't expect to go back

I like the scenery here, the food here and the local customs here. Now, take all this as a beautiful dream

The man can't help breaking his dream and hurting his two most important people

Anyway, she must find the child! Never stay with Bo Jingyan!


The long flight did not affect an Xiaoxi's physical strength. When she got off the plane, she felt an inexplicable strength.

City a, long time no see.

Breathing the familiar air that has not been seen for a long time, an Xiaoxi dialed the phone of the intermediary she contacted before.

"Miss Lin? Your plane landed, didn't it? I'll show you where you live."

"No, please send me the address. I can go by myself." an Xiaoxi replied.

She insisted on taking a taxi by herself. The intermediary no longer insisted and reported the address of the house.

An Xiaoxi did not rent too expensive a house and avoided the most prosperous area in the city center. Instead, he rented a house in the old city.

She had some savings before, and Su Yan didn't know anything about her. She had already told her her her bank card password in case of need.

Now, more than half of the money has been thrown into the expensive nursing home, and some of the identity information used to fake.

After careful calculation, an Xiaoxi found that the remaining money in her hand could pay for up to three months in addition to rent, utilities and daily expenses.

In other words, she must find a competent and well paid job as soon as possible.

Fortunately, more than half of the money can support half a year, plus the remaining three months, there is still a full nine months.

Thinking about the next plan in her heart, she took a taxi alone to the address sent by the intermediary.

It was an older community. Each building had only five floors, not even an elevator. The house she rented was on the second floor, which was not high.

According to the intermediary, she found the key, and Ann Xiaoxi opened the door and went in.

The house is not big, about 70 square meters, and there are all kinds of furniture and appliances. It is an Xiaoxi's request to find a house early in the morning.

The owner of the house was originally an old couple. All the furniture showed a simple smell. There were many landscape calligraphy and paintings on the wall. It is said that the old man who lived here made them himself.

After walking around the house, an Xiaoxi was very satisfied with the house.

After a simple cleaning up, an Xiaoxi opened the laptop she brought back and quickly browsed the right job.

Quickly input the words "imperial group" in the search bar, and an Xiaoxi couldn't stop browsing.

"Imperial group" usually only recruits in specific seasons, and the entry conditions are harsh. Although there are many posts to be recruited, each recruit only one or two, but the applicants are crowded out.

The mouse stopped at the item of "copy editing and writing", and an Xiaoxi frowned and meditated.

It seems that only this position is suitable for you

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